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Phase Equilibrium UNIT-III Topics of Chapter:
Statement and meaning of Phase, component and degree of freedom. Derivation of Gibbs phase rule. Phase equilibrium of one component systems-water, cabon dioxide and sulphur System. Phase equilibrium of two component systems-Bi-Cd system, Pb-Ag system, desilverisation of lead. Solid Solutions- compound formation with congruent melting point(Mg-Zn) and incongruent melting point (NaCl- H2O) system.
Phase Equilibrium For a heterogeneous system in equilibrium
F = C- P +2 F = number of degree of freedom C = number of components and P = number of phases Phase : Any homogenous, physically distinct and mechanical separable portion of a system which is separated from other such part of a system by definite boundary surface.
Phase Equilibrium A system may contain one or more than one phase
i) A system containing only liquid water is a one component system or P =1 ii) a system containing liquid water and water vopour is a two component system or P =2 iii) A system containing ice, liquid water and water vapour is a three component system or P =3 Component: The minimum number of independent phase can be expressed either directly or in form of chemical equation, negative or zero sign being permitted.
Phase Equilibrium Examples: i) Water system consists of equilibrium
Ice Water Vopour (solid) (Liquid) Gaseous) It is a one component system because the composition of the three phases can be expressed as water. ii) Sulphur System consists of four phases- monoclinic(s), Rhombic(s), liquid(l) and vapours(g) is also one component system iii) Decomposition of CaCO3 by heat can be expressed CaCO3(s) CaO (s) + CO2(g)
Phase Equilibrium There are three different constituents forming three
different phases. But the composition of each phase can be expressed in terms of two of constituents. Degree of Freedom: the smallest number of independently variables such as pressure , temperature and concentration that can be varied without disturbing the number of phases present in equilibrium For examples: i) Ice ,water and vapour system: This system has no degree of freedom or in other word it is invariant i.e. F=o
Phase Equilibrium ii) Water – Vapour system: This system has only one degree of freedom or in other words, it is invariant i.e. F=1. ii) For a gas : This system has two degree of freedom or it is bi variant. Equilibrium: A system is said to be in equilibrium if the properties like temperature, composition etc of various phases do not under go any change with time. These equilibrium may be of two types True Equilibrium: Which is obtained from either direction For example: the equilibrium between ice and water at I atm.
Phase Equilibrium pressure and Oo C is a true equilibrium
Metastable Equilibrium : a state of system which can be obtained only from one direction and too very careful change of conditions. For e.g. Water at -20 C. Derivation of Gibbs Phase Rule: The degree of freedom , F of a system is given by the difference of total number of variables required to specify the system and number of independent equations available to define the system at equilibrium. Thus Degree of freedom = Total number of variables - Number of variables defined by the system because of its being in equilibrium ……………..i
Phase Equilibrium A simple phase containing C components can be completely by defined by C-1 concentration terms. For P phase having C components then the number of concentration required will be P(C-1). Besides concentration variables, there are two more variables i.e. temperature and pressure of the system Thus total number of variables = P(C-1) +2 …………….ii For a system of three phases , two equation are required to define each component.
Phase Equilibrium F=C-P+2
For a system having P phase, P-1 equations are required for each component. If there are C component present in P phases, then The number of independent equations + C (P-1) ………iii Putting equation (ii) and (iii) in equation (i), we get F= [P(C-1) +2] – [C(P-1)] F=C-P+2
Phase Equilibrium Phase Diagrams :
The diagram representing conditions of temperature, pressure and composition at which one or more phase exit together. Application of Phase Rule to One component system: As C=1 and minimum P=1 therefore maximum F=C-P+2=2 The two degree of freedom chosen on the plot are temperature versus pressure A. Phase Diagram of Water System: Phase diagram of water as shown in fig.
Phase Equilibrium
Phase Equilibrium Some important features of Water System:
(i) Possible phases : Ice (s), Water(l), Vapour (g) (ii) Curves: three stable curves (a) OA ( Vapour pressure curve, Water Vapour) (b) OB ( Sublimation Curve, Ice Vapour) (c) OC ( Melting point curve, Ice Water ) iii) One metastable curve OA’ (Vapour pressure curve of super cooled water) (iv) Areas : Three areas representing ice, water and vapour.
