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Lecture 12: The essay and Paragraph – recap class

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1 Lecture 12: The essay and Paragraph – recap class
ELS - Writing Lecture 12: The essay and Paragraph – recap class 1

2 Don’t forget Next week: test – writing a paragraph (20%)
The questions will be as follows: Practical application of what you know: write a paragraph Your paragraph has to include the topic sentence with the topic and controlling idea Your paragraph will have to include the supporting details – either examples, statistics or facts Your paragraph will have to include a concluding sentence: either a summary or paraphrase of the topic sentence Your paragraph has to show unity and coherence: don’t forget to bring your transition chart with you You will have to underline all the above-mentioned structural elements in your paragraph YOU DON’T HAVE TO STUDY THE THEORETICAL MATERIAL BY HEART, YOU ONLY HAVE TO UNDERLINE AND EXPLAIN THEM IN YOUR OWN PARAGRAPH

3 Don’t forget In June: the final essay, which you write at home and bring to class with you on the day of the exam (60% - 50% essay and 10% final exam questions) On the exam, a number of questions will be asked in relation to your ESSAY The exercises we did (with the topic sentence, controlling idea, funnel introduction etc. will also be asked as additional questions which can raise your overall score) PRACTICAL application of the material

4 Schedule today Get back your paragraphs with comments ESSAY:
Introduction paragraph (last week) Body paragraphs Concluding paragraph

5 Recap: The three parts of an essay
Introduction: introductory paragraph Body: at least one, but usually two or more paragraphs Conclusion: Concluding paragraph The chart in the following slide shows how the parts of a paragraph correspond to the parts of an essay.



8 The Body Paragraphs The body paragraphs in an essay are like the supporting sentences in a paragraph. They are the place to develop your topic and prove your points. You should organize the body paragraphs according to some pattern, reflecting a logical division of ideas Basic pattern: YOU DIVIDE YOUR TOPIC INTO SUBTOPICS, AND THEN DISCUSS EACH TOPIC SEPARATELY IN A SINGLE PARAGRAPH (1 main idea per paragraph in the body)

9 The body paragraphs: three keys
Here are three keys to organizing a logical division of ideas: Divide your topic into subtopics and then discuss each subtopic in a separate paragraph Write a thesis statement that indicates logical division in your introductory sentence Use transitions between paragraphs to guide your reader from one subtopic to the next See handout exercise 5

10 Body paragraph: exercises
Linking paragraphs with transitions helps your reader see how the subtopics or related See handout week 12 for an example and exercises (Example and exercise 1)

11 The concluding paragraph
The conclusion is the final paragraph in an essay. It has three purposes: It signals the end of the essay. To do so, begin your conclusion with a transition signal. It reminds your reader of your main points, which you can do in the following ways: You summarize your main points You restate your thesis statement

12 The concluding paragraph: exercises
See handout exercises 3 and 4

13 Review: Essay writing (preparation for the exam)
Step 1. Choose a topic, and gather information on your topic Step 2. Choose your thesis statement: What are you going to say? And how will you say it? Step 3. Write a topic sentence and controlling idea of each of your body paragraphs, make sure you use the transition chart to create unity and coherence in your essay. Step 4. Write your introduction with the general statements and thesis statement Step 5. Write your concluding paragraph: summarize your main points of the body paragraphs and restate your thesis statement

14 Review: these are the important points covered
An essay has three main parts: Introduction: general statements + thesis statement Body paragraphs: discusses the subtopics one by one with topic sentence, controlling idea and supporting details (but no concluding sentence) Concluding paragraph: reminds the reader of what you said – summary + thesis statement

15 General review: What you’ve learned
OUTLINE OF THESE LECTURES: Plagiarism Paraphrasing Paragraph writing Essay writing

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