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Fabrication Laboratory

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1 Fabrication Laboratory
Outline: Overview Performers Current projects SECNAV TFI navy maker space expansion Backup

2 MENTOR2 overview DARPA's MENTOR2 (manufacturing experimentation and outreach) program seeks to enhance defense readiness by improving both the training and tools available to those who will be called on to utilize, maintain, and adapt high-technology systems in low-technology environments. Project based curricula employing design and prototyping tools to teach deeper understanding of high-technology systems. It is envisioned that project based curricula employing MENTOR2 design and prototyping tools will better enable competence in the maintenance and adaptation of such systems through the manufacture of as-designed components or the design and manufacture of new components.

3 MENTOR2 performers In support of MENTOR2, DARPAs Defense Science Office was funded by Army Research Office to select multiple contractors to provide support in material and training to two DoD organizations. AST2 is funded directly by DARPA. Fab Foundation is the educational outreach component of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), an extension of its research into digital fabrication and computation. Technical prototyping platform comprised of off-the-shelf, industrial-grade fabrication and electronics tools, wrapped in open source software and programs written by researchers at MIT’s Center for Bits & Atoms. AST2 (applied science technology and transfer) Provide electro manufacturing subject‐matter expertise in support of designing lesson artifacts, including but not limited to embedded 3D models, training videos, and subject‐matter‐based instructional text. The Other Lab Create a series of CAD files that produce parts on a 2D laser cutting and a small CNC machine, along with an assortment of electronics and supplementary fasteners, and instructions for building projects that demonstrate fundamental electrical and mechanical principles. Einstein's workshop development of core CAD software and a set of open-access project based learning modules. SRI international (Stanford Research Institute) and GA tech Develop software and user interfaces that enable users to understand the system inter-dependencies and properties that contribute to the overall performance of selected electro-mechanical systems.

4 MENTOR 2 Current projects
In the area of digital fabrication and innovation: Fab foundation and TIES (Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM) developed a 3 week course that will focus on an introduction to digital design and fabrication, with the ultimate goal having a novice be able to independently manage an engineering design project, make decisions about which fabrication process is appropriate for a given task, and make design choices to solve problems. A digital game is being designed by E-line media to complement the introduction to digital design and fabrication course. Objective is to intensify the Imagineering around the power and promise of digital fabrication. The game will be set in an aspirational near future allowing for creative liberties, but anchored firmly in the real science of digital fabrication. Training dates July (module1) Instruction on lab and equipment, to include software development August (module2) Guided project based instruction September (module3) Self based project demo SRI international (Stanford Research Institute) and GA tech Develop software and user interfaces that enable users to understand the system inter-dependencies and properties that contribute to the overall performance of selected electro-mechanical systems. Performance dates August 24-28

5 MENTOR 2 Current projects
In the area of additive manufacturing: Throat Guard (AST2) Completed required shore based test, TWH is reviewing and next step is for ship board install. Rodmeter special tool (AST2) Partnered with NSWC Carderock environmental lab and attempting to fabricate a special tool using recycled shipboard plastic waste. MARMC is sponsoring an AM 101 MOOC (massive open online course) June/July POP is one year. Curriculum being refined by AST2. MARMC is partnering with industry (AST2) to beta test an engineering-centric AM education course by Fall 2015, this in-depth course is be targeted towards engineers and technicians; and will be formatted to mirror a distance education community college course. SOCOM solicited a contract with America Makes for AM workforce development in the area of artisan, technician, and master technician. American Makes is providing on sight training over summer 2015. SOCOM offered training opportunities under this contract via MIPR. NAVAIR (NAVAIR AM IPT Military Director of Innovation, AIR-6.8) currently pursuing opportunity, NAVSEA and NSWC are interested.

6 MENTOR 2 Current projects
Objective: Expand Fab Lab concept with mobile labs of varying sizes and capabilities Purpose: Develop baseline of workforce with skills and knowledge to use computer aided design tools, 3D printers, and other advanced manufacturing Empower workforce with new skills that will encourage new and innovative ways to approach and solve problems Encourage ownership through creation of physical solutions that solve problems the Sailor or Marine is facing What is Possible: Typical Equipment -Laser Cutter -3D Printer -Vinyl Cutter -Milling Machine -Wood Router -Electronic components and programming tools

7 SECNAV TFI navy maker space expansion
SECNAV’s task force innovation accepted proposal of expansion of FabLab’s into additional DON sites. 1st order of business is to transfer funding. Recommended COA: Provided additional funding to MENTOR2 contract to support expansion of existing performers SOW’s. With exception of AST2, performers are funded via ARO. If funds are RDTE, FMB will have to fund NAVSEA (BSO 24) and then move funds via MIPR to ARO. If funds are OMN, then FMB can fund OPNAV N41, and then move funds via MIPR to ARO. 2nd order of business is to determine performers and SOW to extend. Back up slides contain recommended contractors and SOW portions to provide plus up funding. Further discussion is needed. 3rd order of business is to determine oversight and overall plan. Further discussion needed with key stake holders.

8 Backup resources

9 MENTOR 2 performer/SOW plus up
Recommended MENTOR2 performers and SOW extensions to support expansion into more DON facilities. Einstein Workshop CAD design and training Novel 3D CAD Software with accompanying Project-Based Learning Modules Extension of Phase IV into additional DON facilities. Provide distribution and training for advance PBL modules. Provide a set of community-oriented challenges. Other Lab Mechanics kit Create a series of CAD files that produce parts on 2D cutting machines, along with supplementary fasteners, and instructions for building projects that demonstrate fundamental mechanical principles. Electronics kit Create a series of CAD files that produce parts on a 2D cutting machine, along with an assortment of electronic components, and instructions for building projects that demonstrate fundamental electrical principles. Provide a cutting head, Two-axis cutter, Rotary cutter, and Mill to additional facilities.

10 MENTOR 2 performer/SOW plus up
Recommended MENTOR2 performers and SOW extensions to support expansion into more DON facilities. Fab Foundation Design and Prototyping Tools install full fab labs Run one full Technician Training course at each site AST2 Provide electro manufacturing subject‐matter expertise in support of designing lesson artifacts, including but not limited to embedded 3D models, training videos, and subject‐matter‐based instructional text. CNC and external Physical Tool Integration: Extend the existing Cyber Prototype and Virtual Manufacturing Environment Tool, STORM, developed in MENTOR for next generation STORM2. Create or enhance an existing tool that allows integration with the INVENT3D printer and other 3D printers. Create or enhance an existing tool that allows integration with a yet undefined CNC Mill or specific CNC protocol. Create or enhance an existing tool that allows integration with an additional digital prototyping/manufacturing system to be selected.

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