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Regional Initiatives for Europe Implementation beyond 2015

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1 Regional Initiatives for Europe Implementation beyond 2015
22 January ECO, Copenhagen, Denmark Jaroslaw K. PONDER Europe Coordinator

2 Regional Initiatives Adopted by WTDC-14
EUR1 Spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting EUR2 Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband EUR3 Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities EUR4 Building confidence and security in using telecommunications/ICTs EUR5 Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth

3 Building Blocks and Impact of Regional Initiatives
Building R. Community (Platforms / Workshops / Conferences / Expert Grups) Building R. Capacities (Banchmarks/Studies/Roadmaps) Regional Initiatives for Europe Building Human Capacities (Trainings / ITU Academy / Centres of Excellence) Addressing N./R. Needs (Assistance / Transfer of Knowledge / Twinnings) Fostering Regional Coordination and Cross-R. Coop. (Know-how exchange with other R.) Building Blocks and Impact of Regional Initiatives Prop. 1 Prop. 2 Prop. 3 Prop. 4 Prop. 5 Prop. 6 Prop. …. Programmes Projects Study Groups ITU Academy Membership Academia WSIS Action Lines

4 EUROPE - RI-EUR1: Spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting IMPLEMENTATION

5 RI-EUR1 – Spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting / WTDC-14 Outcomes
Objective: To foster regional cooperation, mainly supplemented by direct assistance to the administrations in the process of analogue TV switch- off, and management of the frequencies in the digital dividend bands, which are to be utilized bearing in mind the most effective use of radio spectrum. Expected results: Assistance to the countries in need in the following: Transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting and switch-off process Capacity building in spectrum management, including in the digital dividend band Elaboration of studies, benchmarks and guidelines on the economic and policy aspects of the assignment and use of the radio-frequency spectrum.

6 RI-EUR1: Spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting / 2015 IMPLEMENTATION
April: Pan-European overview of transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting Digital Switchover Overview database completed. 5-7 May: Regional Seminar on Spectrum Management and Digital Broadcasting (Hungary) (In partnership with National Media and Infocommunications Authority of Hungary)   Nov-Dec: Spectrum Management Training Programme (SMTP) on the ITU Academy trainings of ITU Academy, including CoEs Training 9 Dec, ITU and the Czech Technical University (CTU) signed a cooperation agreement to collaborate on a Spectrum Management Training Programme (SMTP). The training programme will be delivered online through the ITU Academy, as well as face to face training at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Oct/Dec: Assistance to Serbia: Review of the national priorities and provision of broadcasting equipment (Gap Fillers)

7 21-23 March 2016 Bucharest, Romania
RI-EUR1: Spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting / 2016 IMPLEMENTATION 2016 21-23 Mar: Regional Seminar on Spectrum Management and Broadcasting, Bucharest, Romania (In partnership with ANCOM – National Authority for Management and Regulation) Sept: Review of national priorities in Serbia (Res. 126) and assistance Q3: Assistance to Albania: Capacity Building on WRC outcomes Sept: Skills building event on Spectrum Management & Broadcasting Jan-Dec: Twinnings and country assistance upon request Jan-Dec: Spectrum Management Training Programme (SMTP) on the ITU Academy trainings of ITU Academy, including CoEs Training 21-23 March 2016 Bucharest, Romania

8 EUROPE - RI-EUR2: Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

9 RI-EUR2 – Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband / WTDC-14 Outcomes
Objective: Due to significant differences in European countries, there is an urgent need to take steps and assist administrations in every aspect of the practical implementation and development of high-speed networks. Expected results: Assistance to the countries in need in the following: Creation of new legislative paradigms fostering broadband development, including cost-effective solutions for remote and rural areas and models for infrastructure-sharing including applications of smart grids Establishment of national and local/regional broadband roll-out plans and monitoring of the implementation and elaboration of relevant cross-sectoral policies and strategies, including setting up national coordination mechanisms Development of plans for broadband infrastructure roll-out, including in remote and rural areas Mapping of broadband infrastructure across the region Monitoring of the quality of services and consumer protection

