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Diabetes Awareness Campaigns

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1 Diabetes Awareness Campaigns
ODA Activities Diabetes Awareness Campaigns Al-Bustan Camp: Top: A picture from Diabetes camp at Al-Bustan Palace Hotel Which witnessed the participation of 50 diabetes Children Sohar Camp at Safeer Mall Middle: More than 500 citizen with their families participated in this open day activity. Also showing a man checking his blood pressure. Al-Sahwa Garden Camp Bottom: Many families participate in this open day activity with their children. Also showing a man checking his blood sugar. The activity was under auspices of H.E. Khalil Abdullah Al Khonji; Chairman, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit 7

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Nizwa Camp: Top: ODA awareness corner in the exhibition conducted at Lulu Hypermarket in Nizwa. This was an ODA cooperation with some Social groups from locality of Nizwa. Walkathon - Al Qurum Park 2014 Middle: Over seven thousands people walked from the start point. ODA installed a screening booth at the event. Salalah Gardens Mall 2014 Bottom: Hundreds of citizen benefited from the sugar screening campaign that ODA arranged in an open day in Gardens Mall in Salalaah. 8 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit

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Scientific Meetings Diabetes Conference in Salalah in 2014 Top: Diabetes conference conducted at Hamdan Plaza Hotel in Salalah. Picture is showing Fahad Al-Shamsi; podiatrist receiving honor gift for participating in the conference. Diabetes Club in Nizwa Middle: Front row showing eminent experts in diabetes, endocrinology and lipidology attending as lecturers in the one day workshop in diabetes & its related illnesses in Nizwa. Think Beyond Glycemic Control in managing T2DM Bottom: Eminent international speakers were present at this successful event, pictures showing Padma Shri Dr. V. Mohan a famous diabetologist from Chennai in southern India. 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit 9

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World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day 2013 Top: Group photo at the World Diabetes Day in 2013; an event that attracted around 5,000 participants. World Diabetes Day 2012 Middle: Under the patronage of HE Sayyid Saud bin Hilal Al-Busaidi; Minister of State and Governor of Muscat, ODA celebrated the World Diabetes Day in 2012. World Diabetes Day 2011 Bottom: Under the patronage of HE Dr. Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Saidi; Minister of Health, ODA celebrated the World Diabetes Day in The activity witnessed outstanding public attendance. 10 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit

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Word Diabetes Day in 2014 Top & Bottom: Celebration commemorating the day consisted of activities conducted at three social awareness campaigns in three willayates; in the Muscat City Centre in Seeb, Safeer Complex in Sohar and in Lulu hypermarket in Nizwa . 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit 11

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Oman Diabetes Summit-1 All: Conducted at Al-Shafq Club in November 8th to 9th, 2014 under honorable auspices of H. H. Sayyid/ Shihab bin Tariq Al Said. Nine eminent international speakers participated and over 400 attended. 12 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit

7 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit
World Diabetes Day in 2015 All: A successful project conducted at Al Amal Club in Gala; this open day activity targeted obese kids and their families. School children were encouraged to attend and participate with their parents. Many educational, healthy cooking and physical activity stations were arranged. 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit 13

8 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit
Corporate Partnered Activities Beat Diabetes (Landmark Group) All: Pictures taken showing HE Dr. Ahmed bin Mohamed Al-Saidi participating and checking his blood sugar & blood pressure at the event which was held at the Ministry of Health Headquarter. ODA partnered with Landmark Group to conduct this campaign as part of the main awareness initiative and Walkathon conducted at Qurm park annually. 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit 15

9 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit
International Collaboration “Challenging Diabetes” Youth Camp: Top: Two Omani teenagers attended this camp held in Qatar. Such an opportunity allow Omani children to share knowledge & experiences with regional counter partners. International Diabetes Summit- Melbourne Australia: Middle: Picture showing Dr. Issa Al-Salmi, 1st to the right representing ODA in this summit. Photo taken with other members from IDF-MENA. Al-Bawasil International Camp for children: Bottom: Every year the ODA Participate with other diabetes associations in the GCC countries in this diabetes camps. Group photo showing the two Omani children sponsored by ODA. 16 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit

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The IDF General Assembly & the World Diabetes Congress: ODA being a full registered member, receives two Ballot Votes at International Diabetes Federation (IDF) general assembly meeting. Also ODA showed presence at the World Diabetes Congress; an event which brought together 8500 delegates from 178 countries and over 230 members of the IDF to exchange diabetes research and best practices. The merged picture shows Dr. Noor Al-Busaidi, Chairperson, and Dr. Sulaiman Al-Shereiqi, former General Secretary representing the ODA ( ). The ADA 75th Scientific Sessions: Middle: ODA received an invitation from American Diabetes Association (ADA) to attend their annual meeting titled “Stop Diabetes” held in Boston, USA. The picture shows Dr. Noor Al-Busaidi, Chairperson, representing ODA. IDF-MENA 30 Years Anniversary: Bottom: Dr. Ali Al-Moqbali; former treasurer represented the ODA ( ) in the occasion which honored characters and experts from the MENA region that contributed in diabetes significantly. Dr. Ali received the honor given to the ODA president Dr. Noor during this IDF-MENA Celebration of its 30 years anniversary. 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit 17

11 Diabetes Awareness Mobile Clinic
In partnership with Novartis Pharma. ODA hosted the diabetes awareness mobile clinic for 6 months. The clinic was equipped with facilities essential to conduct screening, provide medical consultation and counseling. The project was launched by H.E Dr Mohammed bin Saif Al-Hosni; MoH Under Secretary for Health Affairs. The objectives set for this include: Raising public awareness about diabetes and the ways to prevent it. Offering an opportunity for diabetes screening Consulting and assessing diabetic patients The mobile clinic toured Seventeen Willayates from Muscat, South Batinah, North Batinah, Dakhiliya, and Dhahirah Governorates. 18 26/11/2016 after Dr. Suliman edit

12 Insulin Pump Club (IPC)
Established in early 2015 under the jurisdiction of ODA as a collaboration between the ODA and the National Diabetes and Endocrine Center and adoption and support from Bahwan Healthcare Center. It aims to achieve the following: Facilitate a shared platform for all Insulin Pump users in Oman. Conduct regular education and awareness training & interactions. Encourage periodic training programs for Healthcare Professionals. Maintain regular updates in the Insulin Pump Therapy. 20

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