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4 fundamental steps before to start a campaign

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Presentation on theme: "4 fundamental steps before to start a campaign"— Presentation transcript:

1 4 fundamental steps before to start a campaign
Global Marcom meeting 4 fundamental steps before to start a campaign Lourens Kwakman, Manager Lifestart chain proposition & end user engagement GM Ruminants

2 Let me first introduce myself
44 years old 20 years online & offline marketing management experience in B2C & B2B Strategy Director A’dam based digital marketing consultancy agency July 2013 – May 2015 Marketing Manager Sloten BV May 2015: Manager Chain Proposition & end user engagement Global Marketing Ruminants

3 The workprocess of today & tomorrow
3 groups FOS Pulmosure-case and 3 groups Nutriopt poultry case Each group gets 1 USB consisting of assignment templates with explanations in which you can work in 15 minute presentations tomorrow per group judged by a professional jury! Jury will select a winner per case and each groupmember will be awarded 

4 Casegroups Nutri-Opt 4 USB-sticks uitdelen Opdrachtslides
Ppt willeke (campaigning) Ppt Lourens (4 steps & content mkt) 4 4

5 Casegroups FOS Pulmosure
USB-sticks uitdelen Opdrachtslides Ppt willeke (campaigning) Ppt Lourens (4 steps & content mkt) 5 5

6 Jury scorecard case 6 USB-sticks uitdelen Opdrachtslides
Ppt willeke (campaigning) Ppt Lourens (4 steps & content mkt) 6 6

7 Workshop 1 (11.30-12.15) 7 USB-sticks uitdelen Opdrachtslides
Ppt willeke (campaigning) Ppt Lourens (4 steps & content mkt) 7 7

8 Workshop 2 (13.15–14.00) 8 USB-sticks uitdelen Opdrachtslides
Ppt willeke (campaigning) Ppt Lourens (4 steps & content mkt) 8 8

9 Overall moderators Jac Bergman (Farm-O-San case)
Mirella van de Sant (Nutriopt case) Lourens Kwakman (4 steps campaign structure) 9 9

10 Agenda 1 2 3 4 Step 1: smart objectives Step 2: profiling targetgroup
Step 3: value proposition 4 Step 4: setting up a campaign

11 Why first a strategic fundament?

12 Because... …only a nice jacket doesn’t bring a strong message!

13 Some thoughts Marketing is not to dress up and look fancy
Marketing is no empty jacket – it should offer content Marketing supports the business – it also leads the business Effective sales is impossible without Marketing Effective Marketing is impossible without Sales effort Without Marketing: no strong brand Without Sales: no market position

14 Difference Marketing – Sales
Go to Market Sales Go to Customer

15 Step 0: Market information – case situation
Local market information is key before we can start with step 1 Available on USB-stick

16 Step 1: Setting SMART objectives


18 Accountability M&S Focus M&S In order to realize successful and realistic M&S campaigns

19 Selecting market segments
Start with Selecting market segments 19 19

20 Selecting market segments
New Competing in current prospect CMR markets Substitution of whole milk = xx % growth of prospect market Markets / Segments 40  50 kg per calf = +20 % growth of current customer market Bestaande markt/nieuwe productpropositie (kwadrant rechtsonder). Toepassing concept Life Start sets Life Performance gaat leiden tot verhoogd gebruik van kalvermelk onder bestaande klanten. Nieuwe markt/bestaand product (kwadrant linksboven).Groeien tov concurrenten door betere en slimmere marktbewerking. Nieuwe markt/nieuwe productpropositie (kwadrant rechtsboven). Concept Life Start voor nieuwe markten dat moet leiden tot nieuwe omzet in koemelksegment. Actual Actual New Product/ Value proposition

21 Select market segment Select for your case 1 core market segment and develop sales & marketing objectives 21 21

22 Marketing & sales objectives examples
I want 10% of the total whole milk farmers > 80 cows converted to FOS Pulmosure within 12 months

23 Marketing & Sales objectives examples
I want 25% of the current FOS Colostrum customers transfer to FOS Pulmosure

24 Marketing & Sales objectives examples
50% of all new acquired customers I want to have registered on the FOS E-newsletter

25 Marketing & Sales objectives examples
I want to build the TN poultry brand awareness at C-level at the two biggest meat integrators in Germany with Nutri-Opt proposition EOY 2016.

26 Marketing & Sales objectives examples
I want to get one of the two meat poultry integrators being our new customer for Nutri-Opt EOY 2016.

27 Action 1: Setting SMART objectives

28 Step 2: Profiling your target group

29 Profiling target group
Farmer main target audience? Select the right farmer persona

30 Main target profiles the cow man (‘Caring’)
Mindset: Extremely hardworking and dedicated. Well organized and attentive to hygiene, welfare, feeding and cow comfort. His cows are the center of his attention. Attached to his cows and has strong bonds with them, often names them. Personalized treatment for each of his cows. Values good farming and preserves his tradition and practices. Overall how do I define success? When I get good cows who produce good milk When I am recognized for my craftmanship and the quality of my cows When I give my all and the best that I can afford to my cows When I enjoy what I am doing on a daily basis When my cows are healthy and happy When my fellow farmers confirm that my cows are top-notch What do I need to achieve my goal? Healthy cows – products that enhances the health and welfare of my cows Partners that I can trust and offer support and assistance 24/7 A reliable and trustworthy partnership with a like- minded vet Trusted animal healthcare solutions A farming decision, support and guidance provider Name: Phillip Age: 40 Role: Top breeder with his champion cow on the picture. Farms together with his father a high performance herd. Seeks top consultants (e.g. Vet Nutritionist)

