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The Digestive System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System

2 Function of the Digestive System
Break down foods Extract nutrients needed for cellular activities (Respiration)

3 Four Steps in Digestion
Ingestion (eating food) Digestion (breaking food down) Absorption (taking in useful molecules) Elimination (getting rid of physical waste)

4 Two types of digestion Mechanical Digestion: Physical break down of large pieces of food into smaller pieces. Chemical Digestion: Enzymes break down smaller food pieces into molecules the body can use.

5 1) The Mouth Mechanical Digestion of all foods by teeth.
Chemical digestion of Carbohydrates by enzymes in the saliva.

6 2) The esophagus Tube connecting the mouth to the stomach.
Peristalsis: muscular contractions that push food down the tube and through the system.

7 2) The esophagus Epiglottis: flap that prevents food from “going down the wrong pipe”

8 3) The Stomach Mechanical Digestion of all foods by muscular contractions/churning. Chemical digestion of Proteins by enzymes (pepsin) and stomach acid.

9 4) The Small Intestine Chemical digestion of proteins, carbs, and fats is completed by: Enzymes – added by the PANCREAS Bile – created by the LIVER and stored in the GALLBLADDER digests fats

10 4) The Small Intestine NUTRIENTS are ABSORBED by finger-like projections called VILLI and enter the blood

11 5) The Large Intestine WATER is ABSORBED from the undigested material leaving waste to be eliminated (poop)

12 A Journey Through the System
The Magic School Bus Gets Eaten

13 Malfunctions of the Digestive System
Heartburn Ulcers Constipation Diarrhea

14 Heartburn Cause: Acid from the stomach flows into the esophagus due to overeating/eating certain foods Symptom: burning in chest Treatment: Antacids

15 Ulcer Cause: Stomach acid/bacteria irritate the stomach lining
Symptom: abdominal pain Treatment: Medication or Antibiotics

16 Constipation Diarrhea
Cause: Too much water absorbed in large intestines Symptom: Trouble moving bowels Treatment: drink extra water/eat fruits and fibers Diarrhea Cause: Not enough water absorbed in large intestine Symptom: watery bowel movements Treatment: medication (pepto bysmol) and stay hydrated

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