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Civil War Power Point Project

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1 Civil War Power Point Project
Due Date:________________________ Battle Name:__________________________ Assignment: You will be assigned a Civil War Battle to research. Your job is to create a poster that will show important facts about the event. Step 1. On a sheet of poster board, write the title of your battle Step In letters smaller than the title, list the following underneath the title: _____Location of Battle (State and City) _____Date(s) of Battle (Day and Year) Step 3. Find a picture of the Union Commander and print it. _____ Write the name of the commander under his picture. Add this to poster Step 4. Find a picture of the Confederate Commander and print it. Step 5. _____Find and print map that shows the movement of the armies during the battle. Print it and add to poster Step 6. Using bullets, create a list of Casualties _____ Union Dead _____ Confederate Dead _____ Union Wounded _____ Confederate Wounded _____ Union Captured/Missing _____ Confederate Captured/Missing Step 7. Write a paragraph on the battle Sentence one – when was it fought Sentence two – where was it fought Sentence three – who won the battle Sentence four – why was it important Sentence five – Conclusion Add the paragraph to your poster

2 Grading Total Possible Points: 65 1. Project has all steps completed
-7 steps 20 pts -5 or 6 steps 15 pts -3 or 4 steps 10 pts -2 steps 5 pts -1 step 0pts All pictures/maps are printed: 3 pictures 10 pts 2 pictures 5pts 1 pictures 2 pts Neatness/Creativity - Writing on poster is neat, No ragged edges, Pictures are clear 10pts -Sloppy handwriting and some ragged edges 5pts -Sloppy handwriting, ragged edges and blurry pictures 2pts General Grades -On time 5 pts One day late 4pts More than one day 0pts -Grammar 10pts -On Task Behavior 10pts Total Possible Points: 65

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