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Bell ringer ISN pg. 6 Trace 5 horizontal lines across your page.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell ringer ISN pg. 6 Trace 5 horizontal lines across your page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell ringer ISN pg. 6 Trace 5 horizontal lines across your page.
Each row belongs to each day of the week from Monday to Friday. Do the same for Exit Ticket page 7 Write down the date and complete the bell ringer: Translate the following Spanish words to English (write them in both, Spanish and English) diciembre falso autógrafo melón tomate

2 INB Rubric Distribute worksheet Place worksheet in a sheet protector

3 INB Grading Time 5) 14 stamps 4.5) 13 4) 12 3.5) 10 - 11 3) 9 2) 7 - 8
Week Pages Teacher Stamps Points Total points 1 Title page - 3 15 ____ / 5 ____ / 19 5) 14 stamps 4.5) 13 4) 12 3.5) 3) 9 2) 1) 6 or below

4 El Abecedario INB. Pg. 9 Maria Miller HS Spanish 1

5 Unit Goal: Students will be able to introduce themselves and others and exchange essential personal information in the target language. Essential Question: How is Spanish grammar different from English grammar? Today’s Objective: Students will view, read the phonetic spelling, hear the pronunciation, and recite each letter of the Spanish alphabet independently.

6 Background The Spanish alphabet ONCE had 30 letters. In addition to the 26 letters of the English alphabet, Spanish also included the CH, LL, RR and the Ñ. Several years ago three of these letters were eliminated from the Spanish alphabet and today only the Ñ remains. The post-1994 Spanish alphabet is made up of a total of 27 letters, the same 26 we have in English plus the letter Ñ.

7 Look the same, pronounce differently
Here are more words that are spelled exactly the same in Spanish and English but are pronounced differently: Animal, actor, hotel, color, director, general, hospital, and moral There are several more, these are just a few examples.

8 Alphabet and Vowels pronunciation
The Spanish alphabet is almost the same but one letter was added and there are some letters that are pronounced different when are used in a word. There are five vowels in Spanish as well as in English: A, E, I, O, U, In English, there are many ways to pronounce the five vowels but in Spanish, each vowel is pronounced only one way. The vowel sounds in Spanish are essential to correct pronunciation and, of course, to learning to read.

9 Note that Spanish vowels are much shorter than English vowels.
For example, take the letter “O”. When you say the letter “O” in English, it can sound like “Oooohwa”. In Spanish, it is much shorter and staccato and will sound like: “Oh”.

10 Write down the vowel sounds based on English words
Doing this will give you a guideline to refer back to as you work on getting your vowel sounds right and making them sound more natural. “A” will always sound like the “a” in “father”. “E” will always sound like the “e” in “eh” in “elephant”. “I” will always sound like the “e” in “be”. This letter can be confusing as it sounds the same as the letter “e” in English. “O” will always sound like the “o” in “oh” or “October”. It will always sound short and without an “ooh” sound. “U” will always sound like the “u” in “flute” or in the Spanish word “uno”.

11 Diction: Read the following words
fisgar deslucido celeste cucu abejo rima entelerido plaga gorgoteo atencion crimen insistir cucurucho letra soldado chocolate delicioso denostar oportunidad telefono excelente afrutctor futuro ultima positivo fruta nocturno delirio importante informacion consultacion banco

12 Bell ringer Write down the way to pronounce the vowels (the way each one sounds like in English) A – E – I – O – U –

13 Now Listen: Then write those words, you found hard to pronounce, with correct spelling Ex. fisgar fees-gar deslucido celeste cucu abejo rima entelerido plaga gorgoteo atencion crimen insistir cucurucho letra soldado chocolate delicioso denostar oportunidad telefono excelente afrutctor futuro ultima positivo fruta nocturno delirio importante informacion consultacion banco

14 Repite baraja (pack of cards) tintinear (to tinkle/jingle) babear (to babble) mono (monkey) albondiga (meatball) rombo (rhombus) gorgoteo (gurgling) escaliche (pig latin) insignificante (insignificant) futuro (future) ilegal (illegal) payaso (clown) bikini (bikini)

15 Pronunciation sounds like “ah”

16 Pronunciation sounds like “beh”

17 Pronunciation sounds like “seh”

18 Pronunciation sounds like “deh”

19 Pronunciation sounds like “eh”

20 Pronunciation sounds like “eh-feh”

21 Pronunciation sounds like “heh”

22 Pronunciation sounds like “ah-cheh”

23 Pronunciation sounds like “ee”

24 Pronunciation sounds like “ho-tah”

25 Pronunciation sounds like “kah”

26 Pronunciation sounds like “eh-leh”

27 Pronunciation sounds like “em-meh”

28 Pronunciation sounds like “en-neh”

29 Pronunciation sounds like “en-nyeh”

30 Pronunciation sounds like “oh”

31 Pronunciation sounds like “peh”

32 Pronunciation sounds like “koo”

33 Pronunciation sounds like “er-reh”

34 Pronunciation sounds like “es-seh”

35 Pronunciation sounds like “teh”

36 Pronunciation sounds like “oo”

37 Pronunciation sounds like “oo-veh”

38 Pronunciation sounds like “do-bleh-veh” Se llama Wanda

39 Pronunciation sounds like “ek-kees”

40 Pronunciation sounds like “ee-gree-ay-gah” or “yeh” or “ee”

41 Pronunciation sounds like “seh-tah”

42 Trabalenguas (tongue-twister)
With a partner, practice for a few minutes the tongue-twisters your teacher will hand to you. Make sure you are pronouncing the vowels right.

43 Bell ringer pg. 6 Write the pronunciation of the Spanish words below:
Configuración Conciencia Figura Pronunciación Compromiso Niño Pareja Joven Horizontal querida

44 Spanish Alphabet Project
Choose from the following: Memory card game My Alphabet Book Alphabet Train Poster Video Presentation

45 Bell ringer pg. 6 Write the pronunciation of the Spanish words below:
Curioso Horrible Final Argumento Básico

46 Unit Goal: Students will be able to introduce themselves and others and exchange essential personal information in the target language. Essential Question: How is Spanish grammar different from English grammar? Today’s Objective: Students will view, read the phonetic spelling, hear the pronunciation, and recite each letter of the Spanish alphabet independently.

47 Spanish Alphabet Worksheet
Instructions: 1. Work with your “Fall Partner” 2. Add a word, a verb or a Spanish word that start with each letter of the alphabet letter. 4. Write the phonetic sound by each one of the words. 3. When worksheet is completed, glue it or tape it to INB pg. 8

48 Spanish Alphabet Project
Choose from the following: Memory card game My Alphabet Book Alphabet Train Poster Video Presentation

49 Hoy es viernes

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