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On Understanding a Particular Writing Mode:

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1 On Understanding a Particular Writing Mode:
Cause and effect essay

2 Cause and Effect Essay Causal analysis explains the cause-and- effect relationship between two or more elements. Causes ask, why did “X” happen? Or why does “X” happens? Effect, on the other hand, asks, what did “Y” produce? Or what does “Y” produce? Or what will “Y” produce?

3 Cause and Effect Continued
An example of organizing a cause and effect essay on your recent traffic accident. A thesis emphasizing the causes will maybe focus on the following causes: Cause (defective breaks) Cause (hidden yield sign) Cause (bad weather)

4 When Emphasizing the Causes
You develop a thesis statement that lists three causes to one effect (as in the example on the previous slide). For example: “Because of the defective brakes, the hidden yield sign, and the stormy, bad weather, I had a car accident that left me without a car for a while.”

5 Emphasizing the Effects
A thesis emphasizing the effects of the car accident will include the following effects: Effect (doctor bills) Effect (loss of car) Effect (high insurance rates)

6 When Emphasizing the Effects
You develop a thesis statement that lists three effects from one cause (as in the example on the previous slide). For example, “Because I had a car accident, I have ridiculous medical bills to pay, my car was appraised at a total loss, and my insurance rates increased dramatically.”

7 Recap: Thesis (Type A) that focuses on the causes
Car Accident Defective Brakes Hidden Yield Sign Bad Weather

8 Understanding Type A Notice how each cause (“defective brakes,” “hidden yield sign,” and “bad weather”) point toward the effect (“car accident”). This shows the relationship between the cause and the effect by way of letting the audience know that we are going to focus on the causes more than we are going to focus on the effect. (The causes are the “why” points to the car accident.)

9 Recap: Thesis (Type B) that focuses on the effects
Loss of Car Doctor’s Bills Car Accident High Insurance Rates

10 Understanding Type B Notice how each effect (“loss of car,” “doctor’s bills,” and “high insurance rates”) rest outside of the effect (“car accident”). This shows the relationship between the cause and the effect by way of letting the audience know that we are going to focus on the effects more than we are going to focus on the cause. (The effects are the “what happened” points concerning the car accident.)

11 Suggestions/Questions to Consider for the Content
PURPOSE What is the subject and purpose of your cause and effect essay? DEVELOPMENT Will your essay emphasize primarily the causes or the effects of your topic? QUANTITY List at least two major causes or effects that you might use in the discussion of your topic.

12 Acknowledgment This presentation was originally presented and developed by Dr. Kathryn Brewer- Strayer, associate professor of English and director of the faculty for the QEP. I have added a few comments to make the information cater to my teaching style.

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