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Classification Systems

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1 Classification Systems

2 Shape Activity Wait for discussion First, Cut out the Shapes
Arrange shapes into groups You must have at least 4 groups Give each group a name Give each shape within the group a name Glue the groups on to the paper in their own section Wait for discussion


4 Why Classify? Name organisms Group them in a logical manner

5 Taxonomy The science of classifying organisms and assigning each one a universally accepted name Scientific Naming Binomial Nomenclature Name consists of the Genus and species Why a Scientific Name….

6 Common Name Different Animal
American Opossum Australian Possum

7 Same Animal different common name
Depending on the region called striped mullet, black mullet, flathead grey mullet

8 Acer rubrum (italicized or underlined)
Scientific Name (Binomial Nomenclature) Example: Red Maple (this is the common name) Acer rubrum (italicized or underlined) Acer, is the genus (the latin word for maple) rubrum is the species (rubrum is the latin word for red) Why is it important to have a scientific name and not just a common name?

9 Biological Classification
Linnaeus developed this system and placed living things into levels of classification. Based his system on specific traits Includes more groups than older systems Each level is called a taxon (taxa)

10 Linnaeus’ Classification System
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

11 Use a mnemonic to help you
King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup

12 Kingdom The largest group Contains several phyla

13 Example: Kingdom Animalia consumers, multicellular,eukaryotes
(a) A sea star

14 Phylum Includes several classes
Includes a large number of different organisms. The organisms share some important basic characteristics

15 Example: Phylum Chordata
Includes mammals, birds, fishes, amphibians and reptiles What do these animals have in common?

16 Class A group of closely related orders
Example: Mammalia (covered with fur, warm-blooded, nurse their young)

17 Order Several families of similar organisms
Example: Carnivora, includes cats, dogs, , etc. Carnivores are meat-eaters

18 Family Larger than a genus Contains several related genera
Example: Lions, tigers, cheetahs (all catlike animals belong in the family Felidae)

19 Genus Species that share common characteristics
Example: Felis (contains the common house cat as well as the cougar and puma. (Small cats.) Have similar teeth, feet, and claws

20 Species Population of organisms that share similar characteristics and that can breed with one another and produce fertile offspring Example: catus (a tame cat)

21 Kingdom When first introduced all phyla belonged to either the Kingdom Animalia or Plantae The scientific view of life was not as complex in Linnaeus’s time

22 Early Classification Traits used to separate Animals from Plants
Animals were mobile, used food for energy Plants were green and photosynthetic

23 Two Kingdoms were not enough to logically include all organisms

24 The Six-Kingdom System
Animalia Plantae Fungi Yeast, mushrooms and molds Protista Many microorganisms Bacteria Archae

25 The Three-Domain System
The Domain is larger than a Kingdom Scientists have used molecular analyses to group organisms into domains Note: This was not part of Linnaeus’ System

26 The Three Domains: Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Eukaryota

27 Domain - Bacteria Kingdom Bacteria ( common bacteria)
Characteristics Prokaryote (no nucleus) Composition of cell wall different from archaebacteria Unicellular Autotroph, heterotroph or chemotrophic (energy from chemicals) HONORS Contain peptidoglycan in cell wall Peptidoglycan is a sugar polymer. These bacteria are less complex and easier to treat.

28 Escherichia coli Streptococcus

29 Domain Archaea Kingdom Archaea ( Archa – means “initial”, also known as extreme bacteria)
Characteristics Prokaryote More complex cell wall composition Unicellular Autotroph, heterotroph or chemotrophic (energy from chemicals)

30 Halophile’s (salt loving bacteria) in the Sierra Navada (aerial view)
Halophile bacteria in Lake Natron, Tanzania Thermophiles – heat loving. Live near volcanoes. Mt.St Helens

31 Methanogens – live with no oxygen –
make methane gas (natural gas or swamp gas)

32 Domain Eukarya Kingdom Protista
Characteristics Eukaryote (contain a nucleus) Most unicellular (some multicellular) Autotroph or heterotroph

33 Examples of Protists euglena Amoeba Paramecium
Figure 28.19 Giant Kelp and sea weeds Sporozoites – parasite causes malaria Slime mold

34 Domain Eukarya Kingdom Fungi
Characteristics Eukaryote Cell walls made of chitin Material that makes up exoskeleton of insects and arthropods. Most multicellular (some unicellular) Heterotroph

35 Examples of Fungi Mushrooms, puffballs, shelf fungi
Athlete’s foot and ringworm Yeast – Only unicellular fungi

36 Domain Eukarya Kingdom Plantae
Characteristics Eukaryote Have Cell walls made of cellulose Contain chloroplasts Multicellular autotroph

37 Bryophytes – Nonvascular plants
Ferns – vascular seedless Seed plants - Gymnosperms Seed plants – flowering plants angiosperms

38 Examples of Plants Seed plants/non-flowering - conifers
Mosses, and ferns the seedless plants Flowering seed plants

39 Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia
Characteristics Eukaryote No cell walls or chloroplasts Multicellular heterotroph

40 Examples of Animals

41 Problems with Classification
Which characteristics are more important? Those we can see…. Or those we can’t Classifying only observable traits can pose problems

42 Think about it. Linnaeus tried to group organisms according to biologically important characteristics This was more than a century before Darwin’s ideas about evolution. And how organisms are related

43 What is the problem with classifying based on body structure comparisons?
Barnacles and limpets would be grouped together The problem is…which similarities and differences are most important?

44 Grouping based on the lines of evolutionary descent
Grouping based on the lines of evolutionary descent Darwin’s theory of evolution changed the way biologists thought about classification Crabs and barnacles are more closely related and are grouped together. Organisms are grouped into categories that represent lines of evolutionary descent, not just physical similarities


46 Evolutionary Classification
Phylogeny-the study of how living and extinct organisms are related to one another. The strategy is to group organisms together based on their evolutionary history (evolutionary classification) Look at their evolutionary descent rather than similarities and differences Bozeman Science Phylogenies

47 Evolutionary Classification
Common Ancestors Phylogenetic systematics places organisms into higher taxa The larger a taxon is, the farther back in time its members shared a common ancestor.

48 Phylogeny Example

49 Cladogram Classifying organisms according to these rules places them into groups called clades Clade – is a group of species that includes a single common ancestor and all descendants of that ancestor – living and extinct. At each juncture is a new evolutionary trait

50 Cladogram example of barnacles and limpets

51 Similarities in DNA and RNA
Similarities in DNA can be used to help determine classification and evolutionary relationships DNA of different organisms can be “read” and compared to trace the history of genes. They are useful because all organisms have either DNA or RNA

52 Comparing DNA of different species
Comparing DNA of different species. The more similarities in the DNA sequence, the more closely related the species.

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