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Ch. 2.6 Nutrition Learning objectives: Why is nutrition important?

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1 Ch. 2.6 Nutrition Learning objectives: Why is nutrition important?
Describe the nutrients that are vital For well-balanced nutrition health.

2 Nutrition Question: Why is it important we learn about Nutrition? Answer: Being a teenager is a excellent time to learn about healthy diets because they need the right nutrients and fuel to build a strong adult body.

3 Nutrition Active teens need more calories--but not just calories– they need more protein, more fat and sufficient vitamins and minerals. The best diet plan for a teens involve eating a variety of foods, and nutritious meals and snacks. Also avoid junk foods.

4 Nutrition The average teenage boy needs 2,500 to 3,000 calories. Active teens may require as many as 4,000 to 5,000 calories. Active teens must target nutritious, calorie-dense foods including whole grain breads and cereals that contain nuts, seeds or dried fruits, olive oil and avocados, and starchy, deeply colored vegetables.

5 Nutrition Complement regular meals with high-calorie snacks such as yogurt shakes, mixed nuts and granola bars. Mix supplements such as powdered whey or soy protein into beverages and puddings. Carbohydrates should comprise at least 60 percent of total calories, because carbs are stored inside the muscles as glycogen; without plenty of carbs, athletic teens' performance suffers

6 Nutrients Proteins: As many teenagers play sports or are physically active, it is important for them to get enough protein so that their muscles become stronger., Need 2 to 3 servings ( 1 oz. of meat, 1 egg, etc.) Make sure that the protein you consume is from low-fat sources, like lean beef, poultry, eggs, fish and lower-fat dairy. Vegetarian teens should seek protein from milk, nuts, grains, tofu and beans.

7 Fats Fat is an important source of energy. Though high in calories, the key to fat intake is moderation. Daily fat intake is 5 to 6 tsp. of fat or about 25% of their calories from fat sources.

8 Fats Teens should avoid unhealthy fats; Saturated fats ( most often found in animal products) and Trans fats (butters, margarine and shortening) used in baked goods. Good fats should come from the unsaturated fats (Olive oil, canola oil, avocado and a variety of nuts, seeds)

9 Carbohydrates Complex Carbohydrates: Grains Active teenagers need 6 to 8 servings of whole grain cereals, brown rice and breads every day. ( ½ cup of grain, 1 slice of bread, etc) The human body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, the fuel your cells use for energy.

10 Carbohydrates These complex carbohydrates also provide fiber for digestive needs. Simple carbohydrates--mainly sugars—only provide short-term energy and can also lead to tooth decay and weight gain.

11 Complex Carbohydrates
Fruits and Vegetables: Teenagers should eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. This will help provide them with the fiber, vitamins and minerals their body needs to be healthy. However, you may encounter difficulties getting your teenager to eat fruits and vegetables because of a common teen problem--braces.

12 Vitamins & Minerals Minerals: Calcium, for bone and blood cell health, is readily available from dairy foods and soybean products. Teens who are lactose intolerant can get calcium from foods such as broccoli, kale and tofu. A increase of Iron intake is also important as all teenagers grow and need to make more blood.

13 Vitamins Vitamin A, which supports healthy eyesight and skin, is found in carrots, yams, broccoli and fruit such as cantaloupe. Vitamin C and potassium, essential for immunity and muscle function, are found in bananas and oranges. If you eat a well-balanced diet, it will be easier to get the vitamins and nutrients you need.

14 Water Water carries nutrients to the cells, and cools the body. Teenage boys are about 59 percent water. Drink water before, during and after exercise. We need 6 to 8 glasses of water each day.

15 end

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