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Presentation on theme: "JOZINI CYCLING DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 BACKGROUND Recreational & competitive cycling is a new code of sport in UMkhanyakude District; it was officially launched in 30 November 2013. Before the official launch of this sport code in the communities extensive ground work was done with regards to formation of cycling structures/ clubs in the communities. There has been great interest in the Jozini community and excitement regarding this sport code. In the past they just regarded bicycles as just a means of transport to various place like school, shops and surrounding areas.

3 CYCLING CLUBS Cycling clubs to this date currently exist in:
Jozini- Ndumo ward 16- Ndumo cycling Club Jozini- Kwa Jobe ward 04- Kwa jobe cycling Club Jozini- Mkuze ward 20- Mkhuze Primary cycling Club Jozini- Ngwavuma ward 14- Ngwavuma cycling Club Mhlabuyalingana- Skhemelele ward 4- Skhemelele cycling Club

4 EQUIPMENT SUPPORT 15 mountain bicycles and 15 helmets from office of the Premier 2013 as part of Ndumo Inkululeko Development Project. 10 Avalanche mountain bicycles and 10 helmets from department of sport and recreation head office 2013 as part of the WRIP (war room intervention program). Cycling attire , 3sets (cycling vest and tights), 25 helmets, water bottles and puncture repair kits from department of sport and recreation UMkhanyakude office 2014. 12 Avalanche mountain bicycles, spare tyres, paddles and replacement chains from department of sport and recreation UMkhanyakude office 2015 for development and participating in Big5 MTB series. 11 Avalanche mountain bicycles, 13 self sealing tubes, 10 helmets, box of brake replacement wires from SA cycling Federation for development.

5 2016/17 Activities 16 Cyclists in Big 5 MTB series 2016
22 May- 29 October 2016 38 Cyclists attended the cycling development camp. 11-14 July 2016 Cycling development time trial league: 25 June Skhemelele & Kwa Jobe (Youth challenge) 15 October Kwa Jobe (Road safety awareness) 16 December Ngwavuma (End of year event & prize giving) JUNIORS Cycling Development Training 18 February Mkuze (Mkuze and Ngwavuma juniors)

6 ACHIEVEMENTS 4 male cyclists in Big 5 MTB series 2015
3 cyclists awarded 2nd , 3rd , 4th in junior 25km overall. 16 Cyclists (13 male and 3 female) Big 5 MTB series 2016 Still underway 2 cyclists years from Kwa Jobe have been invited to take part in Isimangaliso 260km, 3 day Challenge August 2017. Established a relationship with Nashua mobile Zululand and Isimangaliso wetlands, they both provide support for the time trial leagues. BELL Equipment organisers of Big5 MTB Series allows the cyclist free entry to races.

7 CHALLANGES Capacity building/ Training for:
Coaches- training methods Bicycle mechanics- bicycle maintenance Club administration- club registration & affiliation, event planning & coordination, running a club. Equipment storage container Support for the league events Cycling equipment for new clubs Opportunities from development to elite competitions. Nutrition for cyclist from disadvantaged backgrounds

8 Needed Support Development time trial leagues:
Bib sets in different colours with numbers back and front of bib1-20. Cycling attire (spandex vest and tights) Refreshment and nutrition for cyclists 25 litre water containers with tap/ spout Portable pressure pump suitable for bicycles Self sealing tubes/ tubeless tyres Stop watches for each club Bicycle tools for each club Gazibo for water stands First Aid kit for each club

9 FUTURE PLANS 2017 Clubs & cyclists affiliation to KZN cycling and improve relations with the KZN development coordinator from the federation. More frequent league activities in clubs to promote sustainability and development. More cyclists participating in Big 5 MTB series event. Increase the number of female cyclists. Outsource sponsorship/relationships for equipment support and race refreshments/nutrition. Establish mountain biking trails track in Jozini area. Establish a cyclist development plan.



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