10 RI-EUR2: Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband / 2015 IMPLEMENTATION
Jan-Dec: Continued development of ITU Interactive Terrestrial Transmission Map: percent of countries covered September: Case Study on Portugal: New Legislative Paradigms Fostering Broadband Development (Presented at INFOFEST) September: Case Study on Montenegro: Implementation of National IXP (presented at INFOFEST and WG Internet) September: Review of Broadband Plans and Strategies in South Eastern Europe (presented at INFOFEST) 28 Sept/2 Nov: Regional meetings at INFOFEST International Regulatory Conference on Broadband, Montenegro Workshop on IXP, Montenegro 25-26 Nov: Regional Workshop for Europe "New issues in QoS measuring and monitoring“, Bologna, Italy More than 10 countries presented the national case studies / Capacity of more than 50 participants / Review of ITU Quality of Service Training Programme May-Dec: Trainings by Centres of Excellence under ITU Academy 26 May – 22 June: Next Generation Broadband Internet Access: online 5 – 6 November: Strategic Aspects for Internet Governance and Innovations: Face-to-face 19 – 20 November: End-to-End QoS Network Design: Face-to-face 17 Nov – 14 December: Mobile Broadband

11 RI-EUR2: Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband / 2016 IMPLEMENTATION
18 Jan Contribution to the Steering Committee and Technical Review Panel of the European Monitoring Platform for Mapping of QoS and QoE Feb-March Preparation of paper on national approaches to QoS/QoE (In collaboration with FUB, Italy) 12-13 April ITU-EC Regional Conference on Mapping Broadband Infrastructure and Service, Warsaw, Republic of Poland (In partnership with UKE, Poland) March Assistance to Albania in preparation of Tender Documentation for Broadband Infrastructure Map: Twinning Albania-Slovenia Jan/Dec : Continued development of ITU Interactive Terrestrial Transmission Maps Sept: Regional meetings at INFOFEST International Regulatory Conference, Montenegro - Capacity building workshop on IXP Jan-Dec: Trainings by Centres of Excellence under ITU Academy: 5 Courses Planned Online Course: Broadband Internet and Future Networks (31 May - 27 June 2016 (duration: 4 weeks). Online Course: 4G and Next Generation Mobile Internet (22 November - 19 December 2016 (duration: 4 weeks). Face to Face: Wireless Access Technologies to Internet Network (3-4 November 2016) Face to Face: Teletraffic Engineering for the Internet – analytical approach (24-25 November 2016) Online: Strategic Aspects for Internet Governance (26 September – 3 October 2016)

12 EUROPE - RI-EUR3: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

13 RI-EUR3 - Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities / WTDC-14 Objective: To further promote e-accessibility in the ICT ecosystem, and provide the administrations with the most suitable solutions available. Expected results: Assistance to the countries in need in the following: Formulation of strategic plans and regulatory frameworks promoting e-accessibility and building confidence in ICT use at the national level Creating the environment for the deployment of solutions for e-accessibility, including television/ICT applications for people with disabilities Capacity building and promoting e‑education solutions.

14 RI-EUR3: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities / IMPLEMENTATION PLAN April: Regional Workshop on Smart Accessibility on Connected TV (March, Barcelona) (AUB, EC, ITU) June: Experts Group Meeting on Accessibility back to back with International Symposium on Respeaking-live-subtitling-and-accessibility (Italy) August: Finalization of curriculums of online trainings September: Setting up internet access points and provision of ICT equipment/software to be used by people with visual/hearing impairments (age related visual/hearing problems) (Bulgaria) October: Conference "Cinema and Accessibility" at the Rome International Film Festival (Italy) October: Contribution to the EUROVISION conference on accessibility and coordination on cooperation with European Broadcasting Union (Brussels) October: Regional Conference for Europe on Role of ICT in Development of an Inclusive Society, Belgrade, Serbia Oct/Nov: Online training on Public Procurement of accessible ICTs Dec: Contribution to the national workshop on accessibility in Slovenia

15 RI-EUR3: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities / 2016 IMPLEMENTATION Q1: Development of project on capacity building of advocacy organizations (Central Eastern Europe) Q2: Online training for broadcasters on how to create audio description (AD) and closed caption (CC) files for television/video programming and how to transmit AD and CC. Q2/3: Development of the national case studies D Q2: European benchmark with focus on non-EU countries based on the Model ICT Accessibility Policy Report Q3: Online Training on Public Procurement of accessible ICT products and services (2nd edition) Q4: ITU-EBU Regional Conference for Europe on Accessibility [Slovenia?] Jan/Dec: Assistance to the countries upon request

16 EUROPE - RI-EUR4: Building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs IMPLEMENTATION PLAN

17 RI-EUR4 - Building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs / WTDC-14 Outcomes
Objective: To build trust and confidence in the use of ICTs among children and young people in Europe. Expected results: Assistance to the countries in need in the following: Utilizing the existing knowledge on risk and vulnerabilities to which children are exposed in cyberspace and providing best practices Providing a platform to raise awareness on child online protection (COP) and safety issues Developing and implementing roadmaps for national or regional COP initiatives.

