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Theory group Michael Joyce *
Plan Le groupe et ses collaborations Cadre général de recherche
Quelques resultats récents Perspectives
Members and collaborations
1 permanent (MJ) + doctorants (quatre depuis 2007) + External french collaborations: LPTMC(UPMC), Université de Nice + External non-french collaborations: Rome, Copenhagen (NBI)
Overview of research
The problem of structure formation
Principal Motivation: The problem of structure formation ?? WMAP : the universe aged ~105 years… SDSS : the universe today (1010 years) Density fluctuations ~ Fluctuations >> 1 How do these structures come from these initial conditions ? Theory furnishes predictions also for other observations (weak lensing, dark matter searches…)
Cosmological structure formation
Overview Cosmological structure formation Linear Regime: simple and resolved analytically Non-linear regime: intractable, essentially numerical resolution
Structure formation in the standard cosmological model: millenium
Millenium simulations:
Cosmological simulations: limitations
Overview Cosmological simulations: limitations Numerical simulations (still) have limited spatial resolution use approximate (N-body) methods, precision is not established They lead to purely phenomenological descriptions (e.g halo models) Even if « dissipationless» (i.e. gravity only) poor understanding of physics
Goals of research Overview
To improve understanding of physics of non-linear regime of clustering [ To improve accuracy of our description of non-linear clustering for comparison with observations ] Recent years: Mostly purely self-gravitating systems Broad framework statistical mechanics of long-range systems
Thèses récentes François SICARD
Out of equilibrium dynamics of infinite one dimensional self-gravitating systems soutenue décembre 2010 Tirawut WORRAKITPOONPON Relaxation of isolated self-gravitating systems in one and three dimensions, soutenue juin 2011 David BENHAIEM Self-similarity and stable clustering in scale-free cosmological models in one and three dimensions soutenue décembre 2013 Jules MORAND Dynamics of long-range interacting systems beyond the Vlasov limit soutenue décembre 2014
Some recent publications
D. Benhaiem and M. Joyce, Self-similarity and stable clustering in a family of scale-free cosmologies Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 394, 791 (2014) I. Carucci, M. Sparre, S. Hansen and M.Joyce Particle ejection during mergers of dark matter halos JCAP 06, 57 (2014) M. Joyce, P. Viot and J. Morand Scaling Quasistationary States in Long-Range Systems with Dissipation Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, (2014) A. Gabrielli, M. Joyce and J. Morand, Finite-N corrections to Vlasov dynamics and the range of pair interactions, Phys. Rev. E90, (2014)
Some recent results
Non-linear clustering in scale-free cosmologies
David Benhaiem, MJ and Bruno Marcos Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. (2014) Equations of motion of N-body simulations (in general): Can be recast in new “time” variable as where i.e. self gravitating particles subjected to a fluid damping
Effective damping in standard cosmology
scale-free cosmologies
If Initial power spectrum P(k) ~ kn « Damping coefficient » kappa independent of time the model is « scale-free » Only one relevant characteristic scale clustering must be « self-similar » temporal evolution = trivial rescaling of coordinates Provides very powerful control on numerical simulation
Effect of expansion rate on structure formation
small damping large damping
dependence of NL clustering on cosmology
Scale-free models: dependence of NL clustering on cosmology
resolution and stable clustering
Scale-free models: resolution and stable clustering
self-similarity tests: some conclusions
Resolution improves in time in a strongly model-dependent way The analytical prediction of stable clustering provides a very good approximation to the well resolved non-linear regime Currently in preparation: Halo profiles in this family of cosmologies…universality of halos (NFW)? Conclusions: universality broken in large part of model space slope of outer part of profile is clearly model dependent
Application to dark energy models?
A very large family of dark energy models can be approximated as interpolations through our scale-free family: Construction of semi-analytical approximations for clustering statistics
Perspectives Short-term focus on consolidating and developing external collaborations (no thesis student recruted this year). Sabbatical MJ next year? Medium-long term: focus more on cosmological orientation or statistical mechanics ? Stat mech: possibility of collaboration with experimental group at NTU Singapore Recrutement of post-doc (Comité théorie in2p3?) with numerical orientation would greatly boost cosmological aspects
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