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Injuries to the organs of the abdomen

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1 Injuries to the organs of the abdomen
Taylor Wilcox, Alissa Webb, maddi jones ,Rachel Klein, Cameron Armstrong

2 Four major types Hernias Contusions Ruptures/ lacerations
Internal bleeding/shock

3 Hernias A hernia is a lump of tissue that protrudes through the abdominal wall Caused by: repetitive twisting and turning at high speed, causing an over use of the groin muscles and stress on the inguinal wall Symptoms: Groin pain that may radiate into the scrotum. May linger for weeks and months.

4 Hernias treatment/ prevention
Immediate treatment: surgery is required but usually not emergency. If untreated for too long, the tissue will die and bowel obstruction may result. leads to life threatening condition Follow up treatment: make sure physicians orders are followed Prevention: not a preventable condition

5 Contusions Contusions to the internal organs occur as a result to a direct blow to the abdominal area Signs/symptoms: They may be delayed. May include general pain, or pain on palpation, and blood in urine or stool

6 Contusions treatment/ prevention
Immediate treatment: Apply ice and compression. Activate the EMS. Watch the athlete for signs and symptoms Follow up treatment: make sure the physicians orders are followed Prevention: protective padding should be worn by all players in contact sports

7 Ruptures and lacerations
Result from direct blow by a person or object It causes internal bleeding and are medical emergencies Symptoms: shock, rigid and/or distended belly, pain, nausea, possible loss of consciousness

8 Ruptures/lacerations treatment and prevention
Immediate treatment: have athlete lie down, make them comfortable, then contact EMS, while they are waiting keep them conscious. Reassure athlete that help is on the way Follow up treatment: make sure physicians orders are followed Prevention: players in contact sports should wear protective padding

9 Shock Shock is a condition that occurs when an inadequate amount of blood flows through the body, causing extremely low blood pressure, a lack of urine, and other disorders; potentially fatal condition. Signs / symptoms: cool, clammy, and pale skin, weak and rapid pulse, decrease blood pressure, dull staring eyes, and rapid, shallow breathing, may experience nausea, vomiting, and thirst

10 Shock treatment and prevention
Immediate treatment: have athlete lay down to prevent falling. Don't give them anything to eat or drink. Put athlete in comfortable position and cover them with a Blanket. Elevate their feet and call EMS Follow up treatment: make sure physicians orders are followed Prevention: when injured and it looks like shock may occur, have athlete lie down, elevate their feet, cover athlete with blanket, but don't allow them to be too warm

11 QUIz!! What are the four major types of injuries? What is a hernia?
How do you prevent contusions? Are ruptures and lacerations considered medical emergencies?

12 AnSWERS 1. Hernias, contusions, ruptures/lacerations, internal bleeding/shock 2. Lump of tissue that protrudes through the abdominal wall 3. Players should wear protective padding in contact sports 4. Yes because they cause internal bleeding

13 Works cited "Clover, Jim. Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training& Fitness instruction. Australia: Thompson Delmar Learning, "

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