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Homework and home learning

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1 Homework and home learning
English In English this term we will continue to work on developing our spelling , grammar and punctuation skills through a range of texts. We will be starting the term by looking at biographies and autobiographies and will be writing our own. Later on in the term we will be exploring fiction stories and writing, recording and performing our own. Numeracy We will continue to develop our understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also be continuing to learn about converting measures, solving problems involving fractions and classifying properties of shapes. Topic Our topic this term is 1960S we will be learning about the following. Dance/music Fashion Important people Technology Home life Toys and games The first moon landing 1966 World Cup Computing Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content. Use presentation software to communicate ideas or information. Design innovative, functional and appealing products that are fit for purpose, aimed at particular individuals or groups. Select tools, equipment and materials to perform practical tasks accurately and aesthetically. Eagles Newsletter Autumn 2016 Music This term we are focusing on learning about the music and bands from the 1960s. We will be particularly be focusing on the Beatles. Homework and home learning Homework will be given out each Wednesday and must be returned to school each Monday. Spelling will be given out with the homework and the children will be tested on Mondays. You should be reading at home and bringing your reading record to school every day. Art/DT Improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials, to create a theatrical backdrop. Researching artists from the 1960s including Andy Warhol and David Hockney. We will create art work in the style of Warhol and Hockney We will be making lava lamps and tie dying our own t-shirts. RE Our topic in RE this term is Fame. We will be looking at what fame means, how fame is seen in Christianity and the importance of Jesus’ fame. PE This term we are focusing on 1960s dances and football. French During French this term will be revising vocabulary from last year, counting from 1-30, learning the names of animals in French and writing sentences..

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