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Welcome to 1st Hour! Math I CO-Taught

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 1st Hour! Math I CO-Taught"— Presentation transcript:

0 Curriculum Night Angela Carlson

1 Welcome to 1st Hour! Math I CO-Taught
Angela Carlson & Brianna Heisler & Extra help on Wednesday 7:15 or by appointment 

2 Concepts Covered Math I
Based on New Illinois State Standards (Common Core) Developed by 6th Grade Common Core Task Force 6th Grade Units 1-8 Fractions & Decimals Ratios/Rates/Proportions Rational Numbers Expressions Equations & Inequalities Geometry Statistics Formulas & Graphs

3 Course Percentages Math I
Weighted Scores Homework 10% Classwork 5% Quizzes 35% Tests 50%

4 Homework and Tests Homework 0/1 Point(s) Missing/Late (“M” or “L”)
Absent Policy Tests/Quizzes Retake Policy; Tests ONLY, Quizzes up to 70% Extra Help Wednesday Help Sessions X-time

5 Resources Importance of your student’s Math Folder & Spiral
Notes Packets Classwork/Homework Assessments Online Resources: Google Classroom Carlson Calendars Buzzmath TenMarks Khan Academy Materials: PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ti30 Calculator Dry Erase Markers

6 Meeting Students’ Needs
Technology Buzzmath/Khan Academy for re-teach or enrichment Pre-Tests and Target Sheets Guides in-class and at-home practice for re-teach and enrichment Stations Leveled Groups, Small Group Attention, Differentiated Activities MAP Goal Setting Targeting needs and areas for improvement or growth

7 Welcome to 5th Hour! Math I
Angela Carlson Extra help on Wednesday 7:15 or by appointment 

8 Concepts Covered Math I
Based on New Illinois State Standards (Common Core) Developed by 6th Grade Common Core Task Force 6th Grade Units 1-8 Fractions & Decimals Ratios/Rates/Proportions Rational Numbers Expressions Equations & Inequalities Geometry Statistics Formulas & Graphs

9 Course Percentages Math I
Weighted Scores Homework 10% Classwork 5% Quizzes 35% Tests 50%

10 Homework and Tests Homework 0/1 Point(s) Missing/Late (“M” or “L”)
Absent Policy Tests/Quizzes Retake Policy; Tests ONLY, Quizzes up to 70% Extra Help Wednesday Help Sessions X-time

11 Resources Importance of your student’s Math Folder & Spiral
Notes Packets Classwork/Homework Assessments Online Resources: Google Classroom Carlson Calendars Buzzmath TenMarks Khan Academy Materials: PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ti30 Calculator Dry Erase Markers

12 Meeting Students’ Needs
Technology Buzzmath/Khan Academy for re-teach or enrichment Pre-Tests and Target Sheets Guides in-class and at-home practice for re-teach and enrichment Stations Leveled Groups, Small Group Attention, Differentiated Activities MAP Goal Setting Targeting needs and areas for improvement or growth

13 Welcome to 6th Hour Math II
Angela Carlson Extra help on Wednesday 7:15 or by appointment 

14 Concepts Covered Math II
Based on New Illinois State Standards (Common Core) Developed by 6th Grade Common Core Task Force 6th Grade Units 1-8 Fractions & Decimals Ratios/Rates/Proportions Rational Numbers Expressions Equations & Inequalities Geometry Statistics Formulas & Graphs 7th Grade Units 1-2 Ratios & Proportions Ratio & Proportions Applications

15 Course Percentages Math I
Weighted Scores Homework 10% Classwork 5% Quizzes 35% Tests 50%

16 Homework and Tests Homework 0/1 Point(s) Missing/Late (“M” or “L”)
Absent Policy Tests/Quizzes Retake Policy; Tests ONLY, Quizzes up to 70% Extra Help Wednesday Help Sessions X-time

17 Resources Importance of your student’s Math Folder & Spiral
Notes Packets Classwork/Homework Assessments Online Resources: Google Classroom Carlson Calendars Buzzmath TenMarks Khan Academy Materials: PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ti30 Calculator Dry Erase Markers

18 Meeting Students’ Needs
Technology Buzzmath/Khan Academy for re-teach or enrichment Pre-Tests and Target Sheets Guides in-class and at-home practice for re-teach and enrichment Stations Leveled Groups, Small Group Attention, Differentiated Activities MAP Goal Setting Targeting needs and areas for improvement or growth

19 Welcome to 9th Hour Math II
Angela Carlson Extra help on Wednesday 7:15 or by appointment 

20 Concepts Covered Math II
Based on New Illinois State Standards (Common Core) Developed by 6th Grade Common Core Task Force 6th Grade Units 1-8 Fractions & Decimals Ratios/Rates/Proportions Rational Numbers Expressions Equations & Inequalities Geometry Statistics Formulas & Graphs 7th Grade Units 1-2 Ratios & Proportions Ratio & Proportions Applications

21 Course Percentages Math I
Weighted Scores Homework 10% Classwork 5% Quizzes 35% Tests 50%

22 Homework and Tests Homework 0/1 Point(s) Missing/Late (“M” or “L”)
Absent Policy Tests/Quizzes Retake Policy; Tests ONLY, Quizzes up to 70% Extra Help Wednesday Help Sessions X-time

23 Resources Importance of your student’s Math Folder & Spiral
Notes Packets Classwork/Homework Assessments Online Resources: Google Classroom Carlson Calendars Buzzmath TenMarks Khan Academy Materials: PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ti30 Calculator Dry Erase Markers

24 Meeting Students’ Needs
Technology Buzzmath/Khan Academy for re-teach or enrichment Pre-Tests and Target Sheets Guides in-class and at-home practice for re-teach and enrichment Stations Leveled Groups, Small Group Attention, Differentiated Activities MAP Goal Setting Targeting needs and areas for improvement or growth

25 X-Time Growth Mindset Video
Know the tortoise and hare story? All students saw this in x-time last week, and we spoke with them about the teenage brain and #growthmindset using this classic story.  We had a great discussion with our students about perseverance. We are so  proud of our students already this year. #bestyearyet #101alag #rotolo25 Growth Mindset Video

26 6th Grade Information X-Time is connected to lunch for 6th graders
Focus on student’s greatest area of need Focus on Social Emotional Learning and Academic Growth Review student achievement several times a year Flexible groups for students (cycling every 5-6 weeks) Interventions and enrichment will occur Staff will focus on a growth mindset with students Additional X-Time period focusing on Executive Functioning Organization focused on using assignment notebook

27 Conferences available on October 6
15-20 minute time slots Goal remains to meet with all parents who would like a conference Conference window October 3-14 Parents may contact teachers for conference beginning September 6 Our team will contact you with time slots & availability


29 Sixth Grade Classroom Management
Oops slips 5 First Trimester 4 Second Trimester 3 Third Trimester How can you lose an oops?  Students lose an oops if not following bark… B - Bulldogs A - Are Responsible R - Respectful and K - Keep it safe

30 6th Grade Classroom Management
What if I lose all my oops? Learning Opportunity…

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