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Panda Chigintseva Dasha.

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Presentation on theme: "Panda Chigintseva Dasha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panda Chigintseva Dasha

2 One of the most amazing animals on the planet Earth, can rightly be considered a panda, namely Giant Panda. I'm sure many have heard or know of this animal called "bamboo bear". Panda became so called recently, scientists have debated for many years, panda bears representative or raccoons?

3 It was determined that a large panda, may the ancestor of all living bears the planet and its most closest genetic relative in the world is the spectacled bear, whose habitat is South America (by the way is the only representative of bears in the region)

4 the problem of reducing the status of endangered animal and Giant Panda is not lost. Why are these cute, innocent animals are considered an endangered species?

5 One of the reasons experts consider cutting bamboo forest in China, areolas fleecing pandas. The second reason depends not from man but from themselves pandas. The fact that they are very bad and difficult to reproduce, which undoubtedly leads to a reduction in their numbers.

6 Cost hopes that we will never lose this lovely, cute and good-natured animal. That the people and the animals themselves will not interfere with live currently.


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