31 Main target profiles the Intensive farmer (‘Maximum performing’)
Mindset: He works with methodological – structured processes. Sees himself as a smart manager more than a farmer. He appreciates special managerial competences. He is updated and aware about the innovation and latest technologies in animal health solutions and farming techniques. He believes only top performers will survive – so he aims for it. He believes in the power of knowledge Overall how do I define success? When I attain my production objectives By having the highest profit on land and capital When I get the highest production from my cows When I get better productivity with less time and resources When I attain the best farming standards When my fellow farmers see my farm as the benchmark What do I need to achieve my goal? The latest knowledge and information about innovations in dairy farming Data and studies proving me right An efficient vet who knows about the latest innovations I use Products to get the best performance from my calves & cows When I make the right investment decisions for my farm Name: Patrick Age: 38 Role: New school farmer

32 Main target profiles the Business farmer (Growing)
Overall how do I define success? When I possess the biggest farm around When I make the good strategical decisions that will increase my business size When my farm grows in size and I have more and more cows to manage When my production is important enough for me to have an impact on the value chain What do I need to achieve my goal ? Concepts and models that enable me to focus on expansion Protocolls which increase control of the farm processes. Cost-effective solutions that will optimise my cows management Support and consultancy on which products I should use to grow my cows Mindset: He sees himself as a business man – an entrepreneur – possessed by the drive of growing its business. He is shrewd and proud and does not hesitate to take strategic business decisions that impacts middle and long-terms. He loves to be in control. He relies on technical concepts and protocols and they have to function. Cows have to fit in the concepts and are replaceable. He is willing to invest in new products or services as long as it expands his business and increase control. Name: John Age: 40 Role: 3rd generation farmer.

33 Profiling target group
Complex DMU structure?

34 CEO/Investors dairy farms
DMU Pyramid example CEO/Investors dairy farms Purchasing manager Herd manager Workers (milkers, etc.)

35 Initiator Influencer User Decision maker
Decision Making Unit terrain map example Initiator Influencer Herd manager Herd manager Worker; calf feeder Purchasing manager User Decision maker Worker; calf feeder CEO/Investor Purchasing manager Worker; milker

36 Decision making unit structure
Define your main DMU to whom we will be communicating to and setting up campaigns for Define ‘pains & pleasures’ of your DMU

37 Action 2 Define your farmer persona or other DMU
Define pains & pleasures of your persona

38 Grid defining most important P & P and themes
DMU Pains Pleasures Important themes to connect with (input campaign message) Farmer persona CEO/Investor Purchasing manager

39 Step 3: value proposition

40 Value proposition An offer tailored to the end user needs which contributes to short and long term profits

41 Question: What does the farmer buy?
Just an essential oil that supports breathing and clearing of the airways?

42 A farmer gets much more! Farmers do not buy just Pulmosure
Farmers get: Support Knowledge (offline/online) Convenience Healthy calves Better performance Higher profits Problem-free rearing Working pleasure!

43 Question: What does the integrator buy?
Just a precision feeding tool?

44 An integrator gets much more!
Integrators do not buy just Nutriopt Integrators get: access to the latest nutritional science data and technology tools to tailor feeding strategies to obtain the most optimal technical as economical performance. Support to maintain competitive edge The result: Precise feeding  improved profitability Reduces risk (decisions made of facts rather then assumptions) Simplifies the decision making process (all available in one system)

45 Value proposition Are we offering the right additional services & tools for your end user?

46 Action 3 In action 2 you have defined the pains/pleasures for your targetgroup for which solutions are needed. Brainstorm about content/tools/services what can add value to the physical product (less the case at Nutri-Opt)

47 Value proposition: brainstorm grid
DMU Content topics Tools Services Farmer persona CEO/Investor Purchasing manager

48 Step 4: setting up a campaign

49 What have you done so far?

50 Selected a market segment and set objectives
1 Selected a market segment and set objectives

51 Selected a farmer persona and defined explicit pains to be solved
2 Selected a farmer persona and defined explicit pains to be solved

52 3 Defined added values

53 Strategic fundamentals to set up a campaign

54 4 Communicate!

55 5 steps to design a crossmedia campaign for your case

56 Different kind of campaigns possible
1 Define campaign theme Different kind of campaigns possible Content campaign (‘Whole milk vs CMR’, ‘Colostrum’, (‘Online Profit Calculator’) Sales campaign (discount/volume) Event campaign (‘come to our VIP-event ‘Nutrition by the numbers’) Branding campaign (create awareness)

57 2 Define SMART campaign objectives
Accountable marketing!

58 3 Define your content strategy
‘The future of advertising is content’

59 4 Define media channels: to reach, interact and connect with farmers

60 5 Storytelling Tell your campaign story and explain per buying phase (pre-purchase/purchase/(post purchase)) what content you offer to your end user via which media channel.

61 Map your campaign story
Buying phase Content types Media channels Message (per channel) Pre purchase Purchase Post Purchase

62 Action 4: Map your campaign story
Buying phase Content types Media channels Message (per channel) Pre purchase Purchase Post Purchase

63 Things to be aware of/to consider
Before buying a product/service a farmer (like a consumer) will run through a complex decision making process. Farm advisors (Feed rep/nutritionist/vet) are very important

64 Some key learnings 5 steps Sprayfo
Excellent result in terms of online lead generation/collecting farm data & engagement But, limited proof to make the sales conversion tangible: Distributors were not included for sales follow up. Marketing & salesdept Sprayfo did not dance the tango together resulting in limited focus on generated leads

65 Some key learnings TN GB PL-Lifestart sessions
Successfully engaged their distribution channel and farm influencers (vet practice meetings) with LifeStart Some good sales success due to farm influence at point of sale by their distributors But they could have generated more interest, leads and potentially sales if they had invested in an online lead generation campaign


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