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GLAM Peak Project Update

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Presentation on theme: "GLAM Peak Project Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAM Peak Project Update
Sue McKerracher, CEO, ALIA

2 Online17 themes Collaboration Storytelling Messy Linked data Impact


4 Genesis

5 Collaboration Australian Library and Information Association
The Australian Society of Archives Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities Council of Australasian Museum Directors Council of Australian Art Museum Directors Council of Australian University Librarians Federation of Australian Historical Societies International Council of Museums Museums Galleries Australia National Research Collections Australia National and State Libraries Australasia

6 Collaboration Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies CSIRO National Archives of Australia National Film and Sound Archive of Australia National Gallery of Australia National Library of Australia Museums Victoria Queensland Museum and Sciencentre Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art State Library of New South Wales Australian Academy of the Humanities

7 Principles Everyone in A light hand with governance
Focus on a shared goal Conviction Trust Agility

8 Meetings Queensland Museum, June 2015 State Library of NSW, July 2015
National Library, October 2015 Melbourne Museum, February 2016 National Film and Sound Archive, May 2016 State Library of South Australia, October 2016 CSIRO Canberra, November 2016 State Library of Victoria, March 2017

9 Discussion June 2015 Digital access to collections July 2015
Response to Digital Technology Survey, Meeting of Cultural Ministers Digital Technologies Working Group Joint letter supporting copyright law reform Linked data + data visualisation

10 Focus October 2015 Name and terms of reference
National framework for digital access to collections Ministry for the Arts National Digital Forum NZ Creative Victoria

11 Action December 2015 Catalyst Grant submission February 2016
Joint statement supporting Trove Federal election agenda Creative Victoria Google Cultural Institute Australian Digital Alliance

12 Project delivery May 2016 Catalyst grant revision and forward plan
Australian Local Government Association October/November 2016 Catalyst grant stage 1 completion National Research Infrastructure Roadmap DFAT Sustainable Development Goals Europeana

13 Where we are now December 2016 Catalyst Grant stage 1 launched
Catalyst grant stage 2 funding submission


15 Digital access is a national cultural priority
The collecting institutions are collaborating to make access seamless, efficient and effective We need government to endorse this as a national priority

16 Imagine If, simply by taking a smartphone out of their pocket, turning on their PC or swiping their tablet: Artists could take inspiration from vintage designs and the works of master creators Teachers could bring Australian citizenship to life through objects and stories

17 Imagine Researchers could discover the information they need to produce valuable new insights Families could explore their own histories Everyone, irrespective of socio-economic factors, diversity, location and disability would have the same opportunity to access collections online.

18 Digital access to our cultural collections
It’s important to the nation: cultural identity; preservation It’s important to future generations of students and researchers Australians want digital access and will use it

19 Trove example American designer Ivan Owen uncovered, via Trove, the Health Museum of South Australia’s records of a prosthetic hand made for one Corporal Coles in 1845 out of whalebone and metal pulleys. He used the design to construct the world’s first 3D printed, body-powered partial hand prosthesis for a young boy called Liam.

20 $1 million 3 year ask National framework for digital access to collections Toolkit for smaller institutions Roadshow Public education campaign

21 $111,000 1 year project Draft national framework for digital access to collections Prototype toolkit for smaller institutions

22 What we delivered

23 Project findings More help for smaller organisations
Regional collaborative clusters to deliver content National aggregated platforms to make it discoverable Technology: there’s no one size fits all

24 What’s missing Testing and refining framework and toolkit
Roadshow to engage and embed Public education campaign for community engagement

25 Project lessons Align with government priorities Ambiguity is OK
We need more evidence of impact

26 GLAM Peak lessons Benefits outweigh the risks Messy can be effective
It doesn’t have to be finished It does have to be focused Core group of doers Moderate behaviours Together we are stronger

27 GLAM Peak Project Update
Sue McKerracher, CEO, ALIA

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