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CIF Presentation to the Budgetary Oversight Committee

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1 CIF Presentation to the Budgetary Oversight Committee
Low infrastructure investment: a road to recession

2 Construction: Ireland’s most significant sector
Economic Contribution  Construction Output (2016): €15.5bn Projected Construction Output in 2020 ( Constant 2015 prices) €20bn New Residential Construction Output (2015) €3bn  New Non-residential Construction Output (2015)  New Civil Engineering Output (2015)  All Renovation Output (2015) €4bn Output % of GDP/GNP (2016): 5.6/7.1% Gross Value-added (2016, constant 2015 prices)   €6bn Exports (2014 construction products only) €1.6bn

3 Largest source of employment
Employment Profile Current Employment Level (Q4, 2016) 139,000 Peak level (Q2 2007) 276,200 Lowest level (Q1, 2013) 97,200 Forecast of direct employment: (2020) 213,000 % of new jobs created in construction since Q1, 2013 23% Enterprises (2014) (98% <10 employees) 47,349 Combined Direct and Indirect Employment (Q4 2016) 195,000 Self-employed 46,000 Skilled Craftspersons in Industry 63,800 Largest apprenticeships (2015) 4,400

4 Infrastructure investment dangerously low
Eurostat: General Government Fixed Investment (% of GDP, 2015)

5 Negative Impact on competitiveness
Investment as % of GDP is lowest in EU28 (Eurostat, 2015) World Economic Forum Exec Survey: 26% cite infrastructure quality as problematic WEF: Irish infrastructure Ireland ranked 29/138 regarding the quality of its overall infrastructure IMD Competitiveness Report 2016 ranks Ireland 40/41 in infrastructure Taoiseach, European Commission, EIB, IFAC, NCC, ESRI, ICTU, IBEC, IDA, Chambers and most attendees at this committee all sounding the alarm bell Significant members of the FDI community cite infrastructure as a threat Exchequer capital investment has fallen from 5.6% of GNP in 2008 to an estimated 1.9% in 2016 Civil Engineering facing crisis: no growth in 2017 and 2018 Increasing proportion of investment on maintenance: from 20% in 2006 to 35%- 40% since 2010

6 Civil Engineering: Early warning signs
Activity in CE declined for 4th month in a row in Feb’2017 All semi-state bodies reporting lack of project pipeline Without growth in civil engineering investment, housing, non-residential, FDI and competitiveness is undermined Warning: current status means major projects delayed until 2019 Potential damage to the economy is lower GDP growth than would otherwise be

7 Fiscal Space: What can Government do?
Commission Methodology: reassess position of economy – should Convergence Margin be applied? Golden Rule: you borrow only to invest and expand the productive potential of the economy Structural Reform Clause: explore if SRC can be applied for capital investment (up to 0.5% of GDP) Rainy Day Fund: consider postponing from 2019 start date

8 Do we actually want to solve this problem?
There are existing solutions we are not exploring: Pursue EU for relaxation of fiscal space constraints for infrastructure EIB funding: Ireland is currently in the lowest quartile for draw down EFSI/(Junker Plan): low uptake in infrastructure – 13th in EU Irish ‘PPP’ usage is low by historic and international comparisons Procurement processes requires updating Capital Receipts (e.g. National Lottery proceeds towards Children’s Hospital)

9 Our main recommendations
Exchequer Investment in public infrastructure has to increase to 4% GDP Government to secure recalculation of Irish fiscal space by EC Public procurement process modernisation must be adequately resourced Mid-term Review of Capital Plan has to address depreciation and address bottlenecks More transparency on upcoming projects to allow for planning DPER to investigate scope for ‘Rainy Day’ Fund and Structural Reform Clause National target and infrastructure delivery unit Construction Sector Group should be reactivated to monitor and address industry capacity issues

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