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Kindergarten Curriculum Night

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1 Kindergarten Curriculum Night

2 Red Folder Please check your child’s red folder each night (important notes from school, notes from the teacher, etc). Behavior chart should stay in the folder. If you are sending a note to school please let your child know you are putting a note in their folder so they can remember to give it to their teacher. Unfinished Work Any unfinished work can be completed at home. It does not need to be returned to school unless it says otherwise.

3 Rainbow Behavior System
Our school-wide positive behavior management system that uses colors to help students understand and monitor expectation for classroom behavior… Child’s color is reported home DAILY in red folder (K & 1st Grade) or assignment notebook (2nd grade). Behavior expectations are in place in classroom, specials, lunch, recess, etc. Pink is celebrated at the classroom level. The rainbow may not work for every child. Classroom interventions Separate behavior chart GREEN IS THE GOAL! WHAT IS IT? The “Rainbow Behavior System” is a school-wide positive behavior management system that uses colors to help students understand and monitor expectation for classroom behavior. Each teacher has a rainbow pocket or clip chart in her classroom. Students are discretely identified on the chart and movements are made up and down the chart based on individual behaviors. This behavior support system relies on three principles: drawing attention to rule-following behavior, enlisting students as providers of reinforcement for their peers, and utilizing naturally occurring classroom activities and/or privileges to promote positive behaviors. These methods rapidly help teachers achieve a positive classroom environment. All of our teachers do a terrific job of targeting not only inappropriate behaviors, but rewarding positive ones. The Rainbow Behavior System is a terrific way to address both in a visual way. All students, everyday, will start on green. Colors and their explanations are listed below. PINK OUTSTANDING Repeatedly going above expectations or repeatedly exhibiting our Character Counts Traits PURPLE GREAT JOB Not only ready to learn, but going above and beyond expectations GREEN READY TO LEARN Meeting all expectations for behavior YELLOW THINK ABOUT IT Warning, think about your choices ORANGE TEACHER CHOICE Consequence appropriate for negative behavior RED PARENT CONTACT Repeated negative behaviors or even one serious behavior (i.e. fighting) – Note Home or Phone Call HOW WILL I KNOW HOW MY CHILD IS DOING? Kindergarten and 1st grade students will have a monthly calendar that will be filled out with the color he/she ended the day on. This calendar will come home daily and BE KEPT IN THE RED TAKE HOME FOLDER AT ALL TIMES. There is a space on the back of the sheet for the teacher to comment regarding your child’s color for the day. At the end of the week, please sign this calendar in the space provided and keep it in the folder. 2nd grade students will report their color daily in their student planner. HOW CAN I SUPPORT MY CHILD AT HOME? Green is the goal! While pink and purple are certainly worth celebrating, green and yellow are appropriate colors for daily behavior. It is important that you and your child have a common understanding of the colors that includes yellow being a reminder of positive, appropriate behaviors. Most of our students are just learning expectations for being a student so occasional reminders and warnings will be necessary. With yellow and orange, you should not be overly concerned unless it becomes a consistent pattern. If you ever have any questions, your child’s teacher. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO KNOW? - The rainbow isn’t for every child. This year, our teachers will work with Ms. Moss, our social worker, to support students that don’t seem to respond to orange and red reminders. While they’ll still have opportunity to move up to purple and pink, some children will have their rainbow chart replaced with a behavior tracking system that better supports their goals for improved behavior in the classroom. - The rainbow does not start and stop in the classroom. At specials, lunch, and recess, students can be given suns or clouds for their behavior, as needed. A sun results in moving up and a cloud means moving down, upon returning to the classroom. - Teachers have different styles for classroom management. While this is a consistent system, the frequency of moving students up and what constitutes positive behaviors is based on classroom make-up, need, and teacher discretion. Due to the unique nature of each teacher’s learning environment, “pink” will be celebrated in the individual classroom rather than with a school-wide “pink award.” We’re confident you’ll be well aware when your proud child comes home after earning pink or purple!

