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Coach Mason’s Substitute Information

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1 Coach Mason’s Substitute Information
Physical Education 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th periods

2 Getting classes started…
(***1st step for 2nd & 5th periods***) Students will enter the new gym and go into the locker room and change into their PE clothes for 2nd & 5th periods. (***1st step for 3rd and 6th periods***) Next students will copy the “Do Now” from the white board in the gym into their PE Journals. When they are finished they will sit on their designated seats on the court in alphabetical order. Roll will be taken after the bell rings and all students have completed their “Do Now” and are sitting down in their seats. Substitute roll sheets will be printed for the sub. to take roll on. After roll is taken, the sub. will send a student down to the office with the roll sheets. After roll is taken go over the word from the “Do Now” on the white board and talk about the definition and what it means to the class.

3 Warm-Up Time… Next students will begin their warm-up exercises. Students will complete 25 repetitions of jumping jacks, squats, frog jumps, push-ups, sit-ups, wind mills, and calf raises. Students must count as a class or they start over each time they don’t count together. Students will now perform their stretches. Students will stand up with their feet together and touch their toes and count to 10. Students will then spread their feet apart and touch their right foot and count to 10 followed by touching their left foot and going down to the middle. Students will then perform the butterfly stretch and count to 10 followed by performing the butterfly stretch and pressing their knees down also counting to 10.

4 Activity Time… Next the substitute will go over instructions for the class activity which will be stations. Explain to students what each station consists of and what skills they will be working on. Station #1 will be basketball. Students will practice passing, dribbling, shooting, and small sided scrimmages against class mates at this station. Station #2 will be hoola hoops. Students will twirl the hoola hoop around their body any way they would like as long as it is safe for themselves and their classmates around them. Station #3 will be stretching. Students must complete their favorite stretches.

5 Activity Time continued…
Station #4 will be volleyball. Students will practice passing, setting and serving the ball to a classmate. Station #5 will be football. Students will practice football passing and catching. Station #6 will be jump ropes. Students will practice jump rope skills with short and long ropes with classmates. Station #7 will be soccer. Students will practice soccer passing with classmates.

6 Station Expectations…
Students are to be working on the sport specific skill at each station that is prepared for them. They are not to be goofing off or standing around and talking to their classmates. Students may socialize with each other as long as they are performing the activity. Students are to be moving at ALL times. There is always something for them to be practicing at each station. The sub. Is to monitor each station by walking around to all stations and making sure all students are on task at all times. If the sub. finds equipment that is out of place they can take it back to the correct station. Be sure kids are cleaning up stations before the rotate to the next station.

7 Station rotations… The students will rotate to the stations in the order they are presented on this presentation. When students hear 1 whistle that means to clean up their station and rotate to the next one. Each station will last 5 minutes. Blow 1 whistle at the end of each 5 minutes. Subs may use a stop watch on their smart phone if they have one. When students hear 2 whistles they need to stop what they are doing, put their equipment down, and listen for instructions. The sub. Will blow 2 whistles when it is time to clean up and end class. Have students put all equipment back at each station where it belongs.

8 Wrapping class up… 10 minutes before class ends have students go to the locker rooms and change back into their school uniforms. When students are changed they need to go back to their seats on the court. When the bell rings and all students are seated in their seats, they may leave for the next class when the sub. allows them to. The teacher/sub. dismisses the students, not the bell.

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