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The Newborn Chap 6.2.

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1 The Newborn Chap 6.2

2 Lungs During delivery, the lungs fill with amniotic fluid
Most is squeezed out during delivery The remainder is suctioned out by a nurse For the first few month Breathing is irregular maybe even pause a little while they are sleeping, very normal Becomes more regular by about 2 or 3 months

3 Umbilical cord Heart Must pump harder to get more blood to the lungs
Two small openings begin to close Umbilical cord Once provided all baby’s oxygen and nourishment Now it is no longer needed, it is clamped off and cut, sometimes by the father It leaves a black stump that will fall off within the first few weeks That area should be kept clean and dry, while it is healing

4 Appearance Head – is wobbly and too large for its body
Skull may appear pointed (cone shaped) Will go back to normal Skull has not fused together resulting in Fontanel or soft spots They will fused together as the baby grows Face – may be swollen and puffy and a little blueish in color

5 Appearance Cont. Skin- covered in vernix, pasty substance to protect from the amniotic fluid Washes off May be covered in milia or baby acne Bumps on the nose and cheeks Goes away in a week or so May still have some lanugo (fine hair) Goes away soon Keep warm Newborns loose a lot of body heat, so they must be wrapped up and their heads covered. Put under heating lamps right after birth

6 Exams Apgar scale Antibiotics to baby’s eyes to prevent infection
System of rating they physical condition of the baby Five factors are checked to make sure the baby is healthy Heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, response to stimulation, and skin color. Normal score is 6-10, lower score means the baby may need medical attention Antibiotics to baby’s eyes to prevent infection

7 Later Test Other tests are given to the newborn Hearing test
Blood test (from umbilical chord) to determine blood type and to screen for diseases Blood heal test Later the baby’s blood will be taken from the heal for further testing of diseases and disorders

8 Safety and Security Birth certificate Wrist bands
Shortly after birth the baby’s foot prints will be taken and the birth certificate will be filled out Wrist bands A wrist band will be placed on you and your baby With either matching numbers or something To identify your baby

9 Post Natal Period Chap 6.3

10 After the birth Involves major and significant, adjustment s for mother and baby Both of you need rest usually stay in the hospital for 1 to 2 days Some things that may cause concern Jaundice Causes baby’s skin to turn yellow Problem with the liver Baby is put under ultraviolet light to get rid of it.

11 Bonding Is forming emotional ties between parents and child
Immediately after birth, nurses place the baby on the mother’s stomach To feel the warmth of the mothers skin and hear her voice and heartbeat Fathers and touch the baby too Soon after the baby is taken to be washed and checked then brought back all cleaned and wrapped up

12 Bonding Cont. Bonding helps baby’s brain development
Through simple interactions such as holding, talking and singing helps baby’s development Skin to skin contact is very important


14 Breast feeding Advantages
Bonding with baby Infection fighting Colostrum, is a high calorie protein that is in early milk production, helps to prevent illness Nutrition and digestion Changes with baby’s needs Its Free Its warm and ready to go Beneficial to mom – changes breast tissue  Lactation Consultant- will assist you in the hospital

15 Breast feeding Cont. Challenges Personal Comfort Demanding Schedule
Can be challenging and painful for some women Demanding Schedule Must either be available when baby needs to eat or pump a bottle in advance Milk comes even when baby is not there. Mother is the sole provider Unless you pump, then anyone can feed the baby Diet considerations Stay away from alcohol Some foods may effects baby’s digestion

16 Bottle Feeding Advantages Challenges Anyone can feed the baby
Less feedings – takes longer to digest No diet considerations for mother Convenience for public places Challenges Organization and preparation Nutrition minuses, not a good as breast milk Can cause gas, or other digestion problems Expensive, especially for dietary considerations

17 Mother’s Postnatal Care
Physical needs Sleep, rest – exhausted from birth, up with baby all night feeding Try to rest when baby does Have relatives or friends help with meals Exercise Stretching and walking at first then more as you heal Good nutrition Need to replace lost nutrients, eat healthy Breastfeeding mothers need more calories Plenty of fluids

18 Mother care Cont. Medical check-ups Emotional needs
Four to six weeks after birth Emotional needs Slight depression – Exhaustion, hormone changes, and major responsibility Postpartum depression – condition in which mother feels sad and depressed after giving birth More serious, talk to your doctor Can get treatment


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