18 RI-EUR4: Building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs / IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Sept: - International Conference for Europe on “Keeping children and young people safe online”, Poland Conference on "Central European Cybersecurity public-private dialogue platform", Sibiu, Romania Sept/Oct: - ITU ALERT International Cyber Drill Exercise 2015 for the Europe Region, Budva, Montenegro - Assistance and Coordination: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia on CIRT October: - October Awareness Month (Contribution of ITU to ENISA event in Brussels) Oct/Dec: - Coordination of preparation of national communication campaigns on COP at the national level: Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania… Oct: - Twinning between Poland and Romania on transfer of materials for national campaigns to be rolled out in the school targeting children and teachers November: - Preparation of 2015 updates of guidelines for parents & educators guidelines for parents & educators December: - Kick off: Preparation of benchmark of national initiatives on COP in Central Eastern Europe

19 RI-EUR4: Building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs / 2016 IMPLEMENTATION Jan/March: Benchmark of national initiatives on COP in the CEE February: Celebration of the Safer Internet Day (support to the national campaigns) 25-26 April: Workshop: Child Online Protection, Istanbul, Turkey Q3/4: Elaboration of model national strategy for COP Sept/Oct: - International Conference for Europe on COP, Poland Conference on "Central European Cybersecurity public-private dialogue platform", Sibiu, Romania October: October Awareness Month November: ITU-[ENISA] Regional Cybersecurity Forum for Europe and CIS Istanbul Sibiu, Romania Warsaw Sofia

20 EUROPE - RI-EUR5: Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth 2015-2017 IMPLEMENTATION

21 RI-EUR5 - Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth WTDC-14 Outcomes
Objective: To foster the creation of an enabling environment and build capacities at the regional level, aimed at growth of entrepreneurship and increased innovation in the ICT ecosystem, while encouraging empowerment of young men and women and creating new opportunities for them in the ICT sector. Expected results: Assistance to the countries in need in the following: A stronger and expanded regional network of ICT incubators Improved performance, gender-responsiveness and sustainability of ICT incubators across the region Enhanced competitiveness and sustainability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region Integration of ICT professionals, including young people and students, into the employment market by providing them with appropriate skills and knowledge and promoting self-development to help them find employment or create their own businesses.

22 RI-EUR5: Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth 2015-2017 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
May: Innovation track at WSIS Forum Sept.: 1st Athens Digital Payments Summit, Athens, Greece Sept.: National screening and coordination on “ITU-ICT-Agora ” – Greece Oct.: Onsite Expert Challenge at TELECOM WORLD on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Nov.: ITU-UNCTAD-UNIDO joining forces and agree on the framework for implementation of National Reviews of the ICT centric innovation ecosystem Dec.: Kick off of the National Review on ICT centric innovation ecosystem in Albania Dec. : ITU Expert Group Meeting on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Youth, Athens, Greece: Results: Athens Manifesto / Implementation Plan / Definition of requirements for “ITU-ICT-Agora ” platform Nov.: Prep of twinning on competition on “Girls in new technologies” (Poland–Serbia)

23 RI-EUR5: Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth 2015-2017 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN
March: Guidelines on ICT innovation ecosystem / self assessment toolkit April: Twinning Programme Poland-Serbia Celebration of the International Girls in ICT Day 2016 Q2: 2nd Athens Digital Payments Summit, Athens, Greece May: Innovation track at WSIS: global approach with regional seeds May: Innovation week in Albania: Launch of the outcomes of the national review / contribution to CSTD Q2: Launching of national guidelines for national frameworks fostering ICT centric innovation ecosystem Q3: Experts group meeting on innovation in Hungary and Serbia (under discussion) October: Launch of operational version of “ITU-ICT-Agora ” platform (TELECOM WORLD)

24 Regional Development Forum

25 Regional Development Forum 2015/2016
2015 ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe on "Broadband for Sustainable Development", Bucharest, Romania, April 2015 2016 ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe , Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 12/13 September 2016 Objective: Dialogue between BDT and decision-makers, governments and regulators, of ITU Member States and Sector Members. Platform for assessing strategic orientations that may have an impact on BDT's regional work plan in between world telecommunication development conferences. Discussion in details on the five regional initiatives approved by WTDC-14, providing members with an opportunity to exchange experiences and best practice in the implementation of these initiatives. Special attention to the new ITU Strategic Plan for , the activities of the ITU-D Study Groups, and the activities of the ITU Centres of Excellence. 

