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Barriers in accessing eye care

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1 Barriers in accessing eye care
Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology

2 Review Article - 1 People Who Don't Use Eye Services: 'Making the Invisible Visible‘ - Martine Donoghue BSc MSc , Research Fellow Department of Epidemiology & Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK Community Eye Health Vol.12 No p36-38

3 Reasons for the Poor Use of Eye Services
Fear - damage /'spoil' eyes - miscellaneous fears. Cannot leave family/work responsibilities. Post-operative recommendations put them off. Treatment cost. Can manage - treatment not necessary. Too old. Fatalistic - 'God's will'. No escort. Lack of transport. Distance. Conclusion: We need to raise awareness about the low use of cataract services, and adopt strategies which promote equality in eye service delivery, access and use.

4 Article - 2 Reasons for Low Uptake of Eye Care Services Among Tribal and Non-Tribal People in Mysore District: An Anthropological Study - C. K. Kantharaju* and H.K. Bhat** Department of Studies in Anthropology, University of Mysore, Mysore , Karnataka, India Anthropologist, 8(2): (2006)

5 List of barriers identified among non-tribal people for low uptake of eye care services
Types of responses Male Female Total No money 72 68 140 Lack of information on eye care services 43 24 67 Fear of surgery or treatment 23 32 55 Lack of time 30 17 47 Presence of other illness like asthma, Blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes etc 18 21 39 Nobody to accompany 16 13 29

6 List of barriers identified among non-tribal people for low uptake of eye care services
Types of responses Male Female Total No faith in the treatment 9 10 19 Shyness among women to wearing spectacle 2 16 18 Lack of family members who are willing to accompany the blinds to get treatment 8 7 15 Lack of interest to undergo operation in old age 6 14 Believe in there is no proper treatment 13

7 List of barriers identified among members of Scheduled Tribes for low uptake of eye care services
Types of responses Male Female Total No money 65 17 137 Lack of information on eye care services 25 36 61 Fear of surgery or treatment 43 39 79 Lack of family members those who willing to blinds to get treatment 20 31 51 Lack of interest to undergo operation in old age 13 30 No faith in the treatment 10 9 19 Presence of other illness: like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes etc. 3 5 8 Shyness among women to wearing spectacle

8 Article - 3 Low Uptake of Eye Services in Rural India – A challenge for programs of blindness prevention – Astrid E. Fletcher, PhD., Martine Donoghue, Msc., John Devaram, Msc., R.D.Thulasiraj,MBA.,Susana Scott,Msc., Moha Abdalla, PhD., C.A.K. Shanmugam,MD, P. Balamuruagn,BA. Arch ophthalmol, 1999;117;

9 Reason for Non use of Eye Care Services
Responses Person with eye problem N = 743 Key informants N = 565 Fear Spoiling eyes 163 (21.9) 78 (13.8) Miscellaneous 85 (11.4) 70 (12.4) Can manage 207 (27.9) 126 (22.3) Can not leave family or work responsibilities 194 (26.1) 82 (14.5) Treatment cost 180 (24.2) 97 (17.2) Post operative recommendations 128 (17.2) 48 (8.5) “God’s will 103 (13.9) 80 (14.2) Too old 95 (12.8) 63 (11.2) No point, blind already 2 (0.3) 1 (0.2) Miscellaneous reasons 118 (15.9) 133 (23.5) Made no comment 47 (6.3) 69 (12.2)

10 conclusion A salient message from this study is that providing services and promoting the knowledge of them is not sufficient to ensure the use of eye care.

11 Review Article - 4 Recognising and Reducing Barriers to Cataract Surgery- Susan Lewallen MD, Paul Courtright Dr PH British Columbia Centre for Epidemiologic & International Ophthalmology- St Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC Community Eye Health Vol 13 No

12 Cultural and Social Barriers
There is an increasing amount of data demonstrating that women are significantly less likely to receive cataract surgery than men, in spite of the fact that cataract surgical rates in women are slightly higher than those in men.

13 Knowledge of Services Community based education about cataract has not been undertaken in most areas; when it is, the demand for surgery will increase. Not only must patients be made aware of the existence of the service, but they need to know what to expect: • how long surgery will take? • what will it cost? • will it be painful?

14 Role of community Health care workers at the village level must be made aware of existing services. Lack of knowledge of services as a barrier may be reduced by: Using health workers (including community based rehabilitation workers) and/or traditional healers to find, screen and educate patients about cataract surgery Using successfully operated patients as educators and motivators Educational campaigns using available media resources.

15 Low vision

16 Article - 5 Perceived Barriers to the Provision of Low Vision Services among Ophthalmologists in India - Sarfaraz A Khan, MD; Shamanna BR, MD; Rishita Nuthethi, MSc Indian J Opthalmol 2005;53:69-75Vol. 53 No. 1

17 Major barrier/constraint expressed in providing low vision care
Responses No % Q1 Lack of training / knowledge in low vision care 65 82.3 Q2 Lack of awareness about low vision services 59 74.7 Q3 Non availability of Low Vision Devises 57 72.2 Q4 Lack of motivation 43 54.4 Q5 Low Vision Care is time consuming 37 46.8 Q6 Busy in providing general ophthalmology services 35 44.3 Q7 Low Vision Care is not lucrative 14 17.7 Q8 Low Vision Services are not effective in helping patients 10 12.7

18 Refractive error

19 Article - 6 Barriers to seeking care following school vision screening in Rochester, Minnesota. Yawn BP, Kurland M, Butterfield L, Johnson B. Dept. of Research, Olmsted Medical Center, Rochester, MN 55904, USA. This project used community focus groups in Rochester, Minn., to identify barriers that may delay seeking professional care following school vision screening.

20 Barriers Major barriers identified included lack of community awareness about the frequency and potential effect of refractive errors in children A parental perception of inadequate communication between schools and the parents and community, High cost of corrective lenses Limited availability of convenient eye care appointments Adolescents reluctance to wear glasses. Program planners developed a community action plan to address the perceived barriers.

21 The Health Belief Model

22 Receiver Provider Barriers Acceptable Accessible Affordable
Appropriate Provider Manpower Materials Management Money

23 Providers Resource barriers Geographical barriers
Healthcare Strategies barriers Socio-Cultural Barriers

24 Barriers – Individual General Physical Economic No aware/knowledge
Lack of information Distance My vision is ok/normal No camp No service provider/No access Lack of information on eye care Old age Other disability/handicapped Unable to walk Asthma, hypertension, Diabetic, cardiovascular diseases Sick No money for transport, No money surgery cost Postoperative care/work

25 Barriers – Individual Psychological Social and family
Fear/ fear of surgery It is not treatable God’s will My own sin Wrong perception Fear of death Superstitious belief/ misconception about operation Mental stress/strain/beliefs Operation is Painful No one to accompany/no attendee Other work priority Family problems Being alone Family culture – women No help from family members Depend on family Festival/marriage Lack of family support Spiritual/ traditional healers Previous bad experience

26 Breaking the barriers Happy patients after surgery Counseling
Zero cost patient policy Training of volunteers and translators Target oriented education Criteria for referral Giving transportation to the patients Written information

27 Use of existing network of Health Promoters in the communities
Contact the Health Promoter of the communities or network Training of the health Promoter Outreach activity with the Health Promoter in there community. Follow up

28 Thank you

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