4 Housekeeping Student of the Week QR code reader app
Label all clothes, lunch boxes, snack containers, water bottles, etc. Snacks – healthy, quick, let your child know what is their snack, water only with snack Outside Dress for 20 minutes of recess No Flip Flops

5 PTO Volunteers ALWAYS welcome & needed: COLORPALOOZA!!
PTO is a group of parents who willingly volunteer to organize all these events for our students, but many of the events need additional volunteers to make them run smoothly and safely. You can volunteer for any event regardless of which school it supports. Look for events and volunteer opportunities in the form of notes home and the PTO newsletter. Like us on Facebook Boo Hoo Breakfast Ice Cream Social COLORPALOOZA!! Rt. 66 Derby Halloween Room Parties and WC and AM Halloween MJH Winter MJH Winter Room WC and AM Valentine’s Wolves Game Family Activity Day (Bowling) Family Movie Night Father Daughter Dance Spring WC and AM Mother Son Laser Tag Spring MJH Olympic WC Field Park MJH

6 MSD 114 Wellness Plan All school districts are now required to develop and maintain a plan for health and wellness. Most changes required by the Federal Guidelines and USDA “Smart Snacks in Schools” standards apply to Anna McDonald and Manhattan Junior High. Wellness Plan components applied to Wilson Creek: No edible birthday treats. No additional food served during lunch. (ie. Picnic with Principal popsicles) No routine snacks or treats. (ie. candy for everyone on Fridays) Teachers will manage and monitor use of edible classroom rewards. Whole class rewards will be portioned appropriately. (ie. Demon Dollar pizza) PTO sponsored events (parties) are exempt.

7 Morning Work All Kindergarten classrooms do morning work.
Transitions students from arrival Reinforces the following: Writing component name color words sight words Math component number concepts counting Coloring component develops fine motor skills allows others time to complete

8 Homework Homework pages go home on Tuesday and Thursday.
Both reinforce skills learned that week Both are due the following school day. Homework is stamped ‘‘HOMEWORK’’ Name practice sheets We will continue to send sheets home for students that would benefit from additional help with writing their name.

9 Homework Please sit with your child and assist them with their homework. Your child should use pencil only on their homework. Help your child use the correct pencil grip.

10 SIGHT WORD LISTS Each week two new sight words will be introduced. They are listed on the back of the red folder and on the weekly newsletter. Today you will go home with word list 1. As soon as your child knows all the words, please sign and return the right side. After your child passes the test by reading all the sight words, they will receive the next word list. If not, we will return the list with any missed words circled so that you may continue practicing. Once your child has mastered the list, please return it so that they may be re-tested.

11 SIGHT WORD LISTS Children should be FLUENT with the words before returning the word lists. (They should know them in a snap!) We recommend making sight word flash cards with index cards and keeping at home. Continue going over ALL the words from EACH of the word lists. Children will be tested on ALL words introduced at the end of each quarter.

12 Phonics Skills Covered Throughout The Year:
Begins with four letters a week Letter cues aligned with FUNdations Skills Covered Throughout The Year: Letter Sounds Blending Word Families Segmenting Long Vowels Sound Isolation and Manipulation

13 What is The Daily Five? The Daily Five is a literacy structure that allows for differentiation in the classroom and provides consistency. The program includes a combination of whole group mini-lessons, small group and individual reading and writing practice. It is a system of five literacy tasks that teaches students independence.

14 Read to Someone/Work on iPads
5 Tasks of the Daily 5 It is called The Daily Five because there are five literacy components for children to choose from when they go off to work. These components are: Read to Self Read to Someone/Work on iPads Work on Writing Listen to Reading Word Work

15 Handwriting without tears
Handwriting Without Tears curriculum uses developmentally appropriate, multisensory tools to teach students how to master handwriting. The program addresses all styles of learning. Children touch, feel, and manipulate real objects as they learn to write. The program teaches the easiest skills first and builds on prior knowledge as more difficult letters are introduced. This is done in a fun way that is motivating for students.

16 Writing First half of year is focused on handwriting and what it means to be a writer Second half of year will focus on genre writing Narrative Opinion Informative

17 EnVision Math Curriculum
There are 16 topics within these 5 domains. There are multiple lessons within each topic. Counting and Cardinality Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers and Operations in Base 10 Measurement and Data Geometry

18 EnVision Math Curriculum
Each lesson has a math mat to go along with the lesson. An explore activity is done together in class and uses manipulatives. The back side involves guided and independent practice. After each topic the children will be given a math test. A practice test is sent home the week of the test to review the skills covered within that topic.

19 Parent Teacher Conference sign up

20 Thank you for your continued support and being a partner in your child’s education!

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