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Published byMillicent Shanna Clark Modified over 7 years ago
Southfield Elementary Janice Sharpe, Principal
Annual Title I Parent Meeting | Southfield Elementary Janice Sharpe, Principal 08/21st & 22/ 2017 5:30 p.m. & 10:00 a.m. Note: Please do not remove any of the information from this presentation. The contents consist of items directly aligned with the Title I Law. Please ADD items as needed, i.e. your school’s data charts, grade level requirements, parent and family engagement documents/activities etc. Thank you
Annual Title I Parent Meeting 2017-2018
What is a Title I School? How does our school participate in the Title I Program? What are the benefits of Title I funding? How is Title I Parent and Family Engagement money spent? What are our school’s Title I school-wide requirements? What are the District and school goals? What curriculum does our school use? What is College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI)?
Annual Title I Parent Meeting 2017-2018
What tests will my child take? What is our school’s Designation Status? What is Family Engagement? What is required by law for parent and family engagement? Does my child’s teacher meet professional qualifications? What opportunities does the school provide for family engagement? How responsive will the school be to questions when staff is contacted? Closing and evaluations
What is Title I? The purpose of Title I under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high‐quality education and each, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. In 2015, The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaced its predecessor, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), and modified but did not eliminate provisions relating to the periodic standardized tests given to students Like the No Child Left Behind Act, ESSA is a reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which established the federal government's expanded role in public education. A Title I school has qualified to receive federal funding under this act.
How does our school participate in Title I?
Overview How does our school participate in Title I? Hiring additional teachers and other support staff to reduce class size. Purchasing supplemental instructional materials and educational programs. Conducting parent activities and workshops focusing on content academic areas. Providing professional development for teachers and staff.
What are the benefits of Title I funding?
Overview What are the benefits of Title I funding? All Bibb County Public Schools have Title I school-wide programs In a school-wide program, all students benefit from Title I resources Development and revision to the district/school improvement plans Development of annual revision to the Family Engagement Policy/Plan Development and revision to our annual School-Parent Compact
How does our school spend Title I money?
Overview How does our school spend Title I money? Resources to support academic instruction - Read 180, DreamBox for Math Lab, System44 Personnel - 2 paraprofessionals - 2 teachers - Family Engagement Facilitator - 1 Full-time and 1 Part-time Instructional Coach
What are our school’s Title I school-wide requirements?
Overview What are our school’s Title I school-wide requirements?
District Goals All students will reach high standards with a minimum attaining the following proficiency by 2020: Increase Lexile scores with 90% of students reading on grade level. Increase graduation rate with 90% of students graduating within 4 years. Strategic Priorities #1 - Get students reading on grade level. Strategic Priorities #2 - Be successful on the Georgia Milestones. Strategic Priorities #3 - Increase the number of students in school every day.
School Goals Reading Kindergarten: All Kindergarten students must be able to identify letters of the alphabet, must know 26 letter sounds and read a minimum of 75 sight words on the Bibb County Sight Word List 1st Grade: 70% of students in 1st grade will increase reading fluency on the Oral Reading Fluency of the DIBELS Assessment. 2nd Grade: 50% of students in 2nd grade will increase reading skills based on DIBELS and Star 360. 3rd Grade: Increase 3rd graders Lexile from 25% to 50% as measured on DIBELS and Star 360. 4th Grade: Increase the number of students reading on grade level from 31% to 52% as measured on the 2018 Georgia Milestones. 5th Grade: Increase the number of students reading on grade level from 44% to 52% as measured on the 2018 Georgia Milestones.
Math Goals Kindergarten: All Kindergarten students will be able to name numerals 0-20, count sets with 0-20 objects and write how many 1st Grade: 60% of first grade students will increase proficiency in Math skills on Star 360 2nd Grade: 50% of students will increase math skills through number sense- addition and subtraction/ regrouping 3rd Grade: Increase the number of students at or above developing in Math from 53% to 62% on the Georgia Milestones 4th Grade: Increase the number of students at or above developing in Math from 49% to 62% on the Georgia 5th Grade: Increase the number of students at or above developing in Math from 43% to 57% on the Georgia
Instructional Programs and Curriculum
Teacher System 44 Clanton Read 180 Johnson Sonday Reading Wisdom Imagine Learning (ESOL) Amy Lane EIP (Early Intervention Program) Clanton & Team Georgia Standards of Excellence Kindergarten-5 GELDs (Georgia Early Learning & Development Standards Pre-K
What is a College and Career Ready Performance Index?
