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Published byTabitha Crystal Willis Modified over 7 years ago
Workforce Performance Report December 2016
Mike McEnaney Director of Finance
Temporary Staffing Spend
Agency spend in December showed little change over the previous month, however, only Additional Clinical Services and Registered Nursing showed a slight increase in staffing. Agency spend across all other staffing groups reduced. There has been a steady decrease in NHSI agency overrides as the demand over the Christmas period was not as high as expected. Agency spend was 79% above the ceiling set by NHSI. Work has now been completed on the new agency framework for Clinical and medical staff which start to be used in January. This Month: 11.04% £2.072m Last Month: 12.32% £2.189m Last Year: 10.77% £1.932m Reduction Reduction
Temporary Staffing Spend
There has been a slight increase in the number of temporary staffing hours requested through the centralised bank, particularly requesting agency staff. Due to a significant drop in bank spend across the adult directorate, their agency spend went up. Overall, temporary staffing spend showed a decrease on the previous month. There are currently 139 workers engaged on agency lines of work. It was noticed that several of lines of work, flexible workers and agency did not work over the Christmas period. The top contributors to agency spend, which is 79.31% above the NHSI ceiling are, Kestrel, Highfield and Bucks South Community Team. Recruitment for Flexible Workers should commence at the beginning of February 2017 once new members of the Staffing Solutions team are trained.
Vacancy The Vacancy rate has increased slightly over the last two months but still remains below the 9.0% Trust target at 8.5%. The increase in December has been driven by the demand for Medical Staff. Target: 9.00% This Month: 8.50% Last Month: 7.60% Last Year: 10.1%
Sickness Sickness has seen a significant increase over the last three months to stand above target at 4.94% in December. This is being driven by a marked increase in short-term episodes of Cold/Flu and longer-term incidents of Stress/Anxiety. The increase has been experienced by all the Directorates. Target: 3.50% This Month: 4.94% Last Month: 3.83% Last Year: 4.36%
Turnover The Turnover figure has increased slightly from 14.56% in November to 14.6% in December. However, both the Older Peoples and Children and Young Peoples Directorates did see a decrease in month. The primary driver for the increase has been the turnover in Medical Staff since August 2016. Target: 12.00% This Month: 14.60% Last Month: 14.56% Last Year: 14.22%
Recruitment Report
with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce White: 84.3%
WRES Update – January 2017 Indicator 2016 WRES Agreed action Plan Update Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce White: 84.3% BME:14.1% Not stated: 1.6% This will be kept under review by effective workforce planning and incorporated into workforce strategy. E&D Lead and Recruitment SHRBP to discuss steps towards positive action and how managers and Recruitment can use Positive Action measures. Board will need to consider Positive Action measures particularly with reference to forthcoming senior appointments (HR Director, Service Director). NHS Jobs data shows: 69% of job applicants were White 27.7% of job applicants were from other ethnic origins 3.2% of job applicants declined to disclose their ethnicity In December 2016 there were 62 new starters. Of these 40% were White; 60% were from other ethnic origins Relative likelihood of staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts. Relative likelihood of White staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME staff times greater. Continue to train managers involved in the recruitment process. Continue to review recruitment process proportionality by each key stage of the process. Continue regular reviews by E&D Lead and Recruitment SHRBP. Plan accordingly 73% of applicants shortlisted for interview were White 22.1% of applicants shortlisted were from other ethnic origins 4.3% of shortlisted candidates declined to disclose
measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation.
WRES Update – January 2017 Indicator 2016 WRES Agreed action Plan Update Relative likelihood of staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation. Relative likelihood of BME staff entering disciplinary process compared to White staff: 4.64 times greater Extended session on Equality at Trust induction Introduction of Unconscious Bias training. Preliminary review at the earliest possible stage of any disciplinary process to ascertain if there are cultural issues that could be addressed outside the formal procedure. Conduct – 67% of disciplinary cases involved White staff, 33% were staff in other groups Current staffing is White: 83% Other: 17% Relative likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD. Relative likelihood of White staff accessing non-mandatory training compare to BME staff: 1.18 times greater Action for L&D to review in 2016 Helen Green reviewing but believes that ethnicity is not known by L&D Stepping Up programme for Bands 5 – 7: D Leveson to discuss with H Green about how to get Trust support and communications
%age of staff experiencing bullying from patients , relatives
WRES Update – January 2017 Indicator 2016 WRES Agreed action Plan Update %age of staff experiencing bullying from patients , relatives White: 28.67% BME: 27.35% Line managers to continue to address concerns locally. Plans to set up network of ‘Fair Treatment at Work’ Facilitators under way. Fair Treatment Facilitator training in October 2016 2016 survey result: 26% reported experiencing %age of staff experiencing bullying from staff White: 22.98% BME: 26.87% Line managers to continue to address concerns locally. A toolkit to allow managers to work with teams to address issues of local concern arising from staff survey has been implemented and feedback requested in September in the form of "You Said...We Did" Plans to set up network of ‘Fair Treatment at Work’ Facilitators under way. Mixed response from Directorates on staff survey action plans. 2016 results indicate average of 15% did report experiencing bullying by colleagues. Average 88% did not report experiencing bullying by managers. Fair Treatment Facilitator training October 2016 %age of staff believing the Trust provides equal opportunities White: 88.8% BME: 70.51% November 2016: Mo has commenced discussions with BME staff working in services about their experiences. Report in due course.
%age of staff experiencing discrimination at work (continued)
WRES Update – January 2017 Indicator 2016 WRES Agreed action Plan Update %age of staff experiencing discrimination at work (continued) White: 6.12% BME: 16.37% As above, line managers to continue to address concerns locally. A toolkit to allow managers to work with teams to address issues of local concern arising from staff survey is available. Plans to set up network of ‘Fair Treatment at Work’ Facilitators under way. E&D Lead in conjunction with HR and L&D will explore options for schemes to coach, mentor and provide shadowing opportunities at work to support the career advancement of staff from BME backgrounds. Casework data at 20/12/16: – 67% of Dignity at Work claims were made by White staff, 33% were made by staff in other ethnic groups. Grievance – 100% of grievances were brought by White staff Performance – 83% of staff being performance managed were White, 17% were in other ethnic groups
%age of staff experiencing discrimination at work (continued)
WRES Update – January 2017 Indicator 2016 WRES Agreed action Plan Update %age of staff experiencing discrimination at work (continued) E&D Lead to explore options for WRES Roadshow/ event during Black History Month Board to consider options to increase diversity (Associate Director role) Exec approved proposal to hold a series of roadshows celebrate Black History month (Oct 2016). Also to ensure BME staff were made aware of these events, including Linking Leaders in September and be offered the opportunity to attend. KR to discuss with the Comms team picking up on the positive stories November Remuneration and Nomination Committee of the Council of Governors met to discuss succession planning in connection with NED departures on the Board in 2017 and early 2018. The concept of the associate director role was supported in principle with further clarity being required about the role before it could be progressed further. It was agreed that the priority should be to address the equality imbalance on the Board amongst voting directors, and that the recruitment process should include robust efforts to attract candidates from BME groups
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