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Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you.

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Presentation on theme: "Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note to trainers The videos in this presentation provide closed-caption files as it’s often easier for viewers of all abilities to follow along. If you wish to remove the closed captions, you must install the Subtitling Add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint (STAMP). You can download the add-in from addin/files/Latest%20Version/ Once you install the add-in, to turn the captions off:  Locate a slide that contains a video and click the video The Playback contextual tab appears on the top of the window. If you don’t click the video, the Playback tab won’t be visible. On the Playback tab, click Hide. Go to the next slide and repeat until you’ve hidden the captions all slides or for any of the videos with captions you wish to hide. Note that if you save the file, the captions will stay hidden when you re-open the presentation. To show the captions again, repeat steps 1-3, but click Show in step 2. If you click Remove during step 2, the captions will be permanently removed from the video. Download the PowerPoint viewer at (

2 Before you begin If a yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, click Enable Editing. You need PowerPoint 2010 to view this presentation. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer (see the URL in the notes pane). Download the PowerPoint viewer at (

3 Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 Training
[Notes to trainer: This presentation must be viewed in PowerPoint If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, the videos included in the presentation will not play. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files ( If the yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, or if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing.  To browse other downloadable [Product Name] training presentations, see the “Download Office 2010 training” page ( For detailed help in customizing this template, see the very last slide. Also, look for additional lesson text in the notes pane of some slides.] Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

4 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Course contents Overview: Charts with SmartArt Lesson: Includes 5 instructional videos Quick Reference Card Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

5 Overview: Charts and SmartArt
Learn how to insert charts and diagrams using PowerPoint Find out how to pick the right chart, and learn how to work with SmartArt graphics. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

6 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Course goals Decide which chart or diagram is right for you: SmartArt graphic or data chart. Visualize text by using SmartArt graphics. Add text and shapes to a SmartArt graphic. Work with text levels to create shapes for any kind of SmartArt graphic: from process diagrams to organization charts. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

7 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Introduction (1:01) [Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] for example: if you need an organization chart of people’s names, or timeline of dates, or Or if you need to visualize data, for example: if you need a pie chart, or a column chart, or a line chart, you use charts. Then in the next course we will cover visualizing data using charts. In this course we are going to be focusing on visualizing text with SmartArt. Basically you have two roots you can take. If you need a visualize text, and visuals like charts and diagrams are often the answer, but where do you begin? concise, and impactful. Now how do you do that? Well, often you do that with visuals The whole point of using PowerPoint and creating presentations is to represent information so that it’s clear, simple block diagram, you can use SmartArt Graphics. So let’s get started with working with SmartArt. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

8 Visualize text with SmartArt (1:47)
[Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] Well we’re going to go ahead and keep it simple and we’re going to choose the Vertical Bullet List. This places us in Edit mode where the SmartArt text box contains my text from the list looking for the ones that I think might be the most appropriate for my particular item. and shows it in the SmartArt graphic here to the right hand side. If I then want to go back and edit it, I can simply click on the SmartArt graphic again If I click outside the graphic then all that information goes away and I’m left with simply the SmartArt graphic. And then notice it gives me a representation of that item in my slide ahead of time, before I choose it. I’m going to click the drop-down list next to it and put my cursor over the one’s I think I like. So that’s a real simple, straight forward way to utilize existing text and turn it in to SmartArt. Now let’s take a look at how we create a brand new SmartArt graphic without existing text. but now I want to make it look good. So I’m going to start by using SmartArt and I’m going to utilize SmartArt on this bulleted list by converting it to a SmartArt graphic. Then here in paragraph section of my Home tab, I’m going to choose Convert to SmartArt Graphic. The way I do that is to select the list, then select the text box the list is in. and I can change or type text as I see fit. So I can move over each of these, I have a presentation and I’ve got all of the information in it, Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

