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TBQ: NCLB & NRPR How do teachers connect the mandates of federal law with the findings of the Congressional Report of the National Reading Panel? How.

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Presentation on theme: "TBQ: NCLB & NRPR How do teachers connect the mandates of federal law with the findings of the Congressional Report of the National Reading Panel? How."— Presentation transcript:

1 TBQ: NCLB & NRPR How do teachers connect the mandates of federal law with the findings of the Congressional Report of the National Reading Panel? How does this benefit children?

2 Release of Responsibility Model
GUIDED PRACTICE Modeling Practice and and Instruction Application ALL TEACHER ALL STUDENT

3 Phases of Literacy Development
Awareness and Exploration Pretend reading Pretend writing Logographic knowledge Developmental stage prior to school entry

4 Phases of Literacy Development
Experimental Coincides with school entry – kindergarten Print awareness- left/right congruence Top/bottom orientation Emergent litter/sound recognition Rhyming Alphabet knowledge High frequency word recognition

5 Phases of Literacy Development
Early Reading Coincides with formal schooling experiences – grades 1-2 Short stories Familiar topics Telling/retelling Increased sight vocabulary Increased fluency

6 Phases of Literacy Development
Transitional Around grade 2 students make the transition from learning to read to reading to learn More complex literacy tasks and content Using cognitive and metacognitive strateiges Using word ID strategies Sight words growing SSR Consistent spelling Proofreading skills

7 Phases of Literacy Development
Independent and Productive Using independent learning starts here More sophisticated use of reading strategies Multiple purposes for reading recognized Multiple audiences for reading recognized Greater use of library for study and reading for pleasure

8 WORD RECOGNITION A basic skill of reading, it may seem obvious that all students would have this skill. Some students, surprisingly, make it to the middle and even high school level still struggling to identify words in their vocabulary.

9 WORD IDENTIFICATION Words may be identified by their sequence of sounds Words may be identified by root and affix Words may be learned as whole entities

10 Phonemic Structures Understanding that sounds form our language
Discrimination of sounds and sound patterns Adding sound to sound Isolating sounds from other sounds Rhyming Elision

11 Sequences of sound Analytic phonics is the system of breaking words down as phonemic parts of a whole Synthetic phonics is the system of blending sounds into whole words

12 Alphabet Knowledge Letter identification both in order and in isolation Letters have names Letters have sounds – moves the student into phonemic awareness Snow, C. (1998) Preventing reading difficulties in young children. National Research Council.

13 Roots and Affixes Some words need to be taught from the root or central word form, with the addition of prefixes or suffixes. ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM

14 Words as Wholes Many English words do not conform to rules of pronunciation or formation and must be learned as wholes

15 The importance of being read to
Reading to children gives them a sense of the structure of text. Text structure allows children to understand that stories have characters, setting, plot, and perspective.

16 Word Rec vs Vocabulary Recognizing words is not the same as gaining a working vocabulary, however Content reading requires technical or specialized use of vocabulary and students need to learn and use the vocabulary appropriately and often

17 Word Map (Frayer Model)
Develop target concept Define the concept Construct hierarchy Attach attributes Continue teaching concept ANIMAL NONVERTEBRATE VERTEBRATE MAMMALS AVES AMPPHIBS REPTILES WARM BLOODED COLD BLOODED ALLIGATORS SNAKES LIZARDS

18 Word Map (Frayer Model)
The completion of this technique includes getting students to complete the concept activity by identifying the following… EXAMPLES NON EXAMPLES RELEVANT ATTRIBUTES IRRELEVANT ATTRIBUTES

19 List/Group/Label Generate a list of words related to a topic
Group them logically Label the grouped words to establish characteristics or meaning for later use

20 Semantic Feature Analysis
Select category List words in that category List features Indicate possession of that feature Expand/add features Complete/expand the matrix

21 Word Walls Used to keep current vocabulary or important words in the content classroom before the student, organized alphabetically. addend by-product calculate addition bell curve curve divide estimate fraction dividend evaluate frustum deviation error measure gradual hemi index

22 Word Banking Word banks are lists or collections of words that students have mastered. The teacher can call upon the student to continually use the words in the word bank.

23 Possible Sentences New vocabulary Predictions about sentences
Establish purpose for reading Arouse curiosity Generate key vocabulary Elicit sentences using combinations of key vocabulary Read/verify sentences Evaluate/refine/extend or combine sentences Generate new sentences

24 DRA/DRTA/Guided Reading
Students process, verify, judge, and extend thought. One of the basic tools in a teacher’s toolbox Teacher guides and stimulates through questioning VERY STRUCTURED ADAPTABLE MOVES FROM BASIC TO COMPLEX CONTENT STRUCTURES

25 SCAFFOLDING All effective instruction requires the development of a useful and efficient structure upon which all instruction hangs and relates.

26 READABILITY A ratio of sentence length to word length
Examination of aspects which influence reader’s effective use of text Indicator for how to change text to be useable by reader.

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