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Miss Davis’s Class Information

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1 Miss Davis’s Class 2017-2018 Information

2 Welcome While you wait for us to start you can do the following:
Sign into your child’s chrome book and google account Fill out any permission form that you have not turned in yet (Acceptable Use, Photo Release, Google Account, Classroom Electronics)

3 Background






9 Schedule

10 Grading Students will be assessed on a scale aligned to our district’s Standards Report. Mastery of the standards is achieved when students demonstrate that they can apply acquired knowledge and skills consistently over time to support future learning. Students will demonstrate their application of these skills and understanding through class assessments, assignments and projects and other indicators.

11 Attendance You can’t do the work, if you aren’t here!
5 parent excused absences are allowed 3 tardies = 1 absence 5 unexcused absence = Notice of attendance letter 8 unexcused absences = Citation letter & Truancy letter 10 unexcused absences = 2nd Citation letter & PAC

12 Weekly Newsletter

13 Homework Math page of review problems
Monday through Thursday Independent Reading 30 min. 5x a week Practice spelling and vocabulary words Test on Friday Unfinished classroom work 5th Grade Projects

14 Required 5th Grade Projects
Memorize all 50 States and Capitals Explorer Biography Cereal Box Writer’s Olympics Story Animal Report and Presentation Star Reader Wax Museum American Hero Event

15 Optional Projects Flag Corps Science Fair Spelling Bee Great Brain
Great American Challenge Choir Satch Patch

16 Birthdays In lieu of treats, children in my class are invited to bring a favorite book to add to our class library. I will give them a few minutes to either tell about the book or read a short excerpt. If you choose to bring a treat, please be aware that we have a student with a peanut allergy.

17 Topics of Study Science Social Studies
Inherited Traits and Animal Adaptations Physical and Chemical Changes Earth Science—Land forms, volcanoes, earthquakes, plate tectonics, weathering & erosion Social Studies Colonization of America, Revolutionary War, Western Expansion, Civil War, Industrial Revolution and Inventions, 20th Century America Junior Achievement Biztown, American Geography

18 Eclipse Eclipse safe glasses Activity/Lesson
Remind about safety precautions—not looking towards the sun without glasses

19 Class Website 028/index0028.html

20 Partnering with Parents
Questions Talking Reading Book Clubs Mentors Field Trips/JA City

21 Parent Communication Class Dojo Remind
If you haven’t connected onto Class Dojo yet, check the paper on your student’s desk. Remind Enter this number on your phone 81010 Text this message @be2e99 Or

22 Donations I really appreciate your donations of school supplies. These supplies aid the children in their learning experience at Wasatch. No child will be denied educational opportunities for failure to donate class funds of supplies. We are asking for donations of $25 per child to help fund special projects this year. ($2 per child) JA City Biztown field trip ($10 per child) Utah State Capital and Leonardo Museum field trip ($10 per child) Christmas Around the World ($3 per child) Cultural Experiences that come to our attention (? Per child)

23 Growth Mindset mQ

24 Technology Cell phones (smart watches) need to be turned off or silenced and kept in backpack during the school day. Students are not allowed to take pictures or make recordings without their teacher’s prior permission. No fidget spinners are allowed at school.

25 Student Logins Google Account Powerschool MobyMax/Prodigy Utah Compose

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