9 Insert new SmartArt (2:32)
[Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] And there’s a couple of things that I’d like to point out that are going to facilitate me. And not unlike before, I have a situation where the graphic is inserted but this time there’s no text in it. in the lighter Orange area beneath Marketing, which corresponds to the bulleted outline here. So if we click away we can see that we’ve managed to insert what would otherwise be a simple outline bulleted list And then all of the names are going to go here at the level two bullets. Now let’s put a name in here and you’ll see that the name has been inserted here and if I actually type in Marketing then it appears here in this Orange graphic. Now those correspond with my graphic, you’ll notice that I have this one selected, I know I want to actually do this with a list and I’m going to select this item over here, and those are going to go here in the leftmost or level one bullets. But it’s not exactly the same; I’m going to make sure that I’m in the right category. If we come down here to slide number 7 and we’re in our contacts area, but I’d like to take a moment and show you exactly what it’s like to create a SmartArt graphic from scratch. We just got done creating this good looking SmartArt graphic from a simple bulleted list, So I’m going to go ahead and insert the rest of my headings and as you can see, I have some names that I want to list under certain groupings like: marketing, and sales, In the next video, I’m going to show you how to add more columns to this SmartArt when we were just simply turning text into a SmartArt graphic This gives me a dialog box that looks a lot like the one we had so I’m going to insert from my Insert menu, and in the Illustrations section, a SmartArt graphic. Now I’m going to go ahead and insert the rest of my people. into a really nicely laid out graphic. plus I’ll show you how to change the text size. they’ve gone ahead and inserted in their proper location. Now we need to do is put in one last name and we’re done. I have headings like I said: Marketing, Sales, and Support and support for people to contact should they need to. to the dark Orange heading of each of these columns. which is the horizontal bulleted list. When I select that I need to come down and click OK. So this tells us that the leftmost bullets correspond directly Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

10 Add text and shapes to SmartArt (4:45)
[Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] then I’m going to put my cursor here in the middle of the border on the right hand side and get the double-headed arrow. At which point I can go ahead and simply put in the two names that I have: Denise Smith and Robin Wood And when I do that, the new column it created disappears and I’m ready to start entering names. So what I’m going to do now is actually select the entire graphic by clicking the boarder around the SmartArt, are now underneath accounting. If we click away it looks pretty good, but we can do more. Now here comes the next trick; remember it’s always important to remember exactly where you are. promote this bullet and I do that by holding down the Shift key on my keyboard and using Tab. Now I can go ahead and type in ‘Accounting’ and we’re good to go. So if at this point I were to hit Enter, it would attempt to create a brand new column or level one bullet I need to make sure that I am putting my names beneath Accounting so I want to And I’m going to click, and hold, and drag, and resize this this graphic. And I want to reduce the font size so that all the names layout on one line like Jeff Hay does here in my first column. So I’m going to use the Reduce Font Size button and I’m going to click, and click, and again, and there you are I have a good looking simple list of headings for departments and the contact names underneath. So that’s how we add items and manipulate the shape and size of our SmartArt graphics. I simply select them; use my Shift key to get them all, and now I can come up here. I could, if I wanted to, select them and then go ahead and use my Shift key. I’m going to get the double-arrow and click, and hold, and drag till it’s even with contacts, and let go, and you’ll notice that my graphic and my fonts have increased in size. Now Marketing, Sales, Support, and Accounting look fine the way they are. and it attempts to put in a new bullet underneath Support, a new level two bullet. The second I do that, a new column is created. So I’ve promoted that bullet. I simply want to select the graphic, then click at the end of the last item in the list, hit Enter on my keyboard, and immediately a new bullet and a new bar are created here on the right hand side. And that’s how simple adding a new item to our SmartArt graphic can be. So next, I’d like to go ahead and show you how to add items to this list. So let’s get started back over here and I want to add an item to this list and it couldn’t be simpler. we’re also going to do a little bit of an adjustment on the font and box size So as it turns out, creating SmartArt graphics is actually pretty easy. We managed to type in all of the information that we needed for this one, and we utilized an existing list to create this one. I’d like to show you now is how to add shapes to both of these SmartArt graphics and The Marketing, Sales, and Support are going to be joined by the column of Now all I need to do is type in the text for this bullet and the text gets added to the new bar immediately. because we have an outline format without bullets where I have level one bullets like Support, I need to keep in mind where I am in this text box so that I know what I’m doing and what I’m creating. Now there’s a couple of things you need to keep in mind here accounting and we’ll put a couple of names under that as well. and then I want to make sure I’m at the bottom of my list and I click at the bottom of my list. and level two bullets like the name beneath it. So I click at the end of this list and I hit Enter, Now they’re all laying out on one line, and when I click away I can also do the same thing with my level two shapes. for each of these columns that we have here. demote this bullet, and I do that by simply hitting my Tab key. Now once again, to start I need to select the graphic, . Well I don’t want that, I want a level one bullet so I need to Now I’m going to do the same thing on the right hand side, and I wouldn’t be putting names beneath Accounting. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

