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Learning, Teaching, & Family Support Retreat

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Presentation on theme: "Learning, Teaching, & Family Support Retreat"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning, Teaching, & Family Support Retreat
May 26, 2011 9:00-3:00

2 Agenda Welcome Looking at the Big Picture Leadership Stories
Leading in a Time of Change LUNCH Building Leadership Capacity Leadership Commitments

3 Sunday on La Grande Jatte – Georges-Pierre Seurat (The Art Institute of Chicago)

4 What does this look like to you?

5 Stepping Back. Allows us to…

6 Our PSESD Board: ENDS

7 The BUILD Model

8 Knowledge Awareness Skills Advocacy/ Action
Cultural Competency Framework (Sue & Sue) Awareness Skills Advocacy/ Action

9 Characteristics of a Leader
Ethical Visionary Strategic Creative Relational Culturally Competent Communicative

10 Stories that Exemplify Leadership Around Closing the Gap
Form a triad Share one internal or external story with your partners Share a specific example where there has been a change in thinking and or practice due to your leadership or the leadership of someone you supervise Select one story from your triad to share with entire group

11 Celebrating Ambiguity

12 Putting It All Together
Work with a small group to create a visual that exemplifies a theme. Post your chart for others to see.

13 Forces for Leaders of Change
PART 1 Read and highlight key ideas or ideas that resonate with you Take turns sharing those ideas with your table group. PART 2 Number off by 8’s and work in small groups to identify implications connection to our leadership work around closing the gap. Record ideas on chart paper

14 Leadership Commitment
Based on our work today and your reflections from the past year, what are one or two commitments you are willing to make to enhance your leadership around closing the opportunity gap?

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