26 Other Actions Budapest Regional Coordination Mechanism and ECA Regional UNDG Team Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland: Hosted by ITU: 7-8 May 2015 Follow up to the UN Regional Coordination Mechanism Follow up with the national residents on ICT component in SDG (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, FYR Macedonia, etc.) ITU-FAO Reginal Experts Meeting for E-agriculture on E-government Services for Agriculture: May 2016, Budapest Regional Inter-Agency TaskForce on Youth Strengthening regional coordination: EC, EC JRC, ENISA, EBU, EBRD… Membership: Academia Membership ITS Europe Regional Conference, September 2016 The launch of the 2015 edition of the Measuring the Information Society Report (MIS) with Regional Focus on Europe, Geneva, Switzerland, 30 November 2015, Geneva Celebration of the International Girls in ICT Day 2016 (28 April 2018)

27 ITU Centers of Excellence: First Year of Implementation of New Strategy Capacity of 180 professionals built in 2015 Course title Dates, 2015 CoE Modality Number of participants Next Generation Broadband Internet Access 26 May – 22 June FEEIT FYR Macedonia e-learning 86 Strategic Aspects for Internet Governance and Innovations 5 – 6 November NIT Poland Face-to-face 9 End-to-End QoS Network Design 19 – 20 November 8 Mobile Broadband 17 Nov – 14 December 77 180 (total)

28 ITU Centers of Excellence: Actions for 2016
Czech Republic - Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (CTU) Online Course: Cybersecurity Awareness Training for SMEs March Dates tbd (duration: 5 weeks) Online Course: Cyber Security Lifecycle of the New Millennium April Dates tbd (duration: 5 weeks) Online Course: Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0 September 2016 – Dates tbd (duration: 5 weeks) Germany - Technische Universität Chemnitz (TUC) Face-to-face Course: Cybersecurity Dates tbd Face-to-face Course: Broadband Access" Dates tbd

29 ITU Centers of Excellence: Actions for 2016
FYR of Macedonia - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies Online Course: Broadband Internet and Future Networks (31 May - 27 June 2016 (duration: 4 weeks). Online Course: 4G and Next Generation Mobile Internet (22 November - 19 December 2016 (duration: 4 weeks). Poland - National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT) Face to Face: Wireless Access Technologies to Internet Network (3-4 November 2016) Face to Face: Teletraffic Engineering for the Internet – analytical approach (24-25 November 2016) Online: Strategic Aspects for Internet Governance (26 September – 3 October 2016) Portugal - Institute for Technology and Quality (ISQ) Face-to-face courses rescheduled from 2015: (preliminary dates) E-waste May 2016 Software conformance, testing and audit April 2016 CE mark in Telecommunications June 2016 Four new Face-to-face courses: (preliminary dates) Interoperability for optical fibres June 2016 Information security management in Telecommunications - ISO September 2016 Managing IT services at icloud and ITIL October 2016 Interoperability and protocol IPv November 2016

30 Upcoming meetings Bucharest 21-23 March 2016, Romania ITU Regional Seminar on Spectrum Management and Broadcasting Organized in partnership with ANACOM and Ministry of Communication and Information Society 12-13 April 2016, Poland ITU-EU Regional Conference on Mapping Broadband Infrastructure and Services Organized in partnership with UKE 25-26 April 2016, Istanbul, Turkey ITU Regional Seminar on Child Online Protection Organized in Partnership with BTK 12-13 September 2016, Belgrade, Serbia ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe Organized in Partnership with Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Warsaw Istanbul Serbia

31 Thank You We Call for Collaboration at Regional Level
Jaroslaw K. PONDER Europe Coordinator Regional Development Forum for Europe 12-13 September / Belgrade, Serbia

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