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Resilience – from an Individual’s Perspective

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1 Resilience – from an Individual’s Perspective
Bob Whorton: Chaplain, Sir Michael Sobell House, Oxford

2 Resilience

3 Living with uncertainty
Resilience Engaging with our vulnerability Faith in a God who is for us

4 He brought me out into a spacious place. Psalm 18.19



7 Lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Psalm 61.2b


9 Sparrow ‘Fear not; you are worth more than any number of sparrows’ Matthew 10 v 31 You are my sparrow. Yes, there are lots more But you are mine. I have been watching you, Know you are afraid. Come and let me hold you, smooth your wings Feel your racing heart I have made a hollow of my palm. Settle in and rest. My other hand will cover you, fingers parted so you can look out Until you feel so safe you fall asleep. Then I will keep you, Wait until I feel you stir and stretch, Open out my hands, watch you fly. Averil Stedeford





14 ‘what if I should discover that the least amongst them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of the offenders, the very enemy himself – that these are within me, and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness – that I myself am the enemy who must be loved – what then?’ (From: ‘Dr C G Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul’)

15 Unless a grain of wheat…

16 B=Bob G=Ground B Hallo G Hallo my friend B Thank you for calling me friend. I need to hear that. G Let yourself fall to me. Fall very gently, like a feather. But fall nonetheless. Then let me take your weight. B That’s good. G Let yourself spread out. Reach out your arms. You are safe. B Don't drop me! G I won't. I've got you. B I could rest here for a while G Do you feel all the arms under you? B Arms? G The arms of all those who have ever loved you and listened carefully, so carefully to you … B Oh! Yes, I think I can feel them. The attention they gave me … the space to explore and just to be … thank you!



19 We can be there for one another



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