The CCRPI is the state accountability method used to measure school performance. The following indicators will be used to determine performance instead of a single test score: 1. Achievement 2. Achievement Gap Closure 3. Progress 4. Exceeding the Bar Indicators
2017 College and Career Ready Performance Index
Our District’s CCRPI Score: TBA Our School’s CCRPI Score: Southfield Elementary
What tests will my child be taking?
Assessment Type Grade Level GKIDS Readiness Check Kindergarten DIBELS Kindergarten-3 Read 180 SRI 4 * 5th Grade Star Learning Screening (Reading & Math) Kindergarten-5th Progress Assessment 3rd-5th Grade GA Milestones Gifted Screening (selected students) Kindergarten-12
Southfield’s 2017 GA Milestones Data
Our School’s Designation Status: Southfield is a Priority School
What is our School’s Designation Status? Our School’s Designation Status: Southfield is a Priority School Identification of Priority Schools: 1. A three-year average of performance on the Content Mastery category of the CCRPI is calculat-ed for all schools (this category is based on performance on statewide assessments) 2. Schools are ranked based on their three-year average in the CCRPI Content Mastery category 3. The lowest five percent of Title I schools in the state, based on the three-year average in the CCRPI Content Mastery category, is identified 4. High schools with a four-year cohort graduation rate less than 60 percent in 2013 and 2014, which are not already captured in the lowest five percent, are identified 5. Schools identified as Priority Schools in 2012, which do not meet the criteria for exiting that list, are re-identified as Priority Schools. Identification of Reward Schools: Highest-Performing Reward School Five percent of Title I schools in Georgia. Highest performance for the “All Students” group over three years. High schools with the highest graduation rates. High-Progress Reward School Ten percent of Georgia Title I schools. Highest progress in performance for the “All Students” group over three years. High schools that are making the most progress in increasing graduation rates Identification of Priority Schools: 1. A three-year average of performance on the Content Mastery category of the CCRPI is calculated for all schools (this category is based on performance on statewide assessments) 2. Schools are ranked based on their three-year average in the CCRPI Content Mastery category 3. The lowest five percent of Title I schools in the state, based on the three-year average in the CCRPI Content Mastery category, is identified 4. High schools with a four-year cohort graduation rate less than 60 percent in 2013 and 2014, which are not already captured in the lowest five percent, are identified 5. Schools identified as Priority Schools in 2012, which do not meet the criteria for exiting that list, are re-identified as Priority Schools Identification of Focus Schools: 1. A three-year average of the CCRPI Achievement Gap score is calculated for all schools 2. Schools are ranked based on their three-year average of the CCRPI Achievement Gap score 3. The lowest 10 percent of Title I schools in the state, based on the three-year average CCRPI Achievement Gap score, is identified 4. Schools identified as Focus Schools in 2012, which do not meet the criteria for exiting that list, are re-identified as Focus Schools
What is Family Engagement?
