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Published byBritney Charles Modified over 7 years ago
J. G. Shah1, A. Ananthanarayanan1, B. K. Pannigrahi2, C. David2,
The Role of Glass Composition in Radiation Damage Behaviour of Borosilicate Glasses: In Pile Radiation and Ion Bombardment Studies J. G. Shah1, A. Ananthanarayanan1, B. K. Pannigrahi2, C. David2, N. C. Hyatt3 and R. Smith4 1Process Development Division, Nuclear Recycle Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 2Materials Science Group, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakam, India 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffiled, Sheffield UK 4Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK *Corresponding author:
Outline of Presentation
Back-End of Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Overview of Indian Scenario Three Stage Nuclear Programme Present Fuel Cycle Focus Areas of Waste Management Three Stage Management of High Level Waste (HLW) Design of Vitreous Matrices Radiation damage Contributors and time scales Effects: Displacement per decay event Effect on waste form Methods of radiation damage Doping active nuclei in glass In pile radiation Ion bombardment Some examples and discussion of same Concluding remarks
Indian Nuclear programme
Three Stage Indian Nuclear Programme
Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha
Indian Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Present Reprocessing of spent oxide fuel
U (natural) PHWR PUREX UOX fuel Heavy metal Mixed Oxide fuel for Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Non α waste (L&IL) α Bearing HLW Volume Reduction Near Surface Disposal Vitrification Interim Storage Repository Reprocessing Facility, Tarapur Vitrified Waste Storage Facility, Tarapur Vitrification Facility, Tarapur
Waste Management – Focus Areas Nuclear Waste Management
Process Development Processes & Technologies Safety Matrices & Materials Nuclear Waste Management Environmental Impact Sustainability Remote handling Disposal & long term Surveillance Public Acceptance Instrumentation & simulation
Management of High Level Waste: 3-Stage Programme
Shielded Transport Cask Canister Welding Immobilisation Interim Storage HLW Glass Pouring Deep Disposal Air cooled Storage D in progress Deep Geological Repository HLW from Reprocessing
Vitreous Matrices - Design Formulation
Waste Loading Vitrified Product Additives Temperature Waste Loading : Solubility of waste components, Decay heat Limited Solubility - Mo, Tc, Cr, SO4, Fe, U, Noble metals Heat Generating - 137Cs, 90Sr, 244Cm Additives : Leachability, Glass pour temperature Leachability - SiO2, Na2O, BaO Pour temperature - Na2O, B2O3, PbO, BaO Temperature : Volatility, Materials corrosion Volatility: 137Cs, 106Ru
Radiation damage: overview
Dose and Atomic Displacement: What does the Damage?
Cumulative α dose will exceed cumulative β + γ dose at 105 y α decay events produce 3 – 4 orders of magnitude greater cumulative atomic displacements than β decay events
Glass Properties: Effects
Structural Changes: Atoms displaced Thermal energy deposited into network Polymerization/De-polymerization (crystallization possible) Consequences: Production of occluded gases (He & O2) Changes in waste form properties Leach resistance Hardness Fracture toughness Stored energy Glass transition temperature – Tg Compaction/ Swelling – Density variation
Studying Radiation Damage
Doping with 244Cm/238Pu: Benefits: and recoil damage homogeneous Limitations: High sample activity 2 – 3 years for damage accumulation Irradiation in Reactor: Benefits: Fast and recoil damage homogeneous Limitations: High sample activity Energy of Li nucleus not same as that of recoiling daughter nucleus & energy of α is 1.47 keV as against 5 MeV Sample Ion Beam Bombardment: Benefits: Rapid Sample characterization easy/sample not active Limitations: Ion energy 10 times higher than α – energy Recoil damage and α – damage not homogeneous
Studying Radiation Damage
Doping with 244Cm/238Pu: Benefits: and recoil damage homogeneous Limitations: High sample activity 2 – 3 years for damage accumulation Irradiation in Reactor: Benefits: Fast and recoil damage homogeneous Limitations: High sample activity Energy of Li nucleus not same as that of recoiling daughter nucleus & energy of α is 1.47 keV as against 5 MeV Sample Ion Beam Bombardment: Benefits: Rapid Sample characterization easy/sample not active Limitations: Ion energy 10 times higher than α – energy Recoil damage and α – damage not homogeneous
Comparison of α damage Irradiation in reactor He 1.47 Mev B (n,α)LI
Accelerated particle bombardment He Mev Vacancies/ion Range (Long) um Energy loss (%) Ions Recoils Ions Recoils Ionizations Vacancies Phonons
Comparison of recoil damage (Li7 & U238) U 238 (simulation of Np 237)
Irradiation in reactor Li Kev - B (n,α)LI Accelerated particle bombardment U Kev Vacancies/ion Range (Long) um (439 A) Energy loss (%) Ions Recoils Ions Recoils Ionizations Vacancies Phonons
In-pile irradiation
Details of irradiation
