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The European Open Science Cloud, Libraries and the Long-Tail

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Presentation on theme: "The European Open Science Cloud, Libraries and the Long-Tail"— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Open Science Cloud, Libraries and the Long-Tail
Wolfram Horstmann „How can RDA IG/WG contribute to the creation of the EOSC?“ February 27, RDA Europe

2 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons

3 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons

4 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons



7 http://www. reinerbeckerarchitekten
[Anlass der Präsentation]

8 Institutional Library Services
Learning Space & Venue Information Provision Publication Services Research Space Cultural Heritage

9 Research funds in libraries increase

10 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons








18 Institutional Level Implications
The “last mile challenge“ for EOSC Institutions (labs, IT Services, libraries) should be the ultimate benchmark Include early in the project and „rules of engagement“ Majority of research takes place in universities not in specialized infrastructure or data centres

19 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons

20 We’re Europe’s largest research library network.
Founded in 1971. Based in The Hague. But first, a little more about LIBER. We are the Association of European Research Libraries. We were founded 45 years ago in 1971, so we’ve been around a while – we’re quite OK from a sustainability perspective! And over the last few decades we’ve grown steadily. We represent over 400 university, national and research institute libraries from over 40 countries, so it’s quite a big network. In this photo – taken at our most recent Annual Conference in Helsinki, in June - you actually see over 500 people. Many of them are library directors, but there are also many staff members from all parts of the library: data librarians, copyright librarians, digital preservationists. And I mention this to drive home the point that LIBER is not just an organisation that serves the library director, but one which aims to help staff in all parts of the organisation with their work. We work together to represent the interests of European research libraries, and researchers. For example, we collaborate with our member libraries on EU projects. We meet. We learn from each other. We share. We reflect and learn from events such as our annual conference. As an association, some of the things we stand for are: -High-quality services for all users of library and information services -Intellectual freedom and equal access to information -Collaboration with people and other organisations across Europe – we believe that to reach our goals, we have to work with others. We can’t do it all on our own. -Leadership, innovation and a willingness to embrace opportunities for change (absolutely critical if you think of the challenges libraries are facing) **3m30 seconds**

21 400+ libraries University, national and special libraries.

22 Overview Libraries & Research Data Organisation & Mobilisation
10 recommendations for libraries to get started with RDM 2012 Case Studies ON RDM 2014 Workshops at LIBER conferences 2014 FF EU-PROJECTS


24 Active On the horizon Mobilisation Offering and planning RDS service
Consultative (Discussion e.g. metadata, policy, training, outreach) 38% provide tech support On the horizon 42% plannig tech support 48% planning ID support 43% planning metadata services West and north more involved in discussions

25 LIBER Strategy [Anlass der Präsentation]

26 Mobilsation

27 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons

28 I assume this the EC Projects are known...

29 Just one Thing since we want to talk about the long tail
What about Humanities? Just one Thing since we want to talk about the long tail

30 Digital infrastructure for the arts and humanities

31 DH data producing projects in the national and EU context


33 But the long-tail is not humanities, it is the majority of research

34 European Level Implications
The “ecosystem challenge“ for EOSC Define clearer relations to ESFRI, e-INFRA etc. Define clearer what is horizontal and what is vertical („Squaring the circle!“) And again: link to local research institutions

35 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons


37 Library Perspective(s) – today‘s selection
Institutional Library Institutional Data Liaisons European Libraries European Data Liaisons Global Libraries Global Data Liaisons

38 RDA Libraries for Research Data (L4RD) Interest Group

39 RDA L4RD Quick Overview Chairs: Kathleen Shearer, Wolfram Horstmann, Michael Witt Wiki: Subscribers: 250+ people (largest group in RDA) RDA P2 first BoF meeting - Washington, D.C. RDA P3 BoF: Research Data Skills in Libraries - Dublin RDA P4 BoF: Research Data Solutions in Libraries - Amsterdam RDA P5 IG: Organizational Models for Data Services - San Diego RDA P6 IG: Developing and Adapting to Research Data Policies in Libraries - Paris RDA P7 IG: Applying Global Information-sharing and Collaboration in Libraries to Local Practice - Tokyo

