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Job Applications and Interviewing Skills

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1 Job Applications and Interviewing Skills
Chapter 15 Job Applications and Interviewing Skills

2 Case Study 15 Mercedes is discouraged and frustrated with the job getting process. She recently graduated from a local business school and is looking for a sales position in women's fashions. She has sent out 12 resumes with letters of application that have resulted in five interviews with local employers who advertised in the paper. She believes she has done very well in the interviews, but so far there have been no offers. As a result, Mercedes goes to her friend who works in a law firm and seeks her advice. Her friend wants to know the questions asked during Mercedes interviews, how Mercedes responded, what she wore to the interviews, and whether she wrote any follow up letters. Mercedes indicates that she answered all the questions honestly. For example, when the interviewers asked what she would like to be doing five years from now, Mercedes responded that she wanted to have her own dress boutique. And she brought up in all five interviews that she is engaged and that her fiancé’ will graduate from the local university next spring. Mercedes goes onto say that the interviewers were very thorough, that she had been nervous, and that she did not ask any questions. She further says that she wore the same type clothing she always wore to school-jeans, a shirt or sweater, and heels. Because she is 5’2, she wore three inch heels to show that she was sensitive to fashion. Mercedes tells her friend that she does not know what a follow up letter is.

3 Case Study Questions What type of letters of application should Mercedes have written? Can you tell how well Mercedes has written her resume and letters of application? Did Mercedes’ friend ask three good questions? Why? Did Mercedes understand the interviewing process? Did Mercedes dress appropriately for her interviews? Would a follow up letter have helped Mercedes get a job?

4 Cover Letters How to write a cover letter

5 Body Paragraph Terrell Owens

6 Closing Paragraph

7 General Guidelines for Application Letters
How to write a cover letter

8 Application Form

9 Lets go back to questions 1 and 2 of the case study.
What type of letters of application should Mercedes have written? Can you tell how well Mercedes has written her resume and letters of application?

10 Preparing for the Job Interview
Job interview questions

11 The Interview Itself How to dress for a job interview

12 The Interview Itself Tough interview question 1

13 The Interview Itself Tough interview question 2

14 The Interview Itself Tough interview question 4

15 The Follow up Letter How to write a follow up letter

16 Lets go back to questions 3,4,5 and 6 of the case study.
Did Mercedes’ friend ask three good questions? Why? Did Mercedes understand the interviewing process? Did Mercedes dress appropriately for her interviews? Would a follow up letter have helped Mercedes get a job?

17 Case Summary As illustrated by Mercedes, an effective resume and letter of application get you interviews, but do not get you the job. You must understand the interviewing process, be prepared to answer basic questions, dress appropriately, and write an effective follow up letter. To fail at any of these can result in your not getting the job

18 Interviewing Intelligently: Case Study
Page 535 of Textbook Must be typed in Times Roman Numeral Font. Complete Sentences! Don’t start a sentence with yes, no or maybe.

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