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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (HON)

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1 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (HON)
Abraham Maslow - American humanistic developmental psychologist 1943 “A Theory of Human Motivation” 1954 “Motivation and Personality” Studied “exemplary” people Psychology theory that applies to business, management, marketing and education Human actions are orientated towards goal attainment that requires “basic needs” being met before satisfying successfully “higher needs”. “Deficiency needs” vs “Growth needs” Maslow suggested fluid fluidity in his model rather than rigid fixed order. He did not propose a pyramidal structure Maslow’s HON & Education Important framework for educators in helping to to support all needs of their students Humanistic education - Maslow / Rogers Choice and control, felt concern, the whole person, self evaluation, teacher as facilitator Criticism of Maslow’s HON Oversimplification Hierarchy doesn’t take into account acts of selflessness, bravery, charity and heroism No empirical evidence to support his ideas or confirm causal relationships. Lack of scientific rigour No concept of social connection and collaboration Life and possibly education is far messier than hierarchal needs. Neglects unique individual social + intellectual needs Based on ethnocentricity and Western ideology.Cultural bias Used top 1 % of achievers. Qualitative biographical analysis. Extremely subjective Individualistic vs collective societies

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