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Technical Presentation AIAC 2010-2011 Group 11. System Rationale System Architecture Secure Channel Establishment Username/Password Cartão Cidadão Digital.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Presentation AIAC 2010-2011 Group 11. System Rationale System Architecture Secure Channel Establishment Username/Password Cartão Cidadão Digital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Presentation AIAC 2010-2011 Group 11

2 System Rationale System Architecture Secure Channel Establishment Username/Password Cartão Cidadão Digital Certificate Secure Functionalities Competence Verification Document Signature and Validation System Security Analysis AIAC 2010-2011 Group 12

3 Client asked for a system who was able to: Verify a title or competency of a subject; Digitally Sign a document with a given Competency of a subject. All the communication and processes performed in a secure fashion CERTCOP was developed to address these (and more…) requisites AIAC 2010-2011 Group 13

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5 5 3 Modes Used: Username/Password Cartão Cidadão Digital Certificates Used with a slight modification in Web Server All modes based on EKE (Encrypted Key Exchange) At the end each entity has: Public/Private Key; Symmetric Session Key; Mutual Authentication Guarantees.

6 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 16

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9 9 One signature is generated for every message Provides Integrity, Freshness and Non-Repudiation The original message, along with the Signature, is ciphered with the Symmetric Session Key Providing Confidentiality and Authentication

10 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 110 Competence Verification Document Signature and Validation

11 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 111

12 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 112

13 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 113 To each signed document is generated the following signature: If the Document has a higher priority it is stored and verified by another system VERICOP This additional service can be billed at a higher price

14 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 114 State of the art cryptographic algorithms and protocols used: AES (with 128 bits key and 10 encryption rounds) SHA-2 (256 bits) RSA (with 2048 bits key for certificate, 1024 for the transient key pairs) Adapted EKE Protocol Quite few practical attacks reported on those algorithms

15 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 115 System Security is an important issue: Database Servers Isolation Credentials Management Firewall Configuration Users and Administrators security awareness is vital to the Security Neither Users nor Administrators should ever release their passwords to anybody

16 AIAC 2010-2011 Group 116 Web Interface will be available in a future release; System design based on state of the art security technologies Great overall System Security Level Special care must be taken to the maintenance and operation procedures of the system

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