11 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
SmartArt examples (1:40) [Note to trainer: If you have trouble playing this video, for instance if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Note that even with Protected View turned on, video should play correctly in Slide Show view.] and then the level two bullet lays out like an add-on or descriptive text to the side of the graphic. you’ll notice that’s the level one bullet, District Manager is the level two bullet, Notice if we select Q1, that’s the level one bullet; where Research, Strategize, and Plan are the level two bullets. And then down here on slide 11 we have an organizational chart, or as some people call it an org chart, The pyramid has level one and level two bullets, but notice where they lay out. So a SmartArt graphic can have multiple levels of bulleted text. You may have remembered that when we crated this particular SmartArt graphic, So these are some of the SmartArt graphics that you can create depending on your need and your desire. that it had more than one level, it had level one and level two to its bullets. Well I thought I’d show you some of the other SmartArt graphics you can create, and you’ll see and this has multiple levels. If I select the General Manager, Supervisor is level three, and Sales Reps are level four. The level one bullet lays out within the graphic itself, In slide 10 we have a timeline graphic. that there are some similarities and there’s some differences. Let’s go down here to slide 9 and this is the pyramid. Point to the bottom of the video to see the video controls. Drag or point along the progress bar to move forward or go back. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

12 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Quick Reference Card 1 Convert slide text to SmartArt Click the text box that contains the text that you want to convert. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Convert to SmartArt Graphic . In the gallery, click the layout for the SmartArt graphic that you want. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

13 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Quick Reference Card 2 Create a SmartArt graphic that visualizes text On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, click the type and layout that you want. Enter your text by doing one of the following: Click [Text] in the Text pane, and then type your text. Copy text from another location or program, click [Text] in the Text pane, and then paste your text. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

14 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Quick Reference Card 3 Notes If the Text pane is not visible, click the control. To add text in an arbitrary position close to or on top of your SmartArt graphic, on the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box to insert a text box. If you want only the text in your text box to appear, right-click your text box, click Format Shape or Format Text Box, and then set the text box to have no background color and no border. Click in a box in the SmartArt graphic, and then type your text. For best results, use this option after you add all of the boxes that you want. Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

15 Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint
Quick Reference Card 4 The online version of this Quick Reference Card has more information. To view the online version, go to us/powerpoint-help/quick-reference-card- RZ aspx?section=8&mode=print Charts and SmartArt in PowerPoint

16 Using this template Using This Template This Microsoft PowerPoint® template has training content about [doing something with/in] Microsoft [app]® Its content is adapted from the Training course called “[Course title].” PowerPoint version: The template must be viewed in PowerPoint If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, the videos included in the presentation will not play. If you don’t have PowerPoint 2010, download the PowerPoint Viewer to view these files ( Video playback: If the yellow security bar appears at the top of the screen in PowerPoint, or if a Codec Unavailable message appears in the video playback window, the presentation might have opened in Protected View. To enable video playback, in the yellow security bar at the top of the PowerPoint window, click Enable Editing. Slide layouts: Each slide has a custom layout. To apply the custom layout to a new slide, right-click the slide thumbnail, point to Layout, and click the layout from the Layout gallery. To alter the layouts, open master view and alter the specific master layout in that view. You can find the layout’s title by pointing to its thumbnail. Animations: Custom animation effects are applied throughout the presentation. These include Float In (Up or Down option), Fade, and Zoom. To alter animation effects, click the Animations tab, and use the Add Animation gallery and Timing options. Effect Options gives you choices about the effect; click Animation Pane on the Animations tab to work with multiple animations. Transitions: One transition, Doors, is used to emphasize sections of the slide show. It’s applied on the Course Contents slide, Lesson slide, and the first test slide. Hyperlinks to online course: The template contains links to the online version of this training course. The links take you to the hands-on practice session for each lesson and to the Quick Reference Card that is published for this course. Please take note: You must have [app] 2010 installed to view the hands-on practice sessions. If you don’t have [app] 2010, you won’t be able to access the practice instructions. Headers and footers: The template contains a footer that has the course title. To add footers such as the date or slide numbers, click the Insert tab, and click Header & Footer. Extracting videos from this file: Read these instructions first, because you’ll have to close this file in order to follow them. To extract the videos from this file, start Windows Explorer and change the filename extension from .pptx to .zip. Confirm the name change, and then open the renamed file. You’ll see a set of folders. The videos are located in the \ppt\media folder. Copy the videos and paste them to your local drive or other convenient location. You’ll probably need to rename the videos, because PowerPoint names them Media1.wmv, and so on. To resume using the presentation, change the filename extension back to .pptx. See the notes pane or view the full notes page (View tab, Notes Page) for detailed help on this template.

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