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ABCDE Essay Structure The Five-Paragraph Essay

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1 ABCDE Essay Structure The Five-Paragraph Essay
(For Argument and Informative/Explanatory Writing)

2 Example Prompt: What do you think is the best holiday of the year? Provide reasons and examples to support your answer.

3 Prewriting – brainstorming #1

4 Prewriting – brainstorming #2

5 ABCDE Essay Format Attention-Grabber Bridge/Background
Introductory Paragraph Bridge/Background Central Thesis Statement Paragraphs Body Divisions Ending Statement Concluding Paragraph Summarize “Clincher” Statement

6 Introductory Paragraph
Attention-Grabber General Bridge/Background Central Thesis Statement Specific

7 Step 1: Central Thesis Statement
Most important sentence of the essay. It is the main idea statement. Always an opinion. Contains the main points supporting the opinion (these points come from your Thinking Map). Must be written first before planning the essay. Narrows the topic down to a manageable size. Always the last sentence of the Introductory paragraph.

8 Step 1: Central Thesis Statement (Cont’d)
Example: Christmas is the best holiday of the year because of presents, traditions, and family togetherness. Opinion 3 Reasons

9 Step 2: Attention-Grabber
Always the first sentence of the first paragraph Purpose: To “hook” the reader To introduce the subject NEVER an opinion. You don’t want your audience to disagree with you right away. Facts work better. Your audience can’t disagree with a fact.

10 Step 2: Attention-Grabber (Cont’d)
Example: Christmas comes only one day a year, but the preparations take months for many Americans.

11 Step 3: Bridge/Background
Gives background information and details that will help your reader understand the details in the rest of the essay. In a persuasive essay, you should explain the situation given to you in the prompt. Ex. The school board is considering requiring students to wear uniforms. Ex. Many people don’t think that we need to recycle. Should be at least 3 sentences.

12 Step 3: Bridge/Background
Example: Decorations, Santa Claus, caroling, and many other traditions enrich the nature of the holiday. Furthermore, no other holiday creates such excitement, can boast such intrigue, or is planned for over as long a period of time as Christmas. People start saving money, making plans with relatives, and start shopping months before Christmas.

13 ABCDE Essay Format Attention-Grabber Bridge/Background
Introductory Paragraph Bridge/Background Central Thesis Statement Paragraphs Body Divisions Ending Statement Concluding Paragraph Summarize “Clincher” Statement

14 Body Paragraphs Divisions

15 Step 4: Divisions Three paragraphs (2, 3 and 4) which are the body of the essay. D-1: 1st Body Paragraph (2nd Overall Paragraph) D-2: 2nd Body Paragraph (3rd Overall Paragraph) D-3: 3rd Body Paragraph (4th Overall Paragraph) They are the specific supporting details for the Central Thesis.

16 Division Paragraphs D-1: First reason for thesis. Transition, reason 1. Explanation 1. Transition, reason 2. Explanation 2. Transition, reason 3. Explanation 3. Transition, restatement of first reason for thesis. Each paragraph in the body should be a POWER PARAGRAPH, with: A topic sentence Supporting Details/Examples (with transitions) Restatement of Topic Sentence D-2: Second reason for thesis. Transition, reason 1. Explanation 1. Transition, reason 2. Explanation 2. Transition, reason 3. Explanation 3. Transition, restatement of second reason for thesis. D-3: Third reason for thesis. Transition, reason 1. Explanation 1. Transition, reason 2. Explanation 2. Transition, reason 3. Explanation 3. Transition, restatement of third reason for thesis.

17 Step 4: Divisions Example Division paragraph-1:
One of the main reasons Christmas is the best holiday of the year is because of presents. Thinking of others + Explanations/Examples Unselfishness + Explanations/Examples The season’s spirit of giving + Explanations/Examples Buying, baking, and making gifts + Explanations/Examples Then you would restate your D-1 main idea statement from above.

18 Step 4: Divisions Example Division Prargraph -2:
Another reason Christmas is one of the best holidays of the year is because of the traditions. Decorating the tree + Explanations/Examples Religious services + Explanations/Examples Hanging the lights + Explanations/Examples Egg nog and parties + Explanations/Examples Neighborhood customs + Explanations/Examples Then you would restate your D-2 main idea statement from above.

19 Step 4: Divisions Example Division paragraph -3:
Finally, perhaps the best reason Christmas is the best holiday of the year is because the celebration promotes family togetherness. Traveling great distances + Explanations/Examples Large family meals + Explanations/Examples Family ties and unity + Explanations/Examples Putting aside disagreements + Explanations/Examples Then you would restate your D-3 main idea statement from above.

20 ABCDE Essay Format Attention-Grabber Bridge/Background
Introductory Paragraph Bridge/Background Central Thesis Statement Paragraphs Body Divisions Ending Statement Concluding Paragraph Summarize “Clincher” Statement

21 Summarize Division Paragraphs
Concluding Paragraph Ending Statement Specific Summarize Division Paragraphs “Clincher” Statement General

22 Step 5: Ending Statement
A restatement of the Central Thesis Statement Basically, the same as the Central Thesis, but using different words. This is the first sentence of your Concluding Paragraph.

23 Step 5: Ending Statement (Cont’d)
Example: Presents, traditions, and family togetherness blend together to create a special holiday unlike any other holiday celebrated by Americans.

24 Step 6: Summarize Division Paragraphs
Quickly restate each of your supporting details. This will remind your reader of your reasons.

25 Step 7: “Clincher” Statement
This is meant to drive home the argument. It helps to write something that affects the reader. In a persuasive essay, write a “Call to Action” This tells readers what they should do if they agree with you. For example: Write to a newspaper, congressman, school principal, etc. to show your support. Vote a certain way in an election. Start doing something differently, such as recycling more, stop buying a certain product, etc.

26 ABCDE Essay Format Attention-Grabber Bridge/Background
Introductory Paragraph Bridge/Background Central Thesis Statement Paragraphs Body Divisions Ending Statement Concluding Paragraph Summarize “Clincher” Statement

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