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Cover Letters The Do’s and Don’ts

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1 Cover Letters The Do’s and Don’ts

2 Why would you write a letter to a company?
To apply for a job, accompanied with an application form and/or resume Prospect for a job: Respond to advertisement Inquire about possibilities in a field of work Gets your name out to potential employers May open up an interview possibility Highlights important points of your resume Thank someone for their time, interest and support especially after an interview

3 The purpose of the cover letter ?
Introduce yourself as a qualified applicant It is the first page of your application package, it should accompany an application form and/or resume. It is like an opening paragraph in an essay Highlight of your skills, qualifications that match what the employer is looking for. Stand out in a crowd and get an interview

4 The Basics Typed and printed on good quality paper. White or off white, no colors Proper business letter format Market yourself in a positive way to sell your best assets that matches a company’s needs Check spelling and grammar! Any mistakes and your resume package will be filed under “G” for Garbage No slang or jargon No lying

5 Examples Suggested Cover Letter Format

6 Specific Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t overuse “I”. Sounds self centered Attention grabbing and strong opening “Your need for a top performing sales representative is an excellent match to my three year history as a #1 ranked producer.” Remember your top selling points related to job advertisement. Ad specifies for communication skills  You relate by “Five years of public speaking experience with … “

7 Don’t make it too long or too short
Cover letter needs to be over 1 paragraph but no longer than a page. Don’t repeat your resume word for word Don’t be vague Match the job position to your specific skills and/or experience with supporting examples Don’t forget to customize If you are applying for many jobs make sure you customize your letter for each job

8 Don’t end on a passive note
Put your future in your own hands, follow up on your application and after an interview Don’t be assuming Thank reader for time and consideration Do sign the letter

9 Examples Good Bad Ugly

10 Bad Cover Letter Excerpts
“I promise to keep this short ant to the point. I’m looking for a job, within the fields of advertising and or marketing. As I searched online I stumbled upon your company and thought that I’d drop you a line to see if you had any openings. I have a string background in video production… ”

11 “I’m looking for work because even though my company was profitable last year, this year they are expecting a large defecate.”

12 “I am eager to put my McGuyver-like design ability to use in the workplace. I’m sure you receive hundreds of these letters a week, but how many of those people have built an entire campaign with nothing more than old barbed wire and used Popsicle sticks? None? I’ve never done that, either but it would be a neat trick. I would like to come by and show you my work in hopes of making something of my life so I can move out of my parents basement.”

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