40 Examples of L4RD associated activities/outputs:
IFLA Journal Special Issue on Research Data Services 23 Things: Libraries for Research Data Joint RDA-IFLA program in August 2015 at the 81st IFLA World Library and Information Congress RDA Sloan DataShare internship ‘Exploring Organizational Approaches to Research Data in Academic Libraries’ How to Establish Research Data Solutions in Libraries briefing paper How to Maximize Research Data Skills in Libraries briefing paper Engagement within RDA jointly with other interest and working groups: Data Rescue, Repository Platforms, Domain Repositories, etc. Engagement between RDA and library community, e.g., open call, IFLA, ALA, LIBER, IASSIST, ASIST RDAP, etc.




44 Global Level Implications
The “funding/legislation challenge“ for EOSC Researcher do not know boundaries: a concept to overcome funding or legislation boundaries? Global library consortia? NGOs?

45 The „Long Tail“ of Research

46 Larger parts of research use small data
The 2011 survey by Science, found that 48.3% of respondents were working with datasets that were less than 1GB in size and over half of those polled store their data only in their laboratories. Science 11 February 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6018 pp  DOI:  /science ----- Meeting Notes ( :43) ----- A 2011 survey of 1700 researchers across disciplines undertaken by the journal, Science, found that 48.3% of respondents were working with datasets that were less than 1GB in size and over half of those polled store their data only in their laboratories. Even where accessible, data in many fields is too poorly organized to enable it to be efficiently used. The use of standards and best practices for data management is extremely variable. The survey by Science found that, “even within a single institution there are no standards for storing data, so each lab, or often each fellow, uses ad hoc approaches.” “Different institutions archive their research data in different ways - making access difficult from outside the institution.” Science 11 February 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6018 pp  DOI:  /science Because there is only a tiny fraction of large projects and a loooooooooooooong tail of small projects Can you see the curve?

47 Big Data, Long-Tail Data
No. Head Tail 1 Homogeneous Heterogeneous 2 Large Small 3 Common standards Unique standards 4 Regulated Not Regulated 5 Central curation Individual curation 6 Disciplinary repositories Institutional, general or no repositories Adapted from: Shedding Light on the Dark Data in the Long Tail of Science by P. Bryan Heidorn. 2008 “Disks in your drawer; server in lab basement” Long Tail Data exist across all disciplines

48 Institutional, domain or no repositories
Science 11 February 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6018 pp  DOI:  /science

49 Long Tail of Research Data Interest Group
Accepted as an RDA Interest Group in Summer 2013 190 members from around the world Objectives To better understand the long tail To address challenges involved in managing diverse datasets To share and develop practices for managing diverse data To work towards greater interoperability across repositories “Thanks for the slides, Kathleen!” Kathleen Sheerer, COAR Executive Director and Co-Chair of the RDA IG

50 Long Tail of Research Data Interest Group
Activities-to-date Survey of discovery metadata Discussion of strategies for improving discoverability of datasets make it easier for researchers to deposit their data sharing practices about discovery interoperability across repositories (WG!)

51 Summary Findings of the IG
The Long Tail of Research – as we discuss it here – is where the majority of innovation, citation, and data is generated Diversity is the main challenge but also the way research is organizing itself Long-Tail metaphor is established but has „minority-stigma“ The institutional perspective needs to be fostered

52 „How can RDA IG/WG contribute to the creation of the EOSC?“

53 How can the RDA Library IG contribute to the creation of the EOSC?
Last Mile challenge for EOSC, institutional Define the role of the local liaison e.g. awareness, training, curation concepts Ecosystem challenge for EOSC, European Mobilize the library community (LIBER) Building partnership concepts between local labs, IT Services, Research Offices Funder & legislation challenge for EOSC , global Clarify societal challenge of research heritage

54 How can the RDA Long-Tail IG contribute to the creation of the EOSC?
Last Mile challenge for EOSC, institutional Stakeholder analysis, mapping the long-tail Conceptualize links between Zenodo, DataCite, Re3Data, Figshare etc to EOSC (WG?) Ecosystem challenge for EOSC, European EC-Policy formation for long-tail (cf. ESFRI paper) Funder & legislation challenge for EOSC , global Policy briefing paper upcoming

55 Thanks

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