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Revelation 9 Grace Baptist Church 11/23/14 PM

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1 Revelation 9 Grace Baptist Church 11/23/14 PM
#9 The 5th and 6th Trumpets Revelation 9 Grace Baptist Church 11/23/14 PM

2 Key Verse: Revelation 9:20- “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands…”

3 Introduction: Two important purposes of God in the Tribulation are being seen. As chapters 5, 6, 8, 9, etc. are pointing out God is, through Christ, “regaining” control of the earth which was lost through Adam’s sin, but which is rightfully His. Recall chapter 5, as the seals are being opened to the book, the earth is officially being reclaimed. As chapter 7 states and as 9:20, 21 indicates that God is, through His mercy and grace, saving those who will repent and come to Him. Remember that the book is the opening of the 7 seals and that the 7th seal contains the 7 trumpets, and that the 7th trumpet contains the 7 bowls. These are the program of God’s judgments which will culminate in Christ’s second coming (the rapture is not the second coming). Review the 7 seals and the first 4 trumpets. Notice the severity of these next trumpets, so severe they are called “woes”.


5 I. The 5th Trumpet The First Woe

6 A. The Presence of the Locusts (9:1-3)
“a star”- a prominent person, given a key, opened the pit. “fall from heaven”-literally “fallen”- signifies completed action. Satan is a fallen angel (Isa. 14 and Luke 10:18). He will be forced out of access to heaven probably the time of Rev. 12:7-12- the result of Michael’s victory over him, thus terminating the ability of Satan to accuse the brethren in heaven. He is further identified as seen in verse 11. “bottomless pit”- literally “shaft of the abyss”. The abode of demons (Luke 8:31) mentioned 7 times in Rev. (9:1, 2, 11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1, 3). Satan is given the authority (“key”) to open it, to release those who are confined there. “opened”- as a result we see: “Smoke”- great pollution which will darken the light of day, a literal physical pollution picturing a great spiritual corruption. “Locusts”- will be described later, but are actual vessels or bodies which are inhabited by demons. They are as Peak says, “uncanny denizens of the abyss, locusts of a hellish species, animated by devilish instruments and equipped with infernal powers.”

7 B. Purpose of the Locusts (9:4-6)
Forbidden to: Attack vegetation- their usual procedure Attack the sealed Jews Take the life of anyone Commanded to: Attack those without God’s seal Torment as a scorpion Continue tormenting for 5 months, the normal span of locust activity. Resulting in the desire of men to die, though they will be unable to do so, continued rebellion against God.

8 C. Picture of the Locusts (9:7-12)
What did they look like? Shaped like horses prepared for battle Had on crowns of gold- for decoration Faces of men Hair of women Teeth of lions Breastplates of iron- indicating immunity to destruction Wings- indicating speed of attack unavoidable Tails of scorpions- to torment exceedingly.

9 D. Prince of the Locusts (vs. 11)
Called: (see the similarity to Satan in the titles) “king over them” “angel of the abyss” “Abaddon… and Apollyon”- meaning destroyer. What an appropriate name for Satan.

10 II. The Sixth Trumpet The Second Woe

11 A. Origination of the Army (vs. 13-15)
“from the 4 horns of the Golden Altar”- this judgment, like those preceding it is in partial answer to the prayers of those persecuted and martyred saints. “horns”- similar to the altar of incense of the Tabernacle signifying God’ sovereignty and judicial government. “loose the 4 angels”- these are 4 wicked (“bound”) angels being loosed to destroy men’s lives. “Euphrates”- the place where the army will begin its destruction. “prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year to slay the third part of man”- prepared by God for a specific period of time and for a specific amount of destruction. It is not 1 year + 1 month + 1 day + 1 hour, but a pinpointed starting time on God’s calendar of events.

12 B. Characterization of the Army (vs. 16-19)
200 million horsemen- possibly from China- but not chronologically the army of (16:12-16). Possibly a demonic army- there are angelic armies in II Kings 2:11; 6:13-17. Weapons of Satan (fire, smoke, brimstone). To modernize these weapons, one may get into interpretation problems as to what else can be “updated” in Scripture- great care should be taken to understand that John’s description is awesome. He doesn’t describe this warfare in Roman terms, but describes a warfare unlike anything of his day. Most definitely he may be describing an awesome, dreadful, modern war as he watched it actually happen with prophetic eyes.

13 C. Reaction to the Army (vs. 20, 21)
Still, men did not repent of their sins of works, worship, great immorality (see the list in vs. 20, 21). Amos 4:12 goes unheeded- “Prepare to meet thy God.”

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