Phase Equilibrium (v) Triple point (O):
Where all the three phases are in equilibrium(0.0098oC and 4.58 mm pressure). The melting point curve OC slopes towards pressure axis has negative slope ,showing that the melting point of ice decreases with increase of pressure
B. Phase Diagram Of Carbon dioxide System:
Phase Equilibrium B. Phase Diagram Of Carbon dioxide System:
Phase Equilibrium Phase diagram of Carbon dioxide:
Some Important Features : (i) Possible phases: Solid CO2,liquid CO2 and gases CO2 (ii) Curves: Three stable curves OA(vaporization curve),OB(sublimation curve ) and OC (melting curve). (iii) Areas: Three areas representing solid CO2,liquid CO2 and gases CO2 respectively. (iv)Triple point(O): Where all the three phases exist together(-56.4o C and 5 atm pressure)
C. Phase Diagram Of Sulphur System :
Phase Equilibrium C. Phase Diagram Of Sulphur System :
Phase Equilibrium Sulphur system (one component system):
Some Important Features: (i)Possible phases: Rhombic Sulphur (SR),mono clinic Sulphur(SR), Sulphur vapour (SV) and Sulphur liquid(SL). (ii) Maximum phases: If P=4, then F=C-P+2=1-4+2=-1 Which is meaning less. Hence all the four phases cannot exist. (iii) Areas : Four areas containing one phase each (iv) Curves: There are six stable curves. a) Sublimation curve of SR b) Sublimation curve of SM
Phase Equilibrium c) Vapour pressure curve of SL
d) Transition curve of SR e) Melting curve of SM f) Melting curve of SR Meta stable curves: There are four metastable curves a) Sublimation curve of SR b) Sublimation curve of SM d) Melting curve of SR
Phase Equilibrium Triple points:
There are three stable triple points SR-SM-SV, SM-SL-SV, SR-SM-SL and one metastable triple point SR-SL-SV. Application of phase rule to two component system: As C =2,minimum P=1 and hence minimum F=C-P+2=3 Thus there are three variables (pressure, temperature and composition) should be plotted .But for convenience, two dimension diagram are plotted by keeping the third variable constant. Hence we have p-t, c-p or t-c diagrams. Generally pressure kept constant at atmospheric pressure and we have t-c diagram
Phase Equilibrium Reduced Phase Rule:
If pressure is kept constant then vapour phase neglected in system involving solids and liquid. The degree of freedom is reduced by one and hence the phase rule equation becomes C-P+1 Types of two component systems: a) System in which components do not react but simply mix for example, Bi-Cd, Pb-Ag and KI-H2O system. b) System in which components react to form compounds e.g, Mg-Zn system forming MgZn2, Na2SO4- H2O, FeCl3-H2O and NaCl- H2O system forming hydrate.
Phase Equilibrium Two component system: A) Bismuth Cadmium system:
These are further of two types: a)Those which form compound with congruent melting point e.g, Mg-Zn and FeCl3-H2O systems. b)Those which form compound with incongruent melting point e.g,Na2SO4-H2O and NaCl- H2O systems. Two component system: A) Bismuth Cadmium system:
Phase Equilibrium
Phase Equilibrium Some Important Features of Bi-Cd System:
i)Possible Phases: Bi(s),Cd(s) ,their solution in each other, vapour neglected. ii) Melting points: Bi=271oC and Cd=321oC. iii) Curves: Freezing point curve of Bi to which increasing amount of Cd are added and freezing point curve of Cd to which Bi is being added . iv)Eutectic point: It is a point where two curves intersect. It corresponds to a temperature of 144oC and a composition of 40% Cd +60% Bi.
Phase Equilibrium
Phase Equilibrium Some special features of Pb-Ag system:
i)Possible phases: Pb(s),Ag(s) their solution in each other, vapour neglected. ii)Melting points: Ag=961oC and Pb=327oC. iii)Curves: Freezing point curve of Ag to which increasing amount of Pb are added and freezing point curve of Pb to which Ag is being added . iv)Eutectic point: It is a point where two curves intersect. It corresponds to a temperature of 303 oC and a composition of 97.4% Pb +2.6% Ag
Phase Equilibrium C. Phase Diagram of Mg –Zn system:
Mg and Zn reacts to form stable compound MgZn2 with congruent melting point. i)Possible phases: Mg(s),Zn(s),MgZn2 (s),liquid/melt and vapour . ii)Melting points: Mg=650oC and Zn=420oC. iii)Curves and point: Freezing point curve of Zn to which increasing amount of Mg are added .The lowest temperature reached is 380oC(eutectic point) below which Mg Zn2 is formed.
Phase Equilibrium
Phase Equilibrium iv)Freezing point curve of solid MgZn2 to which increasing amount of Mg are added. The freezing point keeps on increasing till is maximum at 590oC which represents congruent melting point. On further adding MgZn2 ,its freezing point decreases and is lowest at 347oC which is the another eutectic point. v)Freezing point curve of Mg to which increasing amount of Zn are added. The freezing point decreases still the lowest freezing point of 347oC is obtained.
Phase Equilibrium D. Phase Diagram of NaCl-H2O system: Sodium chloride and water react to form stable compound NaCl.2H2O with incongruent melting point(o.15oC) i)Possible phases: NaCl (s), NaCl.2H2O(s),ice solid, solution and water vapour. ii)Curves and point: a)Freezing point curve of H2O to which increasing amount of NaCl are added .The lowest temperature reached is -21.2oC(23% NaCl). At this point NaCl.2H2O starts separating . Hence it is eutectic point.
Phase Equilibrium By B.K Choudhary
Phase Equilibrium b) Solubility curve of NaCl.2H2O (s): It rises with increase of temperature till at 0.15oC .it starts decomposing to give anhydrous NaCl. c) Solubility curve of anhydrous NaCl : Which increases with increase of temperature.
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