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District 1145 Grant Management Seminar

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1 District 1145 Grant Management Seminar

2 Rotary Foundation Grants
District grants Global grants Peace Scholars

3 District Grants Grants to support Rotary projects locally or overseas.
Should involve Rotarians Should be sustainable Should adhere to the 6 Areas of Focus

4 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

5 District Grants From few hundred to a thousand pounds
Rotary service project - not a donation to another charity Must comply with Terms & Conditions as for Global Grants Only one application per club Applications must be received by 31st May Club must be qualified

6 Global Grants Grants to support Rotary projects overseas and at home!
Club must be qualified Must have an International partner Should adhere to the 6 Areas of Focus. Project should be sustainable. Minimum project $30,000 to $35,000

7 Global Grants At least 30% of contributions must come from International sponsor Work with another club (or clubs)? Not “primarily implemented by an organisation other than Rotary”

8 Global Grants New “May support the construction of low-cost shelters and simple schools, as long as the construction is part of a comprehensive project related to an area of focus”

9 Global Grants New “May support the construction of infrastructure, including but not limited to: toilet blocks and sanitation systems, access roads, dams, bridges, storage units, fences and security systems, water/irrigation systems, and greenhouses”

10 Designing a Global Grant Project
Global Grants Designing a Global Grant Project

11 Successful Grant Projects
Meet community needs Include frequent partner communication Have implementation plan Are sustainable Maintain proper stewardship of funds

12 Project Planning Form a three-person grant committee Assign roles
Implementation plan Budget Contingency plan Document retention plan

13 Creating a Budget Realistic Competitive bidding Reasonable prices
Disclose conflicts of interest

14 Setting Goals Measurable Sustainable Qualitative (descriptive)
Quantitative (numeric)

15 Club Qualification At least one member of your club must attend a Grant Management Seminar each year Club must sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) each year Applies to Global & District Grants

16 Terms of Qualification
Valid for one year Club responsibility for grant funds Disclose conflicts of interest Cooperate with all audits Use grant funds properly Implement the club MOU

17 Global Grant First Steps
Clubs must contact the District Foundation team prior to making any on-line application.

18 Applying for Global Grants
Application process online Involve Rotary clubs/District in two districts At least 30% of contributions must come from outside host country/District District confirms club is qualified

19 Global Grant First Steps
Designing a Global Grant Project


21 Conflict of Interest Exists when a Rotarian benefits financially or personally from a grant Benefit can be direct to a Rotarian or indirect to an associate of the Rotarian Declare any potential conflicts of interest

22 Global Grant Financing
Club contributions DDF – usually 100% of Club funds DDF matched 100% with World Fund Rotarian cash contributions matched 50% with World Fund Non-Rotarian cash contributions 5% of cash contributions may go to admin. (still £3.45 for every £1 given instead of £3.50

23 Financial Management Plan
Bank account for funds Distributing funds Use cheques/bank cards to track funds Detailed ledger Include local laws

24 Stewardship Rotarian supervision Financial records review
Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of grant funds, including: Rotarian supervision Financial records review Oversight of funds Reporting irregularities Timely submission of reports

25 Document Retention Provide access Retain for a minimum of five years
Make copies

26 Global Grant Reports: Frequency
Progress reports Within 12 months of first payment Every 12 months through the life of the grant Final report within 2 months of completion

27 District Grant Reports
Clubs must submit Final District Grant Reports to the District Grants Officer for each project within 10 months after the Grant Payment was received or within two months of the grant’s total disbursement All grant projects must be completed within 24 months of disbursement.

28 Global Scholars Clubs may be approached – particularly those in or near Brighton or London Contact either our Foundation Chairman or our Rotary Scholarships Chairs Do not reply or agree to host a scholar without the agreement of the Foundation Team!

29 Amazing projects that change people’s lives!

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