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Documenting and automating your work

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Presentation on theme: "Documenting and automating your work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Documenting and automating your work

2 Keeping track of your work
It’s tedious It’s important It’s a favor to collaborators and to future you

3 Consistent file and folder naming
General theme: Scale ruins all informality. Think ahead! Consider: Project name or acronym Archive or collection information (if applicable) Researcher initials Date (consistently formatted, i.e. YYYYMMDD) Version number (with leading zeros) File and folder names should be consistent but unique Quick find-and-sort Avoid special characters

4 Date tip vs. BAM Co-Exp Run 01 20140904.txt
Run 1 B anth meth Sept 4 .txt BAM Rxn _09_04.txt _meth_3.txt

5 Choosing a controlled vocabulary
Take the guess work out of choosing between: a preferred spelling behavior vs behaviour a scientific or popular term pig vs porcine vs Sus scrofa domesticus determining which synonym to use record vs entry determining which abbreviation to use (if you have to) USA vs US click through to see the animation

6 Example organization spring17\university_of_earthish\joe_human_papers\jhp_letters \jhp_diaries \jhp_clippings \jhp_photos …\...\letters\jhp_box1 \jhp_box2 \jhp_box3 …\...\...\jhp_box1\jhp_1_notes.txt \jhp_1_meta.csv \jhp_1_1_1.jpg \jhp_1_1_2.jpg \jhp_1_1_3.jpg

7 Data documentation continuum
Informal ReadMe Formal Schema Low-Barrier Low-Quality High-Quality High-Barrier Fast Easy Irregular Incomplete Standardized Rich Slow Skilled

8 Documentation Content
Project Dataset Data file Datum Detail How data was gathered Detail How you manipulated it How you analyzed it

9 Levels to document Project Dataset: Data files: Data point:
What was done, with what tools, to what Dataset: Manifest of files Data files: Contents and file names Data point: Codebook of text content, units

10 Minimum viable documentation
Documentation does not need to be: A dissertation Overly detailed Documentation should be: Enough information that others can make sense of your data later

11 Creating metadata Store info about your data (the metadata) with your data Built in metadata functionality: Equipment: cell phones, cameras, scanners Software: Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop Common metadata tools: Spreadsheet software Text editors

12 Examples of Documentation
Readme Files Text files that provides basic information about a dataset, such as: Manifest of files and folders Author, year, associated publication as appropriate Explanation of naming conventions Relationship between directory structure and the data Data Dictionaries/Codebooks “Provides a detailed description of each element or variable in your dataset”

13 Annotate your workflow
Take a few minutes, look at the workflow you created earlier and brainstorm/imagine how you would: Organize the files you will create Name files/folders Document your work

14 Intro to the command line
We’re going to try our hand at a little web scraping with a Python script later, and to get ready, we’ll be talking about the command line next. This is what the Bash shell on Mac computers (called Terminal), looks like. We’ll go into a bit more detail in the next few slides.

15 Background Command line interfaces / Shells On Mac: Terminal
On Windows: Command Prompt The command line is a text-based interface that takes in commands and passes them on to the computer's operating system to run in order to accomplish a wide range of tasks. The interface is usually implemented with a shell. On Mac computers, we usually use a shell called Terminal. On Windows computers, the command line interface is Command Prompt, but there could also be other shells available depending on your version of Windows. These shells can be different from each other.

16 Unix shell Unix Mac: Terminal Windows: May be Unix Bash = Unix shell
Depends on version of Windows Alternatives: Cygwin, a unix-like shell for Windows GitBash Bash = Unix shell **We’re going to use the built-in Bash console environment of Python Anywhere OR Terminal on your Mac** May be Unix Unix-like The Terminal shell on Mac is a Bash shell, which is native to Unix. Therefore, you can run Unix commands on Terminal. However, the shell on a Windows system may or may not be a Bash shell, depending on your version, so it may or may not be able to run Unix commands. If you have a Windows computer and find you need a Unix-like shell, we recommend downloading Cygwin, which is a Unix-like shell for Windows. You can also try Git BASH, another a Unix-like shell. To avoid systems issues, and to keep you from downloading software, we’re using a web-based command line interface program called PythonAnywhere that has built-in Bash consoles.

17 Tips for working in a shell
Directory = folder Case, spaces, and punctuation matter Tab to autocomplete a line Hit up/down arrow to see last commands entered Before we start looking at some basic Bash commands, here are some basic tips for working in a shell: A directory is essentially a folder, so when you need to “change directories” it’s like clicking from “Desktop” to “Downloads”. Cases, spaces, and punctuation matter. If you get an error, check first to make sure you entered the command correctly. Be especially careful about spaces. Hitting tab while you are typing on the command line attempts to finish the command or file name you are entering. This is particularly helpful when you need to type in long file names. Hitting the up arrow will cycle through the last commands you entered, but will not allow you to move between lines in a multi-line command. You will need to use the sideways arrows to navigate one command.

18 Basic Bash commands pwd – See which directory you’re in pwd
ls – List the files and directories ls –l mkdir – Make a directory mkdir project1 less – View, but not edit a file; hit “q” to quit viewing less README.txt mv – Rename a file mv README.txt README1.txt cd – Change directory cd /home (INSTRUCTOR MAY DEMO THE COMMANDS) Now let’s look at some basic Bash commands. The “pwd” command shows you which directory you’re in. The “ls” command shows you all your files and directories. If you type in “ls –l”, the results will be displayed in a list. Use the “mkdir” command to make a new directory. Type in “mkdir” followed by a space and then what you want to call your new directory, for example “mkdir project1”. The “less” command lets you view but not edit a file. The contents of the file will be displayed directly in the window. Hit “q” to quit viewing. ex. less README.txt Use the “mv” command to rename a file. The general structure is: “mv” + space + “original file name” + space + “new file name”. ex. mv README.txt README1.txt The “cd” commands lets you change the directory you are in. ex. cd /home

19 PDFtk
Command-line tool for working with PDFs Bulk rename Join files Auto-rotate Example: Remove page 1 from pdf pdftk awakening_orig.pdf cat 2-12 output awakening_new.pdf

20 SourceCaster
Suggested Bash command for working with files (in bulk!) Change file type Change file names Scrape files from the web Download the dependencies! Example: rename all files ending with .txt extension for file in *.pdf; do mv "$file" "${file/new/}"; done

21 Tesseract
Command-line Optical Character Recognition tool Works with TIFF

22 Additional resources Unclean, unclean! What historians can do about sharing our messy research data historians-can-do-about-sharing-our-messy-research-data/ Embarrassments of Riches: Managing Research Assets assets/ Camera, laptop, and what else?: Hacking better tools for the short archival research trip Preserving your Research Data

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