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Exam #2 M (3/8) in class (bring cheat sheet)

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1 Exam #2 M (3/8) in class (bring cheat sheet)

2 Function shapes structure… Structure enables function
What functions and structures exist? Those passed on by past generations… Evolution

3 Life as we know it… Fig 26.21


5 Fig 29.7

6 Extant Terrestrial Plants
Tbl 29.1

7 Moss Fig 29.9

8 Early terrestrial plants:
Could not transport water over long distances Could not grow tall, lacked support Needed water for reproduction

9 Moss Life Cycle Fig 29.8

10 Moss Life Cycle: water required for reproduction
Fig 29.8

11 Fig 29.12 Early vascular plants

12 Plant vascular system: Xylem- water… (tough tubes, support)
Fig 36.2 Plant vascular system: Xylem- water… (tough tubes, support) Phloem- sugars…

13 Xylem- thick cells walls
Fig 35.10 Xylem- thick cells walls

14 Xylem- thick cells walls

15 Equisetum Fig 29.15

16 Equisetum Moss

17 Early Leaves: fusion of branched stems
Fig 29.14 Early Leaves: fusion of branched stems

18 Fig 29.14 Ferns

19 Fig 29.13 Fern life cycle

20 Carboniferous forest of ferns, etc. ~330 mya
(now coal) Fig 29.16

21 Changes in atmospheric C02

22 Fig 29.7

23 Ferns need water to reproduce
Moss Ferns Seed plants

24 Seeds and pollen allowed gymnosperms to reproduce without water

25 Fig 30.5 Weird Gymnosperms

26 More common Gymnosperms
Fig 30.5 Conifers: More common Gymnosperms

27 Gymnosperms disperse their pollen and seeds by wind
Note: this is not a gymnosperm

28 Gymnosperms disperse their pollen and seeds by wind

29 Extant Terrestrial Plants
Tbl 29.1 Extant Terrestrial Plants Flowering Plants = 250,000 species

30 Angiosperms- flowering plants

31 The flower allowed angiosperms to direct pollen movement from one plant to another

32 Fig 30.7 a typical flower

33 Animal pollinators move pollen from one plant to another
Fig 38.4 Animal pollinators move pollen from one plant to another

34 Plants reproduce, reward animals with sugar

35 Seed dispersal can be by wind or often also by animal
Fig 30.9 Seed dispersal can be by wind or often also by animal

36 Animals can get nutrients to disperse seeds
Fig 30.8 Fruits: Animals can get nutrients to disperse seeds

37 Angiosperm reproduction
Fig 30.10 Angiosperm reproduction Efficient reproduction has led to an explosion of angiosperm species.

38 Fig 30.2

39 Exam #2 M (3/8) in class (bring cheat sheet)

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