Design Basis for Irradiation (SHARAD & ORIGIN-2 Codes utilized) Total alpha accumulation for 5000 years (1-3 m Ci of Am 241) ~ 5x 1018 alphas/gm Available neutron flux x 1013 n/cm2/sec Thermal Calculations (Reactor safety requirement at 20 MW reactor power) Heating rate in the sample < 50 watts Maximum temperature of the sample < 70o C ( Rise in temperature was not observed in any sample capsules during irradiation) Sample mass is limited to < 10 gm / vial Total irradiation time ~70 days Total irradiation MWD Activation calculations The expected contact dose rate due to activation of Fe59, Ba13, Cr51, Ce141 (60 days irradiation and 60 days cooling) calculated ~ 2.27 R / hr Each capsule Actual observed contact dose (60 days irradiation , 60 days cooling) ~ 2.5 R / hr / Each capsule Lead shielding during transport of the sample for analysis ~ 75 mm
Neutron Flux Profile in Cylindrical Sample (Borosilicate Glass)
Non uniform damage to the matrix. Property measurement to be carried out at uniform flux. (Average flux = 34.4%) Variation of α damage could be evaluated with varying flux across the sample. Powdered sample predominately meant for evaluating chemical durability Uniform flux damage to the powdered sample ensured by surrounding the coarse sample grains with fine glass powder. Schematic of Sample Assembly Cylindrical glass Glass Pellet Glass grains
Post Irradiation Characterization
Density Variation Density increases 1 – 3 % Chemical Durability Unchanged Summary of Results of In-Pile Irradiation Microhardness: ~ 20% Tg: ~ 1 – 3% (Thermal relaxation/annealing effect?) Stored Energy: LTRS base: 93 J/g; R7T7 base: 44 J/g
Bubbling/Occluded Gases
He H2O O2 Typical Mass spectrum of gas released at 873 K Observations and Inferences No oxygen release at lower temperature (573K) Total He : ~2 x 1019 atoms (20% of expected value) Total O2 : ~4 x 1020 atoms Occluded He and O2 in irradiated glass indicates breaking of oxide bonds, due to He and recoil damage
Post Irradiation characterization
Evolution of silicate polymerization Raman spectroscopy AVS glass Increasing boroxyl rings Hints at phase separation under irradiation Tetrahedral BO4 converted into trigonal BO3 Possible reduction in microhardness by plastic flow Recorded under Indo-French CEA Project
Post Irradiation Characterization _ continued.
Raman spectroscopy Increase in Q3 and Q4 structural units implies the network polymerization. Small peak around 1550 cm-1 after irradiation of R7T7 may be the presence of oxygen at the surface.
ION bombardment
Characterization Techniques: What are we looking at
Characterization Techniques: What are we looking at? – Matching damage and characterization volume Characterization Volume = Damage Volume Only radiation damage effects can be observed Minimal substrate effects Bulk Damaged Layer Characterization Volume >> Damage volume Very difficult to isolate damage effects Bulk effects dominate Interface region: Mysterious How does the bulk region affect the radiation damaged layer? Does the bulk region act as a “heat sink” to absorb deposited energy? Does Bulk helps in annihilation the damage events So, how do we choose the bombardment energy?
Choose the smallest energy that creates a reasonable damage volume
SRIM Simulations Au implantations into NBS ( ) glass. Sn/Se ratio as a function of implantation energy and distance into surface Choose the smallest energy that creates a reasonable damage volume
DPA calculations Dpa profile as a function of fluence (ions cm-2) in NBS ( ) glass 2 MeV Au ions 2 Mev
Comparison of recoil damage U 238 (simulation of Np 237) and Pb 207
Pb 207– Kev U Kev Vacancies/ion Rang (Loneg) um (431 A) (439 A) Energy loss (%) Ions Recoils Ions Recoils Ionizations Vacancies Phonons
Comparison of α damage Irradiation in reactor He 1.47 Mev B (n,α)LI
Accelerated particle bombardment He Mev Pb 207– Kev Vacancies/ion Range (Long) um Energy loss (%) Ions Recoils Ions Recoils Ionizations Vacancies Phonons
Composition Range of Boro-Silicate Glass
Composition and structural parameters of NBS glasses Component NBS-1 (Mole %) NBS-2 (Mole %) NBS-3 (Mole %) SiO2 55.00 60.00 53.40 B2O3 20.00 26.66 Na2O 25.00 Na2O/B2O3 (R) 1.25 1.00 0.75 SiO2/B2O3 (K) 2.75 3.00 2.00 Rmax 0.67 0.69 0.63 Rd1 1.19 Rd2 3.56 - f(SiNBO) 0.40 0.20 0.12 f1 (BO3/2 with 0 NBO) 0.32 0.31 0.37 f2 (BO4 with 0 NBO) 0.66 f3 (BO3 with 1 NBO and 2 BO) 0.053 f4 (BO3 with 2NBO and 1 BO) 0.014 Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) 518oC 537oC 479oC Calculations using Dell, Yuan and Bray model of Borosilicate glass Rmax = K/16 Rd1 = K/4 Rd2 = K/4 Planar BO3 converted into BO4 No NBO on Si tetrahedra Further formation of Si NBOs and breakup of reedmergnertite units Conversion of planar diborate into pyroborate by formation of NBO on BO3 planar rings Additional Na forms NBO on silicate reedmergnerite* groups High depolymerization of all structural units Glass stability low * 0.5(Na2O.B2O3.8SiO2) NBS-1 NBS-2 NBS-3 R
11B MAS-NMR All the samples have very similar BO3/BO4 ratios
