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1. Why was there an economic boom?

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Presentation on theme: "1. Why was there an economic boom?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Why was there an economic boom?

2 This question is all about the American economy (money)
This question is all about the American economy (money). Don’t learn about any event without knowing how it impacted on the American economy. Did it make it stronger or did it make it weaker. I will provide you with the notes/factual detail for one side of your flash card, you must fill in the temperature and write your explanation/justification on the back Strong Economy Weak Economy

3 Flash Card 1: The impact of World War One
Loans at the end of WWI American late entry to the war Demand for agricultural products Strong Economy Weak Economy

4 Flash Card 2: Republican Government policies
Laissez Faire Cut taxes Increased tariffs Kept trade unions weak Strong Economy Weak Economy

5 Flash Card 3: American big business
Assembly Line Allowed products to be bought by Credit Started advertising Mail Order Strong Economy Weak Economy

6 Flash Card 4: The stock market
Companies encouraged to sell shares in their company Government allowing “Buying on the margin” Strong Economy Weak Economy

7 Flash Card 5: Old Industries
Farmers Sharecroppers Coalmining and ship building. Strong Economy Weak Economy

8 2. How intolerant was America Society?

9 This question is all about effects of the boom
This question is all about effects of the boom. Was America liberal or intolerant? Don’t learn about any event without knowing if it was forward thinking or caused people to be unaccepting of different viewpoints. As always you must fill in the temperature and write your explanation/justification on the back Intolerant Liberal

10 Flash Card 6: Roaring 20s Jazz age Movies Sports An immoral age?.
Intolerant Liberal

11 Flash Card 6: Prohibition causes
Loss of production Domestic Violence and crime WCTU WWI Poverty Intolerant Liberal

12 Flash Card 7: Prohibition effects
Moonshine Speakeasies Organised Crime Gang warfare Intolerant Liberal

13 Flash Card 8: Prohibition repealed
Big Businesses Depression Problems with enforcement Intolerant Liberal

14 Flash Card 9: Women Work Politics Flappers Intolerant Liberal

15 Flash Card 10: Immigration
New immigrants Red Scare Quota act Sacco and Vanzetti Intolerant Liberal

16 Flash Card 11: Racism Jim Crow Laws North South Split The KKK
Intolerant Liberal

17 Flash Card 12: Religious intolerance
Butler Act and how it was broken The Trial The punishments Intolerant Liberal

18 3. What caused the American Depression?

19 This question is all about the causes of the American depression
This question is all about the causes of the American depression. Which factor was the root cause? How influential was on. Judge this on its own and in conjunction with other events. Big cause Small cause

20 Flash Card 13: Underlying problems
Unemployment Laissez faire Unequal distribution of wealth + demand post mass production? Big reason for Crash Small reason for crash

21 Flash Card 14: Underlying problems
Buying on the margin and bank loans Shares not representing value Big business in control (poor working conditions) Big cause Small cause

22 Flash Card 15: The Wall Street Crash
Collapse of confidence (panic selling) Bankers plan to calm things down Effects of panic selling (suicides) Big cause Small cause

23 Flash Card 16: The Wall Street Crash effects on:
Banks Business US Citizens Intolerant Liberal

24 Flash Card 17: Government reaction:
Who was Herbert Hoover Hoover’s steps to tackle the crisis Big cause Small cause

25 Flash Card 18: Social effects on the people
Soup kitchens and self help Hoovervilles Migrating (Hobos) Dust Bowl Big cause Small cause

26 Flash Card 19: Government unpopularity
Rising resentment Bonus Army New election Big cause Small cause

27 4. Was the New Deal a success?

28 This question is all about how effective the New Deal was
This question is all about how effective the New Deal was. Did it solve America’s problems? Solved it Didn’t solve it

29 Flash Card 20: What was the New Deal
What was its aim? What were the 100 days? How did Roosevelt let people know the measures he was going to put in place Solved it Didn’t solve it

30 Flash Card 21: The First New Deal
Which measures helped depressed areas? Which measures helped banks? Which measure helped farmers? Solved it Didn’t solve it

31 Flash Card 22: The First New Deal
Which measures helped industries? Which measures helped unemployed? Which measures helped homeowners? Solved it Didn’t solve it

32 Flash Card 23: Republican and business Opposition to the New Deal
A waste of money Levels of interference too high Unfair restrictions on established “Big business” Solved it Didn’t solve it

33 Flash Card 24: Left wing/radical opposition to the New Deal
Huey Long Dr Francis Townsend Supreme Court Solved it Didn’t solve it

34 Flash Card 25: Extent of recovery?
Spending vs Unemployment? Need for a 2nd New Deal? Solved it Didn’t solve it

35 Flash Card 26: Second New Deal
African Americans Industrial workers Solved it Didn’t solve it

36 Flash Card 27: Success? Was the New Deal a success or failure?
Solved it Didn’t solve it

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