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1 Bridges

2 Federal Authorization
Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008 Offers states option Title IV-E reimbursable foster care, adoption or guardianship assistance up to 19, 20 or 21

3 States with Fostering Connections Programs
Outcome Ohio States with Extended FC Enrolled in school 47% 70% Earned diploma/GED 53% 60% Adult Connections 85% 92% Homelessness 27% 13% Incarcerated 31% 13% Had a child 11% 9%

4 Bridges: The Opportunity
Not an extension of foster care Extension of Title IV-E Benefits Housing and Case Management Voluntary State Administered Request for Proposals Separate from Current Post-emancipation supports

5 Bridges: Housing and Case Management
PCSA custody Eighteen or older at emancipation Care and placement to ODJFS Must meet at least one of the program criteria

6 Bridges: Program Criteria
Is completing secondary education or a program leading to an equivalent credential; Is enrolled in an institution that provides post- secondary or vocational education; Is participating in a program or activity designed to promote, or remove barriers to, employment; Is employed for at least eighty hours per month; Is incapable of doing any of the activities described in division (C)(1) to (4) of this section due to a medical condition, which incapacity is supported by regularly updated information in the person's case record or plan.

7 Bridges: Housing Options
Kinship Family Foster Homes Supervised Independent Living Settings Supervised Apartments Semi-Supervised Apartments Scattered Site Housing Host Homes College Dorms Direct Stipend Congregate Care Settings

8 Bridges: Voluntary Participation Agreement (VPA)
A contract between the Young Adult and ODJFS Includes each parties’ responsibilities, but does not include specifics regarding the young adult’s plan A new VPA must be signed if the young adult leaves the program and then re-enters

9 Bridges: Title IV-E requirements
Monthly Visits Two Separate Court Hearings Best Interest (within 180 days) Reasonable Efforts (repeat annually) Individualized Plan

10 Bridges: Development Activities
Internal OFC Workgroup Statewide Advisory Committee Judicial Workgroup Youth Focus Groups Networking with other states Training Development Website and Logo Development

11 OFC Webpage

12 Bridges: Resources in Ohio Communities
What resources would you identify as quality (ample) within your communities? What resources are scarce within your community? What do you want us to know or are worried we will overlook?

13 Bridges: Contacts Bridges Mailbox Colleen Tucker Jana Pearce
Colleen Tucker Jana Pearce

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