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Welcome to our class.

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1 Welcome to our class

2 Wordsquare F A S T R E D X L U Y C I P O N H W K

3 Tuesday, November 16th 2010 Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 6: Language focus (P )

4 Unit 5- Lesson 6 1. Adverbs of manner. Adjective ly Adverb of manner +
= Adjective Adverb of manner beautiful beautifully quick quickly soft softly bad badly *Note: good well She is beautiful. fast fast She is a beautiful actress. hard hard She acts beautifully. happy happily simple simply

5 Exercises 1: Complete the dialogues. Use the adverbs of manner
in the box. softly well fast badly hard a. Hoa: Does Mrs. Nga speak English? Lan: Oh,yes. She speaks English (0) _____ b. Hoa: Ba always gets excellent grades. Lan: That’s because he studies (1) _____ c. Hoa: That’s our bus! Lan: Run (2) _____ and we might catch it. d. Hoa: I’m very sorry. I know I behaved (3) _____ Lan: It’s all right. e. Hoa: I can’t hear you, Lan. Lan: Sorry, but I’m speaking (4) _______ because I have a sore throat.

6 Unit 5- Lesson 6 1. Adverbs of manner. 2. Modal verb. *Form:
Ex: Mr Hao should repair the roof. *Form: (+) S + should + V…. (-) S + should not + V…. (?) Should + S + V…? *Use: give an advice. *Meaning: Nên

7 Exercise 2: Work with a partner. Look at the picture of Mr Hao’s house
Exercise 2: Work with a partner. Look at the picture of Mr Hao’s house. Use the words in the box. Say what he should do. repair paint cut replant mend grass roof house door tree Ex: He should repair the roof. 1 house - Mr Hao should paint the house. grass - He should cut the grass.. 2 - He should replant the tree. tree 3 door 4 - He should mend the door.

8 Unit 5- Lesson 6 1. Adverbs of manner. 2. Modal verb.
3.Reported speech. a.Requests. “Can you give Tim this dictionary?” Or “Please give Tim this dictionary.” ariving home S+ asked told + O + to (not to) + V (inf) Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary. Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary. Đề nghị ai làm (không làm) gì

9 Exercise 3: Work with a partner. Suppose you are Tim’s mother
Exercise 3: Work with a partner. Suppose you are Tim’s mother. Report Miss Jackson’s commands and requests in her conversation with Tim’mother. a. “Please wait for me outside my office.” - Miss Jackson told/asked me to wait for her outside her office. b. “Please give Tim his report card for this semester.” - Miss Jackson told/ asked me to give you your report card for this semester. c. “Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation?” - Miss Jackson asked/ told me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation. d. “Can you meet me next week?” - Miss Jackson asked/ told me to meet her next week.

10 b. Advice. “Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation.” “Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation.” *Form: S1 + said (that) + S2 + should + V-infinitive

11 Exercise 4. Work with a partner
Exercise 4. Work with a partner. Report Jackson’s advice she gave in her conversation with Tim’s mother. a. “Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronounciation.” b. “Tim should practice speaking Spanish everyday.” c. “Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.” d. “Tim should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish.” e. "Tim should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.”

12 Mrs. Jackson said you should learn English vocabulary carefully.
TOM Gift Gift 10 marks e. "Tim should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.” a. “Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronounciation.” d. “Tim should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish.” c. “Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.” b. “Tim should practice speaking Spanish everyday.” “Tim should learn English vocabulary carefully” “ Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.” “ Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.” “ Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronounciation.” Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish.” “Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish everyday.” Mrs. Jackson said you should learn English vocabulary carefully. JERRY

13 Fill in a suitable word in the space
should 1. You do physical exercise everyday. 2. You eat to much candies. 3. My mother told me not to drive 4. Phong asked Ha buy a new pen. 5. Lan me to turn off the radio. 6. He me: “Why are you late ?” 7. Your teacher you should work harder on your English pronunciation. 8. Students should work to make their parents happy. should not fast to told asked said hard

14 Thank you for your attention!
HOMEWORK -Write five sentences use “ Should +Infinitive” “Reported speech” Thank you for your attention!

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