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Energy Management for Bank Branches

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1 Energy Management for Bank Branches
April 2008

2 The Energy Challenge for Banks
Most of the energy consumed in bank branches comes from lighting and air-conditioning Most bank branches have uniform design & mandate the temperature settings In order to maintain the temperature range, cooling and heating may occur at the same time and thus wasting energy Sensing equipment does not work properly due to partitions and poor location of thermostats There is no absolute comfortable temperature range from one day to the next A comfortable environment is relative to the outside temperature and weather conditions

3 The Energy Challenge for Banks (cont.)
Lights are often run at full power despite the fact that uniform indoor light is the goal In good weather condition, outside sunshine can improve the lighting efficiency allowing lights to be dimmed Operation management Lights and air-conditioners are left on unnecessarily often by after hours cleaners

4 The Basic Concept of Energy Efficiency
Reduce power (kw) consumption Reduce electricity (kwh) consumption How to achieve that?

5 Efficiency of Power Consumption
Use dimmable electronic ballasts & fluorescent lamps area lighting Electronic ballasts have a much higher light & energy efficiency compared with traditional ballasts Type Output (Lm/Unit) Electricity Consumption (W/Unit) Qty (Units) Total Consumption Energy Saving Rate (%) Illumination (Lux) Illumination Increase Rate (%) Traditional Ballast 40W*3 8,400 141 16 (4*4) 2,256 - 752 -  Electronic Ballast T8 32W*3 9,300 90 1,440 36.2 833 10.7

6 Efficiency of Power Consumption (cont.)
Reduce illumination levels Leverage natural light source Light level can be safely reduced at non-critical areas such as hallways, lobbies, waiting rooms, mechanical rooms and rest rooms Time schedule To insure lights operate only when needed

7 Efficiency of Power Consumption (cont.)
Adjust temperature set point based on outdoor and indoor temperature and humidity People feel most comfortable if indoor temperature is only a few degrees away from the outdoor temperature Indoor multi-sensor Outdoor multi-sensor Thermostat

8 Efficiency of Power Consumption (cont.)
Project strategy Every bank project is a retrofit project Apply specific strategy Great results if planned and implemented carefully

9 Control/Monitoring System
What Can be Done? Sensor System Control/Monitoring System  ● Temp /Humidity (Outdoor / Indoor)  ● Lux (Outdoor / Indoor)  ● Power consumption  ● Lighting control (Outdoor)  ● Lighting control (Indoor)  ● A/C control Analysis System Remote Management  ● Temp / Humidity record  ● Lux record  ● Power consumption record  ● Remote maintenance  ● Retrieve data log remotely  ● Receive fire alarm and security alarm ● Remote disconnect if required

10 Lighting Control Strategy
Lighting should be maintained to an actual inside lux set-point. As outside ambient light increases/decreases inside lighting is brightened or dimmed to maintain constant light levels

11 Lighting Control Strategy (cont.)
PWM Dimmer fluorescent Lux Sensor Ambient Inside light Inside Lighting Lighting control by inside set point Adjust lighting according to changing ambient conditions

12 Air-Conditioning Control Strategy
Air-conditioning set point should be adjusted for both outside temperature and humidity. This is particularly important for branches where the public is entering from the outside. Apparent temperature will vary as humidity increases Preset air con for ramp up for normal operating hours

13 Air-Conditioning Control Strategy (cont.)
Indoor Temperature / Humidity sensor The main function of air conditioning controller is to pick up indoor / outdoor temperature and humidity to control the office temperature In addition, the controller also adjusts to the best indoor temperature based current conditions A/C Controller Outdoor Temperature / Humidity sensor

14 Power Management The ultimate goal is to reduce power (kw) consumption & electricity (kwh) consumption The first step is to become energy conscious Apply energy meters to the switch board Record electricity consumptions of lights, air cons & other electrical devices Analyze power consumption

15 Remote disconnect lights or appliances if necessary
Remote Monitoring Monitor lights at branch ATM’s, send instant SMS when light failure occurs and have 24/7 fast response to maintenance Monitor both air con and lighting remotely for all branches and report any lights/air con running at strange times. Remote disconnect lights or appliances if necessary Receive fire alarm under fire alarm situation Receive security alarm when break-in occurs Retrieve data logs for trending and analysis Soap

16 Challenges of Implementing Control Networks
The network must be robust and reliable enough to deal with control at each local level Allow for seamless aggregation of information from hundreds of locations and future expansion The network must be secure and easily integrated into the bank’s existing IT infrastructure Support seamless remote connectivity Support Open System technology and interoperability Future-proven

17 LonWorks Can Help Adopted by worldwide standards -ANSI/CEA B, IEEE 1473L, SEMI E54.6, EN & GB 20177 Support peer-to-peer & free topology Support multiple communications media such as twisted pair & power line Enterprise application support with internet server Reliable and proven technology

18 Echelon – Inventor of LonWorks® Technology
A networking infrastructure company Pioneer in M2M and embedded Internet technologies Founded in 1988, HQ in San Jose California Nasdaq listed (ELON) About 100 patents registered The creator of multi-billion dollar LONWORKS industry Products and services from thousands of companies Over 100 million LONWORKS devices installed Around 100 Authorized Network Integrators (ANI) Including United Premas in Singapore

19 Worldwide Adoption of Echelon Product
LonWorks specified US Army Corps of Engineers NY City & Chicago School Districts Athens’ Olympics Samsung HomeVITA Gorenje Mori Building Adopted by key OEM Manufacturers & Industry Leaders Samsung Electronics Samsung Heavy Industry NTT Data Philips Siemens TAC Fuji Electric GE Fanuc Honeywell The LONWORKS infrastructure is the dominant device networking technology available today. End users, OEM manufacturers and standards bodies worldwide are all adopting the platform. Echelon’s continues to market share despite the world economy. We, our customers, and adopters of the LonWorks platform are positioned well with recovering worldwide economy.

20 Advantages of Using LonWorks
Open technology Full choice of vendors Use of third party tools Easy integration Easy additions and changes Cost-efficient Seamless remote connectivity Owners retain freedom of choice throughout the lifetime of the system Interoperable products Multiple vendors are available from the market place

21 System Architecture for Bank Branches
Control Center 【Panel】 【Temp/Humi Sensor】 Monitor Analysis 【Lux Sensor】 Meters Sensors 【Power Consumption Monitor System】 Power Meter 【Indoor Lighting】 Power Meter i.LON SmartServer SI Dimmer Internet Design Lead-In 【Outdoor Lighting】 Power Controller Installation Controller HQ Set-Up / Binding 【A/C Devices】 Monitor Evaluate Evaluate

22 Control Network System Diagram
LonWorks PWM Dimmer and Light Sensing RF Lux Sensor LonWorks Network RF Router RF Temperature /Humidity Sensors i.Lon Smart Server I/O Modules TCP/IP

23 i.LON SmartServer – Key Infrastructure Device
i.LON SmartServer manages the network SmartServer install devices and polls/writes data points—no additional tool required Easy Web page development Trend graph object Slider object Custom JavaScript Seamless Contribute integration Easy Web application development Simplified SOAP/XML interface Suitable for small systems Max 200 devices One channel per SmartServer One SmartServer per domain IPv6 support i.LON SmartServer

24 Monitor Thousands Bank Branches
ATMs Fire Alarm Security in Banks at HQ

25 The Next Step Choose one branch as pilot site Site survey
Design and implementation of a pilot project Monitor savings over a two months period and prepare ROI for the pilot project

26 Thank you

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