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IES Advanced Training Institute on Single-Case Research Methods

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1 IES Advanced Training Institute on Single-Case Research Methods
Research Questions Rob Horner and Wendy Machalicek

2 Your Roles Following the Institute
Scholars defining new knowledge for the field Design, conduct and report single-case studies Principal Investigators for funded projects and centers Write (fund) and conduct externally funded research that includes single-case studies Journal reviewers and editors Review single-case research reports for major journals Grant reviewers Serve on grant-review panels for federal funders Instructors of new scholars/ methods curriculum Teach single-case methods to new scholars

3 Objectives: After this module participants will be able to:
Write research questions that include four critical features Link research questions and graphic displays of single-case studies.

4 Research Questions Dependent variable:
Four Elements: Dependent variable: The valued outcome(s) or focus of the study Independent variable The variable(s) that is actively manipulated by the researcher and is assumed to be causally linked to change in the dependent variable Functional relation (causal relationship) Documentation of description, prediction and control of change in dependent variable via manipulation of the independent variable. Predicted change in pattern of the DV Level, trend, variability…… immediacy of effect

5 Research Question Examples
Is there a functional relation between reading fluency instruction and increased level of scores on reading comprehension assessments? Write a Research Question Improved gait for children with gait imbalance (Gait Precision Index: GPI)= DV Walking in water = IV “Is there a functional relation between water walking training and improved gait (as measured by increased GPI score) for children with gait imbalance? Identify (a) DV, (b) IV, (c) Functional Relation, and (d) expected pattern in the research question below: Is there a functional relation between use of escape-extinction and reduction in the level of escape-motivated food refusal?

6 Research Question non- Examples (what is missing?)
The study will provide a systematic analysis of the reduction in the rate of stuttering by adolescents. Self-delivered consequences are a core element of any analysis of self-determination, and will be the focus of this research investigation. Missing: Independent Variable, Functional Relation Missing: Functional Relation, Pattern

7 Examples: Transform Basic Questions to Precise Questions
Does functional communication training (FCT) affect problem behavior? Is “time-delay prompting” effective in teaching self-help skills for young children with severe intellectual disabilities? Is there a functional relation between implementation of functional communication training (FCT) and reduction in the level and intensity of problem behavior? Is there a functional relation between instruction using time-delay prompting and the speed and precision of self-help skill acquisition by young children with severe intellectual disabilities?

8 Linking Research Question to SCD Graphs
Dependent variable is typically presented on the y-axis of a single case graph Independent variable is typically presented in the phase labels of a single case graph. Functional relation is presented in the design layout Does the design allow for three demonstrations of effect? Predicted pattern of change is inferred from the Baseline Baseline data pattern needs to document “the problem”

9 What is IV. What is DV. Is Study able to document Experimental Control
What is IV? What is DV? Is Study able to document Experimental Control? What is expected pattern of effect? Hart, J. E. & Whalon, K. J. (2012). Using Video Self-Modeling Via iPads to Increase Academic Responding of an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual disability. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 47(4),

10 1. Which study below used “the good behavior game” as the independent variable? What was the dependent variable for Study A? Answers Study B Percent of observation intervals with problem behavior STUDY A STUDY B

11 Write the research question for the study below.
Answer Is there a functional relation between “instruction-level placement” and reduction in the level of problem behavior during instruction?

12 Evaluation Questions 1. What are the four features of a precise research question (check of all that apply)? ___ Independent variable ___ Dependent variable ___ Functional relation (experimental) ___ Dimension or pattern of change predicted

13 Evaluation Questions 2. What is missing from the research question below: (check all that apply) “Is there a functional relation associated with functional communication training? ___ Independent variable ___ Dependent variable ___ Functional Relation ___ Dimension or pattern of expected change

14 Evaluation Questions What research question is addressed in the graph below?
Is there a functional relation between “instruction-level placement” and reduction in the level of observed intervals with problem behavior? What is the impact of instruction with tasks at the frustration-level of difficulty? What is the link between problem behavior and instruction? Is there a functional relation between curriculum materials and problem behavior?

15 Evaluation Questions 3. What research question is addressed in the graph below?
___ Is there a functional relation between contingent reinforcement and academic engagement? ___ Is PTR more effective than Baseline? ___ Is there a functional relation between use of Follow-up and increase in engagement over baseline? ___ Is there a functional relation between use of PTR and an increase in the percentage of intervals coded with academic engagement?

16 Evaluation Questions 4. What research question is addressed in the graph below?
___ Is there a functional relation between video-based instruction and problem behavior? ___ Is there a functional relation between use of VSM iPad and increased frequency of correct, unprompted responses? ___ Are iPads functional training tools? ___ Is there a functional relation between explicit instruction and improved frequency of academic responding?

17 Evaluation Question 5. In the research question below, place an “IV” over the independent variable, a “DV” over the dependent variable, a “FR” over the focus on a functional relation, and a “P” over the description of expected pattern. “ Is there a functional relation between use of General Case Programming, and an increase in the level of % Items Correct within academic probe tests using non- trained items?”

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