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Reminders for the test and Bell Work

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1 Reminders for the test and Bell Work

2 Monday, April 10th 1. Thesis- What is the formula for a thesis statement? 2. What is wrong with this introduction? Well, some people think that animals should only live in the wild, but what about injured animals. Shouldn’t they have a place to go to be taken care of, nursed to health, and loved? i think animals should live in zoos and recreation parks because they live longer in captivity, they can receive medical attention, and their population can be regulated. 3. the letter i wrote began, “dear friends of our fair city.” Make the subject and verb agree. 4. When they walks into the room, they will smells the horrific odor.

3 Monday, April 10th Answers
1. Thesis- What is the formula for a thesis statement? Topic + claim+ three reasons or evidence 2. Write down all of the errors you see below. Well, some people think that animals should only live in the wild but what about injured animals? Shouldn’t they have a place to go to be taken care of, nursed to health, and loved? I think animals should live in zoos and recreation parks because they live longer in captivity, they can receive medical attention, and their population can be regulated. Fix the capitalization in this sentence. 3. The letter I wrote began, “Dear friends of our fair city.” Make the subject and verb agree. 4. When they walk<s> into the room, they will smell <s> the horrific odor.

4 Alternative Some people think that animals should only live in the wild, but when animals get injured, they need to be taken care of. They should have a place to go to be nursed to health and loved. Nature Parks and zoos should exist only for injured and endangered animals because the animals live longer in captivity, they can receive medical attention, and their population can be regulated.

5 Monday, April 10th Reminders to Students BEFORE reading from the Test Booklet: Remember what your teachers have told you. Be sure to PLAN, write, and revise. Suggested lengths of time Read articles/Plan – minutes Write minutes Revise – minutes This is an untimed test, so take all the time you need. You may make notes, circle, and underline ideas within the articles. Remember to read the prompt very carefully and answer the question that is being asked. Don’t forget to check for everything on your Writer’s Checklist which is essentially: Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Sentences and Paragraphs, and Grammar/Usage/Mechanics!

6 Tuesday, April 12th Irrelevant Details- write down the details that don’t belong. When I was growing up, one of the places I enjoyed most was the cherry tree in the back yard. Behind the yard was an alley and then more houses. Every summer when the cherries began to ripen, I used to spend hours high in the tree, picking and eating the sweet, sun-warmed cherries. My mother always worried about my falling out of the tree, but I never did. But I had some competition for the cherries — flocks of birds that enjoyed them as much as I did would perch all over the tree, devouring the fruit whenever I wasn't there. I used to wonder why the grown-ups never ate any of the cherries; but actually when the birds and I had finished, there weren't many left.

7 Thursday, April 13th Predicate adjectives and predicate nouns compliment the subject. Write down the predicate noun or adjective in each sentence. 1. My grandfather is a great baker. 2. That bread tastes incredible. 3. His cakes are masterpieces. 4. Unfortunately, many of his recipes are secret. 5. His cookies are also a treat.

8 Friday, April 14th Objects of verbs tell to what, whom, or for whom the action is done. Write down the object of the verb in each sentence. 1. The basketball team won a medal 2. The principal awarded the trophy. 3. Eric won the game ball.

9 Monday, April 17th Write sown the simple subject and the verb
1. Do you know anything about mountain climbing? 2. There are people in love with the sport. 3. hike with others, not alone. 4. Around the mountain, climbers stared at the fierce storm. 5. Are you hiking in waterproof boots?

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