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Lesson 1 What are the parts of a plant?. Lesson 1 What are the parts of a plant?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1 What are the parts of a plant?. Lesson 1 What are the parts of a plant?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Lesson 1 What are the parts of a plant?

3 Lesson 2 How are seeds scattered?

4 Lesson 3 How are plants grouped?

5 Lesson 4 How are some woodland plants adapted?

6 How are some prairie and dessert
Lesson 5 and 6 How are some prairie and dessert plants adapted?

7 Lesson 7 How are some marsh plants adapted?

8 Lesson 1 What are the parts of a plant? Lesson 2 How are seeds scattered? Lesson 3 How are plants grouped? Lesson 4 How are some woodland plants adapted? Lesson 5 and 6 How are some prairie and dessert plants adapted? Lesson 7 How are some marsh plants adapted? $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 What are nutrients? Page 7

10 Materials that living things need to live and grow

11 What part holds up the plant? Page 8-9

12 The stem

13 What 5 things do all plants need? Page 7

14 Water, air, sunlight, space, and nutrients

15 Why is the flower important? Page 9

16 It makes new seeds that might grow into new plants.

17 What is the job of each part of this plant? Page 8-9

18 -the roots hold the plant in place and take water and nutrients
from the soil to the stem -the stem carries water and nutrients to the leaves and holds up the plant -the leaves take in sunlight and air and use it with air, water and nutrients to make food -the flower makes seeds which might grow into new plants

19 How might a small seed get from one island to another? Page 10

20 Float on water, be carried by wind, be carried by a bird

21 How does the fruit of a maple tree travel? Page 11

22 It travels by falling through the air.

23 Which fruit mentioned on
page 11 gets stuck to an animal’s fur? Page 11

24 A burr

25 How are plant fruits different? Page 10-11

26 travel in different ways.
They have different sizes, shapes, and travel in different ways.

27 Name 3 ways that seeds travel. Page 10-11

28 getting stuck on people and animals that travel.
Fruits travel by air, by water, and by getting stuck on people and animals that travel.

29 Which part of a plant protects seeds? Page 12

30 Fruit

31 Where are the seeds of pine trees found? Page 14-15

32 In cones

33 Name some fruits you can eat. Page 12

34 Oranges, Apples, Tomatoes, Watermelon

35 How do flowers make it possible for plants to make more plants? Page 13

36 The flowers form seeds. The seeds can grow into new plants.

37 How are plants grouped? Page 12-15

38 Flowering No Flowers

39 How do a pine tree’s leaves help the tree? Page 16

40 They keep the leaves from drying out in the winter.

41 In the fall, what happens to maple leaves before they fall off the tree? Page 17

42 They change colors

43 How are pine trees like maple trees? Page 17

44 have adaptations to cold
Both plants have adaptations to cold weather.

45 What are conditions like near streams and rivers? Page 18

46 Wet

47 How is a fanwort adapted to its wet habitat? Page 19

48 through the fine, thin leaves.
Water easily runs through the fine, thin leaves.

49 What is a prairie? Page 20

50 with lots of grass and few
A flat land with lots of grass and few trees

51 How are goldenrod plants adapted? Page 20

52 The plant has stiff stems and leaves to keep water.

53 smoke adapt to living on
How does a prairie smoke adapt to living on the prairie? Page 21

54 to keep the water it needs.
It has fuzz on its stem and leaves to keep the water it needs.

55 Tell about the climate of the desert. Page 22

56 Sunny and hot during the days
Cool at night

57 What protects the leaves of
an octopus tree? Page 23

58 Its spines

59 What wet environment has many plants such as cattails and sundew plants? Page 24-25

60 A Marsh

61 Why do some plant trap animals? Page 25

62 To get nutrients

63 What will happen to a plant if it does not get the nutrients it needs? Page 24-25

64 It will die or not grow as well.

65 How does a sundew plant trap insects? Page 25

66 drops that look like water. The drops attract insects.
The plant makes sticky drops that look like water. The drops attract insects. The insects get stuck in the plant’s hairs.

67 different from a desert?
How is a marsh different from a desert? Page 24-25

68 A marsh is very wet, and a desert is very dry.


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