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Northern Ireland committee system

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1 Northern Ireland committee system
By Lauren and Natalia

2 Types of Committees What is a committee?
A committee is a group of people appointed for a specific function by a larger group e.g. An MLA could be appointed for the health committee. There are 4 types of committees- Statutory Standing Ad Hoc Joint

3 Statutory committees There are 11 Statutory Committees have been set up to advise and assist each Minister on the formulation of policy. They have a scrutiny, policy development and consultation role with their department. They have to : Consider Departmental budgets Initiate inquires Consider matters brought to their attention by ministers Initiate legislation Call for persons and papers

4 How are they chosen? Membership is based on party strength the key chair and deputy chair positions are chosen through D’Hondt to ensure proportionality. What is D’hondt? D’Hondt is a highest averages method for allocating seats in party-list proportional representation. Any decisions are based on Simple Majority (they vote by putting their hands up) It is aimed that the Minister and the Committee chairs will be from different parties to ensure fairness and scrutiny.

5 Examples of Statutory committees at work
THE TAXI BILL The taxi bill had all its 72 amendments included. This illustrates that the committee has carried out effective inquiries and research beforehand making for more effective legislation. Amendments- changes NI WATER A prolonged harsh winter in 2010 led to pipes across Northern Ireland being frozen. Water shortages began and large areas of the country found themselves with burst pipes. Results- The head of NI water was forced to explain and apologise before the committee how this had happened and ensure that it wouldn’t happen again. Examples of calling persons and papers

6 Examples of inquiries Rathlin Island The committee for Rural Development visited and took an account of concerns. As a result: A new, regular ferry service Tourist infrastructure increased Puffin sanctuary promoted

7 Standing committees 2) Audit Committee- scrutinises spending plans and accounts 3) Committee on Procedure- review standing orders and Assembly procedures 1) Business Committee- arrange plenary business Standing Committees are permanent Committees of the Assembly. There is 6 Standing Committees and these include; 4) Standards and Privileges Committee- deals with matters to do with MLA’s 6) Assembly and Executive review committee- investigate Assembly and Executive 5) Public Accounts Committee- scrutinises resources and money by Government e.g. taxes

8 AD HOC Committees Proceed of crime- how criminal assets could potentially be seized and put to good use. These committees have 2 months to carry out their work and create a report. These committees are temporary and set-up to deal with specific, time constrained issues. For example: Flags and emblems- communities encourages to replace sectarian images with historically based images.

9 Joint committees Joint committees have been set up in certain circumstances to deal with issues which may concern more than one committee Examples- In 2013 the horse meat scandal made the agricultural and health committees work together to deal with this issue.

10 How effective are the Assembly Committees?
2. Ministers and Committees can work effectively constructively together 3. Committees can criticize their Ministers. 1. Provides effective political scrutiny Most ministers are facing a committee chair from another party How effective are the Assembly Committees? 4. Assembly Committees can call witnesses to give evidence. 6. Committee can review key legislation. 5. Committee reports are being listened to and acted upon. Committees have investigated issues including devolution of policing and justice, child poverty and prevention of suicide in Northern Ireland

11 How ineffective are the committees
Caral Ni Chuilin ( Culture, arts and leisure Minister) –Intended to bring the Irish language back act forward but the committee chair Michelle Mcllveen stated that ‘it won’t be happening’ 2. Committees have limited powers 1. Cheap political points scoring How ineffective are the committees 4. Poor attendance 5. Committee meetings have been criticised for excessive spending on ‘fact-finding’ missions. 3. Committees can be ignored by their Minister May August 2012 found that only 10 MLA’s attended all of their committee meetings. DUP MLA Edwin Poots accused Education Minister Caitriona Ruane of having ‘no time to answer questions’ The Health Committee travelled to Cuba on a ‘fact-finding’ mission to observe Cuba’s health care system

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