Family Engagement means the participation of parents and family members in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities. Parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education. Parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child. Parents assist with carrying out other activities, such as those described in Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Title I Family Engagement Requirements
District Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan School Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan District Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan In support of strengthening student academic achievement, the Bibb County School District (BCSD) developed this parent and family engagement plan that establishes the district’s expectations and objectives for meaningful family engagement. It describes BCSD’s commitment to engage families in the education of their children and builds the capacity of its Title I schools to succeed in reaching the district and student academic achievement goals. School Level Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan This is a plan that describes how Insert school’s name will provide opportunities to improve family engagement to support student learning. Insert school’s name values the contributions and involvement of parents and family members to establish an equal partnership for the common goal of improving student achievement. This plan describes the different ways that Insert school’s name will support family engagement and how parents can help plan and participate in activities and events to promote student learning at school and at home. School-Parent Compact A School-Parent Compact is a written agreement between parents, students and teachers developed together. It explains what families and schools can do to help children reach grade-level standards. An Effective Compact links to Learning: Links goals to the school improvement plan. Focuses on students learning skills. Describes how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction. Shares strategies parents can use at home. Explains how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress. Describes opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom. Building Capacity Build capacity to involve parents/stakeholders in an effective partnership with the school. Share and support high student academic achievement. Family Engagement Events Insert school’s name will host the family engagement events to build the capacity for strong family engagement to support a partnership among the school, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. All meetings for parents and family members will be held insert school information here. (Example: twice during the day in the morning before school and in the evening at 7:00 pm) Accessibility Provide full opportunities of parents with limited English proficiency, parents of migratory children, and parents with disabilities. Provide information and school reports in a language parents can understand, such as translated flyers or an interpreter present at meetings. Building Capacity School-Parent Compact Family EngagementEvents Accessibility
2017-2018 District Parent and Family Engagement Plan
BCSD adopted a district-wide Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan for parents on June 15, This plan is annually distributed to parents and is required for Title I schools. The policy describes how the District will: Involve parents in the CLIP and LEA Plan Provide coordination and technical assistance to schools for parent involvement Build parent and school capacity Evaluate the plan annually Involve parents in Title I school activities The district must create a Family Engagement Plan) just as schools do. 20
2017-2018 School Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Schools must créate a family Engagement plan with parent input. 21
2017-2018 School-Parent Compact
Schools must créate a school parent compact with input from parents and students. 22
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
School- Parent Compact
2017-2018 Parent and Family Engagement Guidebook
The Title I Parent and Family Engagement Guidebook also provides parents with information on family engagement and ESSA mandates.
Right to Know Professional Qualifications of Teachers and Paraprofessionals
Parent’s have the right to request information concerning your child’s teachers’ and paraprofessionals’ qualifications by contacting the school principal. 28
Family Engagement Opportunities
What does the school provide for parent and family engagement? Specific Activities planned for parents and family engagement are: Open House Annual Title I Parent Meeting Standards and Curriculum Night Math and Science Night Parent Portal; Copyright and Fair Use Literacy Night Data Nights 3 Way Communication: Home ,School and Community National Parental Involvement Week School Parent and Family Community Engagement Forum(s) Pre- K Transition & 5th Grade Smooth Move PTSO & School Council.
Family Engagement Opportunities
Ways to volunteer… Field Trips Proctoring/Testing Wednesday Folder Stuffers Room Parent PTSO Officers Career Awareness (Share your expertise) Put up bulletin boards Work with students in small groups Cafeteria Duty Add Notes
Family Engagement Opportunities
Ways to provide input and make decisions… School Council PTSO officers and attending meetings Title I Survey (November) Title I Plans School-Parent Compacts Teacher-Parent Conferences Data Night with parents & students District and School Review Forums Workshops Add Notes
YOU ARE OUR PARTNERS! Pilot Club of Macon
Church of Christ at Chapel Hill St. Luke AME Church All State Insurance Ingleside Retirement Village Beulahland Bible Church Riverside Methodist Backpack Ministry MidSouth Federal Credit Union Angela Crew-Dothard
How will we respond to families?
Ways to stay in touch! Teacher s Newsletters Conferences School Messenger Southfield Elementary Facebook Class Dojo Let’s Talk Share your ideas via the online comment card Interpreters available at meetings Documents translated as feasible for Spanish speakers Marquee School’s web page & Parent’s page Hard Copies
Families, we are here for you.
Principal Janice Sharpe (478) Assistant Principal Cynthia Jones (478) Angel Woodard (478) Counselor Deborah Searles (478) Media Center Tyveshe Johnson (478) Nutrition Cynthia Harris (478) Nurse Sharon Floyd (478) Secretary Kawunda Pryor-Jackson (478) Data Clerk Sheena Mace (478) Receptionist Nicole Steedley (478)
How will we respond to families?
Homeless / Foster Care Liaison Dr. Danielle Jones (478) Migrant Liaison Dr. Nancy Forde (478) Interpreters Clelia Kay (478) PEC Parent Mentors (478)
Thank you for attending!
Questions Thank you for attending!
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