Composition variation causes changes almost exclusively to the silicate network Spectra of NBS-3 glasses exhibit a small shift in the BO4 position to more negative chemical shifts The quadrupolar broadened BO3 resonance is centred around 10 ppm for BO3 and near 0 ppm for BO4 units. It is evident that all the samples have very similar BO3/BO4 ratios. This indicates that the composition variation causes changes almost exclusively to the silicate network. The spectra of NBS-3 glasses exhibit a small shift in the BO4 position to more negative chemical shifts. This could be linked to the changing relative speciation of danburite and reedmergnerite units in the glass, however, comprehensive assignment will require high resolution NMR
Effect of Radiation Bombardment: FTIR
Harder glass shows crystallization under 2MeV Bi irradiation (left) Softer glass shows crystallization behaviour under 2 MeV He (right)!! Softer glass gets re-amorphized under high doses (1015 ions/cm2)
Raman: Post Irradiation (NBS-3)
Increase in boroxol ring species: Strengthening of shoulder between 600 cm-1 and 800 cm-1 particularly in case of sample irradiated with 2MeV He Narrowing of Si – O – Si bond angle under Bi irradiation: 492 cm-1 band upshifted under Bi irradiation Depolymerization of silicate network: Qn peak shows larger contribution at lower wavenumbers in Bi irradiated samples Bi irradiated samples crystallized and then reamorphized? Low Tg of NBS-3 could play a role? Raman band at 492 cm-1 in the parent glass and the He irradiated sample is shifted to 506 cm-1 in both the Bi (750 keV and 2 MeV) irradiated samples The shift in this band to higher wavenumbers is an indication of a narrowing of the Si – O – Si bond angle in the glasses The Raman band at 630 cm-1 is more strongly expressed in the Bi irradiated samples The signal region corresponding to the boroxol rings and B – O- vibrations is most defined in case of the He irradiated sample, which agrees with its more ordered nature, observed in FTIR There is also a change in the shape of the region of the Raman spectrum between 900 cm-1 and 1300 cm-1 in case of the Bi irradiated samples Bi irradiated samples show a shift in this peak toward lower wavenumbers indicative of a lower overall polymerization of the glass network Also indicate reorganization of the network under Bi irradiation?
Possible Mechanisms Radiation damage driven by change in role of Na+ from charge compensation for BO4 to network modifying NBS-1 has high Na2O fraction: Silicate network already modified; largest NBO fraction implying change in role of Na+ more demanding NBS-2 has lower Na2O fraction: Role change for Na+ possible in case of large energy deposition such as Bi where energy is deposited over a smaller volume Re-amorphization unlikely in NBS-2 due to high Tg NBS-3 low silica network modification and low Tg: Na+ change from charge compensating to silicate network modifying easy; rapid crystallization under 2 MeV He irradiation High energy deposited in small volume by Bi ions: Remelting and quenching of crystallized region.
Scanning white light interference microscopy
Irradiation with 2 Mev Au+ ions Half sample masked with Si wafer during irradiation ~ 50 nm downward step observed shows compaction Increase in density ~ 4 % as that observed in in-pile radiation experiment.
Further Evidence from SEM (NBS-3)
NBS-3 unirradiated side NBS-3 2 MeV He irradiated side Crystallization evident in SEM on irradiated side No such tracks visible on the masked side
Looking More Closely (NBS-3)
Crystallized region in the sample Large scale crystallization evident in NBS-3 on the He irradiated side The tracks seem consistent with the “scanning raster” used for He bombardment Further studies underway to definitely identify the crystalline regions
Comparing NBS-1, 2 and 3 NBS-1 NBS-2 NBS-2 Hi-mag NBS-3
No Crystallization post irradiation NBS-2 NBS-2 Hi-mag Crystallization covers full surface Caused by spherical cascade region localized just below the surface Gas bubbling also evident NBS-3 He ions penetrate ~10μm into the sample Most of the crystallization too far into the sample to observe near the end of the ion track Small amount of crystallization at ion impact site, causing raster like feature
Variable Dose Experiments
Original peak barycentre: Higher polymerization Peak shift: Lower polymerization Change in network polymerization evident at 1013 and 1014 ion/cm2 Possible network re-amorphization in 1015 ions/cm2 sample High doses can lead to reamorphization (but higher fictive temperature structure: still looking into this)
Other Results in Brief Glasses with high Na2O content but low B2O3 and high Tg are resistant to radiation damage Chemical durability concerns addressed by Al2O3/ZnO addition in NBS-1 No major changes in glass structure, or radiation damage behaviour Chemical durability boosted significantly
Future Perspectives Perform NMR measurements on pre and post irradiated samples (thin bulk and also film) Evaluate the effect of other additives such as RO Compare crystallization behaviour of glass samples pre and post irradiation
Questions/Suggestions? Thanks to: ICTP 2016 Organizers Indo-UK research Team EPSCRC Thank You all
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